Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World

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Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, TikTok. Before you know it there will be new ways to engage with others on social media. It's fun to be connected, but it's also a lot of pressure isn't it? Social media constantly reminds you what others are doing, how they look, and who they are with. As you check your accounts (all the time!) it can be easy to think you aren't measuring up.

What if you don't measure up? Do you cover it up with risky behavior, pack your calendar with more and more activities, crash diet, explore your sexuality, or experiment with cutting? It seems like other girls solve the problem in these ways, but they are still anxious, sad, and unsure of who they really are. Is there a better way to get comfortable in your own skin?

Face Time helps teen girls deal honestly and wisely with issues like body image, sex, dating, substance abuse, materialism, perfectionism, and comparison. Author Kristen Hatton, a trustworthy guide for teens, wants girls to have the deep security, value, worth, love, and acceptance they crave. But she points them in a different direction than they might expect. Instead of looking within, Hatton helps them to look up—to the one who made them and cares for them through all the ups and downs of their lives.

In this easy-to-read guide, Kristen Hatton takes girls on a step-by-step, hope-filled journey toward understanding who they are, who loves them, and how to live out of that love every day. Face Time is fun-to-read and engaging, using fictional but true-to-life narratives and clear biblical teaching to help girls learn to recognize lies and counter those with truth.

Kristen Hatton, M.A., LPC, is a professional counselor and author passionate about helping families. Kristen is the author of Parenting AheadFace Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World, Get Your Story Straight: A Teen's Guide to Learning and Living the Gospel, and Exodus for Teenagers: The Story of UsShe lives with her pastor-husband, Pete, in Dallas, Texas. Together they have three young adult children. a son-in-law and soon to be daughter-in-law. 
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"As a father of teens, I often feel overwhelmed and ill-equipped with the changes that social media are making in our everyday lives. Kristen Hatton has provided a huge dose of information, wisdom, and gospel-oriented encouragement in this book. I highly recommend it."
Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Theology, Westminster Seminary California; author of Core Christianity; cohost of the White Horse Inn

"We've long since passed a time when socialization of our children was the limited domain of families, churches, and schools. By teenage years our children face an array of influences, not the least being the pervasive and growing impact of social media. Kristen Hatton has written a wise, winsome, and biblically informed road map to help girls navigate an online culture that can create enormous pressure and anxiety. Highly recommended."
Tom Cannon, National Coordinator, Reformed University Fellowship

"As a woman, mom, friend, and former teenage girl herself, Kristen Hatton understands the intense pressure and devastating effects of trying to measure up in a constantly changing culture. With compassion and clarity, she offers wisdom that is deeply rooted in God's Word and God's character. She offers practical help and real hope as she shows the reader how to find the freedom that comes only through an identity in Christ."
Courtney Doctor, Director of Women's Ministry at Kirk of the Hills, PCA; author of From Garden to Glory

"Kristen has offered Christian girls and young women a rich, gospel-saturated gift in this book! She blends biblical theology and the story of redemption with frank and realistic engagement with today's youth culture and its dangers, and does so conversationally and winsomely. As a pastor/chaplain to high school and college students for the last ten years and now a father to daughters of my own, I commend this book to you as a solid resource for guiding young women toward an unshakeable identity that is grounded in the promises of a good and gracious God."
Jon Nielson, Author of Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry and Faith That Lasts: Raising Kids Who Don't Leave the Church

"Our sense of identity guides the many conscious and unconscious decisions we make. It's the lens through which we see the world. So it shouldn't be a shock that when our sense of identity becomes unhealthy, our life has a tendency to follow. Each chapter of Face Time gives us an insight into a specific lie that can infiltrate our identity and damage our sense of self. When we are able to root out these lies and get to the truth that lies beneath, we are on the path to a happier, healthier life."
Jonathan Steingard, Lead singer for Hawk Nelson

"As I read Face Time, I thought of adult women I've discipled who've struggled with similar pain and sin as the teen girls highlighted in this book. How might their faith and lives have been impacted had they read Face Time when they were younger? I recommend this book for every 'little woman' and those who love and disciple them. Face Time is the gospel-filled, wisdom-rich book I've longed to see written!"
Ellen Mary Dykas, Women's Ministry Director, Harvest USA; author of Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness and Sex and the Single Girl: Smart Ways to Care for Your Heart

"Face Time offers an age-old solution to a current crisis. Today's teenagers are the first generation of people to live their entire life with exposure to social media. Today's parents are the first to have to consider how to handle the new challenges that technology is presenting. At the end of the day, the underlying problems come down to the same, eternal human problem: our desire to manufacture our own worth and build our own righteousness. Kristen Hatton offers a wise, smart, and helpful direction on how the gospel of grace offers comfort, freedom, and life in light of these issues. This book is a life-line for an issue where so many people experience fear and desperation."
Cameron Cole, Chairman of Rooted: Advancing Grace-Driven Ministry; director of youth ministries, Cathedral Church of the Advent, Birmingham, AL; coeditor, Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry

"The depression rate in teens has been linked to the ever-increasing usage of social media, making Face Time most timely in the realm of both Christian and professional counseling. Kristen's book provides spiritual depth and truth to addictive behaviors like body image, eating disorders, and self-injury that plague hurting adolescents and adults alike. It's time to turn off the screen and dive into a book that reminds the soul of its true identity and worth."

