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Shawn and His Amazing Shrinking Sister gives parents guidance for ending teasing while teaching children how to build one another up.
Shawn and Annie are excited for a family camping trip, but trouble awaits! Mom and Dad tease each other, and soon Shawn follows their lead and starts teasing Annie. But every time Shawn is unkind and teases her, Annie gets a little bit smaller. As Annie shrinks, the whole family learns how teasing can be hurtful to others and how it dishonors God.
All parents would like their children to tease less and be kinder to one another, but may not notice they do the same thing. Best-selling author Ginger Hubbard and Al Roland show families the way forward with a vivid picture of how teasing "shrinks" others and points them to Jesus for forgiveness. A parent resource page presents a biblical framework and practical suggestions to help children understand why they tease others and how to communicate in a more loving way.
"Shawn and His Amazing Shrinking Sister is an engaging story that will resonate with children and generate discussion about the power of words, teasing, and forgiveness. Here is a beautiful book to help children learn to guard against unwholesome talk. The section about helping your child with teasing is worth the price of the book! I highly recommend you pick up a copy."
Dr. Josh Mulvihill, Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at Renewanation
"The words we use matter more than we know. Shawn and His Amazing Shrinking Sister will not only delight readers with its whimsical rhyme but will also teach them about the power of forgiveness and the deep theological truths of Ephesians four."
Jamie Erickson, author of Holy Hygge: Creating a Place for People to Gather and the Gospel to Grow, co-host of the Mom to Mom Podcast
"As a longtime fangirl of Ginger Hubbard's books, I was absolutely delighted to get a hold of this fun, engaging, thought-provoking, and beautifully illustrated new book series for children. Ginger has a way with words and, as in all of her writing, she focuses on the most important thing, pointing our children to their need for a Savior! These books are sure to be dearly loved for generations to come."
Yvette Hampton, Producer and host, Schoolhouse Rocked
"While character training in children cannot regenerate the heart, it does shape it. As a result, good parenting will both speak the gospel and shape the will. I am delighted to see this new series of children's books by Ginger Hubbard and Al Roland does both. Parents and grandparents will find these a fun and engaging help as they seek to disciple the hearts of their children."
Chap Bettis, Author of The Disciple-Making Parent and other resources for the family
"As a parent, I need all the help I can get in assisting my children to see the need to control their words and actions. The Teaching Children to Use Their Words Wisely series is a welcomed resource to help children see the benefits of choosing wise behavior."
Israel Wayne, author and conference speaker. Founder of Family Renewal
"These fun, rhyming stories captivate children's attention while shining a light on their sinful speech and its consequences. They convict children and parents! of the seriousness of their sin, but these are far more than moral tales. They point to the grace of the gospel and the wonder of forgiveness that come only through Jesus. There is great wisdom and great hope within these pages."
Melissa Cutrera, ACBC certified counselor; author of God's Great Plan
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