Minibook eBooks
A Father's Guide to Raising Boys (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Being a father of boys is a privilege and a joy, but it's also challenging. We know that fathers are an important influence on their sons, and we want to have a positive impact on their lives. But we wonder exactly how we can help them grow to be the...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
A Father's Guide to Raising Girls (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Raising daughters is a joy. Nothing prepares a dad for the rush of feelings that accompany holding your baby girl for the first time. But along with the joy comes the questions. How do you protect her from harm, set her on a good path, and help her...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
A New Normal: Learning to Thrive in Suffering (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99A loved one has walked out on you. A car crash has left you disabled and in constant pain. You or a family member just received a serious medical diagnosis. Even worse, perhaps you've just returned from a funeral. How do you begin to piece your life...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Accepting God's Forgiveness: Believing in God's Love for You (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Do past failures still trouble you? Perhaps regret over a mistake, the betrayal of someone close to you, an undone task, an angry outburst has left you feeling uneasy. You wonder if God really does forgive you. Sometimes he seems like a dark cloud...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
ADD: Addressing the Physical and Spiritual Struggle (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Distracted. Hyperactive. Impulsive. A diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can explain the challenges you and your child face, but it cannot change the difficult behaviors. But there is hope for change. Edward T. Welch uncovers the truth about...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Alzheimer's Disease: Help for Families in Crisis (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99It starts out as small moments of forgetfulness that can be chalked up to simply getting older. But as time passes and symptoms accumulate, you are forced to face the fact that your loved one has Alzheimer's disease. Now you're wondering how the course...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Angry Children: Understanding and Helping Your Child Regain Control (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99If you have an angry child you are most likely worn out, confused, and looking for answers to questions like these: How can I restore sanity to this chaos? How can I prevent these anger storms in my child? Why does this rage seem to explode out of...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Trusting God When You're Afraid (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Suffering from anxiety and panic attacks can feel incapacitating. One minute you feel fine, and the next your heart is pounding, your mind is racing, and your stomach is clenching. Sometimes it even feels like you might be having a heart attack. The...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Authority Issues: When It's Hard Being Told What to Do (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99It's frustrating to be under imperfect authority. And sometimes it's more than frustrating—we suffer when someone's authority is unfair, capricious, or just plain wrong. But does that let us off the hook? Do we have to listen only to those we...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Your Child: Help for Your Family (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Your child's diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may have left you feeling sad, confused, or perhaps even relieved to finally understand why he or she behaves differently from other children. Whatever your initial response to the diagnosis,...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Meeting Challenges with Hope (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of several neurodevelopmental disorders that can cause developmental deficits or differences in brain processing that impair a person's functioning in many different settings. ASD in the United States is estimated...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Be Well: Learning to Steward Your Health (eBook)
Would you like to take better care of your body but aren't sure what to do? Focusing on our souls doesn't mean we should neglect taking care of our bodies. But often we are so busy caring for others and keeping to our schedules that we think we can't... -
Becoming a Widow: The Ache of Missing Your Other Half (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99No matter whether your husband's death was expected or sudden, your loss is a total shock. Your world will never again be the same. You wonder how you can go on without him. And how will you manage the details of a life you built together? How do you...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Help for Your Extreme Mood Swings (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Everyone feels better some days than others, but some people struggle with exaggerated and unrestrained mood swings. These kinds of mood swings have come to be known as mania, manic-depression, or bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is confusing and...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Bitterness: When You Can't Move On (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99It's only natural to bristle when you are mistreated. Perhaps you were passed over for a well-deserved job promotion, hurt by a family member, falsely accused, or experienced a severe disappointment. An array of emotions—anger, frustration,...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Breaking the Addictive Cycle: Deadly Obsessions or Simple Pleasures? (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99You are bored or stressed or hurt. Something is hard in life and you want a break. What do you grab for that you hope will protect, soothe, and comfort? Whatever it is—shopping, overeating, drinking, drugs—promises relief, but never delivers...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Bringing Christ to Abused Women: Learning to See and Respond (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Violence against women is a growing concern, both in America and around the world. We want to help, but the problem can seem too big, too complex, too overwhelming, or too far away to tackle. Christ calls us to help the helpless, but what can we do to...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Building a Marriage to Last: Five Essential Habits for Couples (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Where is your marriage? Newly married, in a rut, coming off a major transition, or coming out of a period of crisis or conflict? Regardless of your situation, it's never too early—or too late, for that matter—to build habits that will...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Burned Out? Trusting God with Your To-Do List (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Often, in our busy world, our lives feel like one long to-do list. It's easy to get so busy that we don't even notice how exhausted and anxious we are. Do you find yourself saying yes to activities you don't have time for? Have you ever said, "If I...$105.59Retail: $131.99 -
Can We Talk? The Art of Relationship Building (eBook)
$105.59Retail: $131.99Another conversation ends in frustration or even anger. You want to communicate well and to grow deeper in your relationships, but either you can't seem to find the words or always seem to come up with the wrong ones. How can you develop greater...$105.59Retail: $131.99