Alice H. Churnock, Licensed Professional Counselor; Certified Eating Disorder Specialist

"Kristen's words offer a 'me too' for young women to know and understand that they aren't the only ones who deal with the comparison game that social media often presents. She breathes life into the identity of young women and reminds them that no amount of likes, comments, or validation through Instagram can satisfy the way the fierce love of the Lord can!"
MacKenzie Wilson, Founder and Creative Director, Delight Ministries

"As a mom with two girls, one in middle school and one in college, Kristen's fresh perspective brings hope to the struggles girls experience from our social media and selfie-driven world. Through the constant struggles of inadequacy, distorted desires, and obsession with appearance and performance, Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World, offers girls a gospel-centered solution to the 'identity crisis' currently consuming our distracted and disconnected culture. Kristen equips young believers with the truth of God's acceptance and encourages them to embrace who he created them to be in Christ Jesus. Her personal experiences and creative illustrations will captivate and inspire girls to look up to Jesus rather than looking at all that surrounds them. Thank you, Kristen, for impacting this generation of girls for Jesus. I can't wait to get a copy for my girls!"
Annie Pajcic, Founder of ThouArtExalted Ministries

"Kristen Hatton's passion to see the beauty and freedom of Jesus's sacrifice grow in the hearts of teenage girls couldn't possibly be more evident. Clearly a labor of love, Face Time invites teenagers to engage their lives with an idolatry and identity framework rooted in the gospel. Hatton provides realistic and relatable stories for girls to find themselves in and offers insightful questions to help them exegete their lives and culture."
Liz Edrington, MA, Coordinator of Girls' Discipleship and Young Adults at North Shore Fellowship; counselor at Summit Counseling Center, Chattanooga, TN

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10 Reviews

  • 5
    A truly wonderful book with very encouraging verses and helpful stories

    Posted by Angie Rizzo on 11 08 2021

    A truly wonderful book with very encouraging verses and helpful stories

  • 5
    A truly wonderful book with very encouraging verses and helpful stories

    Posted by Angie Rizzo on 11 08 2021

    A truly wonderful book with very encouraging verses and helpful stories

  • 4
    Great Book

    Posted by Elizabeth Santelmann on 06 28 2021

    You can tell Kristen wrote this while parenting teenaged children! The examples and the way she circles it back to the gospel is excellent. The chapters are short and accessible to teenagers!! If I could, the only thing I would do is change the font! The block letters made it harder to read! Hopefully that is adjusted in the next printing!!

  • 4
    Great Book

    Posted by Elizabeth Santelmann on 06 28 2021

    You can tell Kristen wrote this while parenting teenaged children! The examples and the way she circles it back to the gospel is excellent. The chapters are short and accessible to teenagers!! If I could, the only thing I would do is change the font! The block letters made it harder to read! Hopefully that is adjusted in the next printing!!

  • 4
    Good Book

    Posted by Caroline Z on 05 19 2019

    Some parts are more clear than others, but as a whole this book does a good job of pointing out how external sins and internal insecurities are rooted in idolatry and not believing the truth of the gospel. It does a good job of pointing out that we can really only find our true satisfaction/fulfillment/identity in Christ and nothing else.

  • 4
    Good Book

    Posted by Caroline Z on 05 19 2019

    Some parts are more clear than others, but as a whole this book does a good job of pointing out how external sins and internal insecurities are rooted in idolatry and not believing the truth of the gospel. It does a good job of pointing out that we can really only find our true satisfaction/fulfillment/identity in Christ and nothing else.

  • 5
    I highly recommend this excellent book for parents with teenage daughters and also for youth group leaders.

