Relationships are messy. In this deeply insightful book by Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane, readers are presented with the power of grace to redeem and restore relationships.
Through straightforward language, the authors walk through the relational disappointments we all suffer by offering deep, Christ-centered thought and broad counseling experience.
Relationships dwells on fresh hope and practical answers, exposing deeper issues that keep relationships less than they are designed to be. Christ showed us nothing matters more to God than how we love one another, yet so many of us settle for too little in our relationships.
This invaluable resource convincingly testifies God's power to restore relationships by working within the following:
Rather than presenting new or sophisticated techniques to make relationships flourish, the authors instead focus on the basic character qualities that can only be formed in the heart by the gospel.
This book is not a simplistic how-to manual on relationships, offering lists to check off from theoretical procedures based on someone else's idea of a model relationship. Rather, it is about the life-changing work of Christ and the power and wisdom God graciously uses to redeem relationships.
We are called to be people of great character so when we do come in contact with the world, our character shapes and influences those around us. Even though relationships are messy, God uses them to rescue us from ourselves.
"This book is not just another simplistic manual on relationships, offering theoretical methods and procedures for arriving at someone else's ideas of a model relationship. Instead, Tim Lane and Paul Tripp have written about Christ crucified—the power of God and the wisdom of God for redeeming relationships. Destined to radically transform multitudes of families and friendships, their wisdom is based on the Rock, and the Rock is very sound."
Bob Inglis, Member of the US House of Representives, South Carolina's 4th district (SC-4)
"Paul Tripp and Tim Lane bring deep Christ-centered thought and broad counseling experience to their writing, offering fresh hope and practical answers to people in less-than-perfect relationships. Paul and Tim are men who love our Savior, his Word, and the Spirit, so it is with the utmost confidence that I recommend their writing."
Elyse Fitzpatrick, Author and speaker; Director of Women Helping Women
"What a wonderful and helpful book! It will make a major difference in your life and the lives of everybody you love. Read this and you will want to be my friend for recommending it to you."
Steve Brown, Key Life radio broadcaster; author of Three Free Sins and Hidden Agendas
"Lane and Tripp provide us with invaluable help for unraveling the complexities of relating to others. Avoiding trite and complicated techniques so common in other books, these gifted authors remind us that transforming our own hearts is the key to transforming our relationships."
Robert Jeffress, Pastor and author of Second Chance, Second Act
"Apart from loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, nothing matters more to God than how we love one another. So many of us settle for too little—for superficial, safe relationships in our marriages, our families, and our churches. I am so glad that Paul and Tim have written a book to guide us into deeper, richer relationships. I pray we'll have the courage to follow their counsel."
Bob Lepine, Cohost, FamilyLife Today
"Relationships are messy! But Paul and Tim show readers how to clean up their old and neglected relationships to where they sparkle and shine like new. Relationships: A Mess Worth Making is perfect for anyone who's ever had a mother, a father, a husband, a wife, a friend, a neighbor, a dog, a cat . . . ."
Doug Herman, Author of Time for a Pure Revolution and founder of Pure Revolution Conference
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Wish someone had taught (and demonstrated) the contents of this book to me years ago. Would be an excellent book for every team, every small group and every young person to read, think about and discuss. So glad a colleague recommended it to me.
I think this book would be ideal for a young adult Bible Study guide or for Christians needing to revitalize relationships.
Hands down, the best book on this subject on the market today.
This is a good book to look at yourself as well as reach out to others. We are all sinners in need of forgiveness and grace and we need to give it to each other as well.
Let the authors conversational style usher you into eternal truths. God will both whisper and shout through this pages. You will be stirred to live your calling on a whole new level. Please read it! We need it.
In a world of self help books, this one takes it to a biblical and practical level. The author obviously has a grip on real life. It’s helped me think and recalibrate my heart and mind regarding what I bring to relationships. My greatest need at every moment is Christ.
One of the best books on relationships I've read, mostly because it doesn't focus on just one aspect. The talk about singleness just as much as marriage.
In a world of self help books, this one takes it to a biblical and practical level. The author obviously has a grip on real life.
One of the best books on relationships I've read, mostly because it doesn't focus on just one aspect. The talk about singleness just as much as marriage.
Very helpful. Very practical. Timothy Lane always goes to the heart of problems and Jesus is the only one who can transform hearts. This is a book for everyone. It puts a Biblical perspective into every relationship we have. Within the book there is help for conversations, apologies, forgiveness, mercy, how to use your time and money, and much more. Each chapter is gospel-saturated. This book helps define the problem AND offers the only biblical solution--Christ and Him crucified. This would be a great book for small groups to read and the church as a whole.