Minibook eBooks
Faith and Doubt: When Belief is Hard (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50You made a commitment to Jesus (or maybe you didn't), but now you are questioning everything. Is there a God? Are you really forgiven and accepted for Jesus's sake? It sounds too good to be true. And if the Bible really is true and Jesus really did rise...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Family Feuds: How to Respond (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Do you dread family get-togethers and try to avoid your extended family whenever you can? When you see your family, do you sometimes regret the way you talk and act? Why is it so hard to get along with the people we grew up with? Childhood hurts,...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Feeling Guilty? Grace for Your Mistakes (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Right now you are probably feeling guilty about one thing or another–what you said to your spouse last night, those unrelenting thoughts, something you did years ago and regret, actual lying and cheating, the places where you are struggling right...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Fibromyalgia: God's Grace for Chronic Pain Sufferers (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50The pain is often excruciating. You feel hindered from being the person you want to be and from doing the activities you enjoy most. Adding to your struggle is the knowledge that your symptoms may never fully go away. How do you find encouragement in a...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Filled with Dread: Facing the Inevitable by Faith (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Do you ever get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach in anticipation of something you don't want to face? This sense of foreboding and apprehension is called dread. It could be about an upcoming life change, a conflict to resolve, a difficult...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Financial Crisis: What to Do When the Bottom Drops Out (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Are you facing an unexpected financial crisis or anticipating the possibility of difficult times ahead? Financial problems happen for so many reasons, but right now the uncertainty of the future, coupled with unstable economic conditions, means that...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
For Better or Worse: When Disability Challenges Your Marriage (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Disability has a way of trying even the best of marriages. The cumulative effects of daily routines that never vary, social isolation, financial pressures, unmet expectations, and a life that is vastly different from most couples can wear on the spirits...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Forging a Strong Mother-Daughter Bond: Beyond Manipulation and Control (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Moms want to be close to their daughters. Daughters (for the most part) want a good relationship with their moms. But when that relationship is strained by one person's attempt to control and manipulate, closeness is replaced by hurt, disappointment,...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Forgiving Others: Joining Wisdom and Love (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Forgiving someone who has hurt you is one of the most difficult tasks anyone ever faces. In fact, it is so hard that most people avoid it at all costs. But when we don't forgive, we pay the price of bitterness that affects all of our relationships. Is...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Freedom from Addiction: Turning from Your Addictive Behavior (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50You've tried to stop more times than you can count. Now you've given up. Can someone who can't "just say no" really change? There is hope—if you are willing to look deeper than your addictive behavior. Edward T. Welch helps you face what fuels...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Freedom from Guilt: Finding Release from Your Burdens (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Are you living under a cloud of guilt that you can't seem to shake no matter what you do? Do you feel guilty about everything, all the time? We all have different ways of dealing with our guilty feelings, but none of them work for very long. Timothy S...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Freedom from Resentment: Stopping Hurts from Turning Bitter (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Everyone experiences hurt in relationships, but most of the time we are able to forgive and forget. But sometimes we experience a major hurt that lingers in our minds and leads to bitterness. We feel trapped by the resulting hostility, ongoing broken...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Grief and Your Child: Sharing God's Comfort in Loss (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50When your child faces the loss of someone close, their world no longer feels safe. Grief and its aftermath take us all by surprise, but even more so children, who don't have the words or tools to face grief and can respond with fear, withdrawal, and...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Grief: Finding Hope Again (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50No matter what the circumstances, death shakes us to the core. It seems so wrong, and it is! We long for comfort, but we don't know where to look. Can God really help when we are overwhelmed with grief? With compassion and biblical wisdom, Paul David...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Grieving a Suicide: Help for the Aftershock (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Someone you know and love has died. You feel the emptiness and sorrow of loss. That alone is extremely hard. But suicide adds many other painful reactions to the heartache that death brings. Common reactions are feelings of anger, guilt, betrayal, and...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Grieving the Loss of Your Child: Comfort for Your Broken Heart (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50The unthinkable has happened. Your beautiful child is gone, and you are left with a gaping hole in your heart and in your life. How could this have happened? How is it possible that you have outlived your own child? Ryan Showalter understands the...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Grieving with Hope: Walking with Jesus in Heartbreak (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Are you facing a great loss? Perhaps a loved one or close friend has died. Great love brings great sorrow, and healthy sorrow recognizes the immensity of loss. But when death and loss come close, the temptation toward despair and hopelessness is often...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Healing after Abortion: God's Mercy is for You (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50The turmoil women experience after having an abortion is sometimes called "post-abortion syndrome." But you don't need a technical term to describe what you are feeling. The guilt, regret, depression, and grief are the honest struggles of a woman who's...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Healing Broken Relationships: What to Do When You've Been Hurt (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50Arguments. Betrayal. Inattention. Some of the reasons that relationships shatter. Anger. Confusion. Hurt. Frustration. Some of what we feel when a relationship falls apart. We all have experienced how hard relationships can be in this broken world...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Help for Stepfamilies: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Learning to Love (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.50How do you blend two separate families into one household? Family traditions, values, interests, and parenting styles are often so far apart that simple questions like, "Who takes out the trash?" or "Where shall we go for Christmas?" can quickly become...$5.20Retail: $6.50