The Gospel in Hard Times for Students, by Joni and Friends, is a faith-bolstering small group resource that illustrates how suffering is a catalyst that can deepen our understanding of God's plan.
Through eight in-depth sessions, This resource points to Jesus, our Good Shepherd, for answers to today's hard questions.
This study guide includes leader's notes, real-life stories for discussion, biblical application, suggested video clips, and action plans to demonstrate how Jesus identifies with our sorrow. This study guide invites readers to see that how we choose to react and manage hardship has life-altering potential.
In this small group resource, young men and women can learn how the church carries the burden of suffering, seeking gospel answers to questions such as, "Why am I going through this?" and "Where is God when I need him?"
The Gospel in Hard Times for Students explores how a loving faith community one body with many parts can not only meet our needs but also help us walk alongside others who are afflicted, disabled, and marginalized.
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