    Posted by Michael Boling on 09 23 2017

    Back in the 1980s, the infamous singer Madonna opined in her song “Material Girl” about the life of a girl living in a world focused on fleeting relationships and possessions. Fast forward to the 21st century and one can certainly attest the words of the aforementioned song pale in comparison to the world of selfies, social media, and the ever growing pursuit of vanity. We have a teenage daughter. As with most teenagers, she struggles at times when it comes to matters related to self-image and fitting in to the passing fads of the day. She recognizes these fads for what they are, namely passing fancies of a self-absorbed culture; however, the urge to be part of the crowd still remains. Kristen Hatton, in her excellent book Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World, provides helpful tools for teens to deal with the temptation to fit in to the world’s version of identity. Hatton covers all the hot button topics teenage girls deal with on a daily basis such as body image, eating disorders, materialism, friends, peer pressure, sex, and self-harm just to name a few. In opposition to that worldly perspective, Hatton presents a biblical approach to identity with a keen focus on providing teenage girls with tools to stay focused on what matters – their relationship with Jesus. We actually utilized this book as part of our homeschool Bible curriculum. It was quite easy to use this book in that manner given Hatton provides short yet insightful chapters that each conclude with hard hitting “Reflection Time” questions and space to journal about Scriptures that deal with the issue presented in each chapter. What I appreciated most about Face Time is Hatton saturates each chapter with sound biblical truth. While it is helpful to share stories, humor, and personal experience (which are provided throughout), Hatton consistently focuses the reader on looking to the truth found in Scripture as the foundation for how we understand life, self, and our relationship with God. I highly recommend this excellent book for parents with teenage daughters and also for youth group leaders. In a time where far too many teenagers attempt to find their self-identity from social media in all its forms, it is vitally important to combat the world’s ideology with the truth of Scripture. The identity of our teenage girls is not found in the latest fashions, the hottest technology, fad diets, or in the arms of a boy who feigns love. Their true and lasting identity is found in Jesus and Kristen Hatton does a marvelous job of outlining the importance of that truth for girls who may be struggling with the temptation to conform to the world’s often twisted perspective on life.

  • 5
    I highly recommend this excellent book for parents with teenage daughters and also for youth group leaders.

    Posted by Michael Boling on 09 23 2017

    Back in the 1980s, the infamous singer Madonna opined in her song “Material Girl” about the life of a girl living in a world focused on fleeting relationships and possessions. Fast forward to the 21st century and one can certainly attest the words of the aforementioned song pale in comparison to the world of selfies, social media, and the ever growing pursuit of vanity. We have a teenage daughter. As with most teenagers, she struggles at times when it comes to matters related to self-image and fitting in to the passing fads of the day. She recognizes these fads for what they are, namely passing fancies of a self-absorbed culture; however, the urge to be part of the crowd still remains. Kristen Hatton, in her excellent book Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World, provides helpful tools for teens to deal with the temptation to fit in to the world’s version of identity. Hatton covers all the hot button topics teenage girls deal with on a daily basis such as body image, eating disorders, materialism, friends, peer pressure, sex, and self-harm just to name a few. In opposition to that worldly perspective, Hatton presents a biblical approach to identity with a keen focus on providing teenage girls with tools to stay focused on what matters – their relationship with Jesus. We actually utilized this book as part of our homeschool Bible curriculum. It was quite easy to use this book in that manner given Hatton provides short yet insightful chapters that each conclude with hard hitting “Reflection Time” questions and space to journal about Scriptures that deal with the issue presented in each chapter. What I appreciated most about Face Time is Hatton saturates each chapter with sound biblical truth. While it is helpful to share stories, humor, and personal experience (which are provided throughout), Hatton consistently focuses the reader on looking to the truth found in Scripture as the foundation for how we understand life, self, and our relationship with God. I highly recommend this excellent book for parents with teenage daughters and also for youth group leaders. In a time where far too many teenagers attempt to find their self-identity from social media in all its forms, it is vitally important to combat the world’s ideology with the truth of Scripture. The identity of our teenage girls is not found in the latest fashions, the hottest technology, fad diets, or in the arms of a boy who feigns love. Their true and lasting identity is found in Jesus and Kristen Hatton does a marvelous job of outlining the importance of that truth for girls who may be struggling with the temptation to conform to the world’s often twisted perspective on life.

  • 5
    Must Read

    Posted by Tara Gibbs on 06 03 2017

    Social media has ratcheted up the stakes in the desire all of us feel to be included and affirmed by others. We need to give our young people the tools they need to fight back. Face Time is a 12 chapter Bible study pointing our girls to the place from where true identity is derived. The foreword states, "Our girls are in the fight for their lives. Their identity is threatened at every turn." How many of us who frequently deal with young people know a girl who cuts or has an eating disorder or a teen who has attempted suicide? Face Time addresses eating disorders, cutting, sexual identity, peer pressure, drinking and more and then every chapter points our girls to hope in Jesus Christ. As a mom of three teen girls I am thankful for this resource which deals with these topics head on. This book is a great resource for small groups, youth leaders and mother/daughter Bible studies. Kristen has dealt with the issues facing today's young women in a concise and Biblical manner.

  • 5
    Must Read

    Posted by Tara Gibbs on 06 03 2017

    Social media has ratcheted up the stakes in the desire all of us feel to be included and affirmed by others. We need to give our young people the tools they need to fight back. Face Time is a 12 chapter Bible study pointing our girls to the place from where true identity is derived. The foreword states, "Our girls are in the fight for their lives. Their identity is threatened at every turn." How many of us who frequently deal with young people know a girl who cuts or has an eating disorder or a teen who has attempted suicide? Face Time addresses eating disorders, cutting, sexual identity, peer pressure, drinking and more and then every chapter points our girls to hope in Jesus Christ. As a mom of three teen girls I am thankful for this resource which deals with these topics head on. This book is a great resource for small groups, youth leaders and mother/daughter Bible studies. Kristen has dealt with the issues facing today's young women in a concise and Biblical manner.

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