Bundles & Series Sets
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How People Change Kit
$262.42Retail: $374.88Whats Included? 1 - How People Change Facilitator's Guide 10 - How People Change Study Guide 1 - How People Change Video Seminar (USB Drive) How People Change Facilitator's Guide Change doesn't happen overnight for the Christian. Growth is a...$262.42Retail: $374.88 -
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The Really Radical Package
$43.39Retail: $61.98What's Included? The Radical Book for Kids The Really Radical Book for Kids The Radical Book for Kids The Radical Book for Kids is a fun-filled explorer’s guide to the Bible, church history, and life for children 8 and up. Vibrantly illustrated...$43.39Retail: $61.98 -
Gospel 101 Duo
$23.78What's Included? Gospel 101 Gospel 101 for Teens Gospel 101 Christians know that God calls us to share our faith with others – but how to do that? Some have reduced the message of the gospel to a formula – “understand these verses...$23.78 -
On Sale
The Child Safeguarding Package
$42.69Retail: $60.99What's Included? The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide for Churches and Ministries Bringing Christ to Abused Women Caring for Survivors of Sexual Abuse Protecting Children from Abuse in the Church The Sexual Impact of Sexual Abuse What the Bible Says to...$42.69Retail: $60.99 -
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The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible Series (Old and New Testament)
$225.97Retail: $322.81What's Included: 1 John 1 Peter 2 Peter Acts Colossians Ecclesiastes Ephesians Ezra and Nehemiah Galatians Isaiah Job Jonah Mark Philippians Psalms Revelation Ruth The Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus Titus 1 John What do you rely on to get through...$225.97Retail: $322.81 -
On Sale
Spanish Resource Package
$89.24Retail: $127.48What’s Included? Vida Centrada en el Evangelio (The Gospel-Centered Life ) Como Cambia la Gente: Como Cristo Nos Cambia Por Su Gracia Cuaderno de Estudios (How People Change: Study Guide) Como Cambia la Gente: Como Chisto Nos Cambi Por Su Gracia...$89.24Retail: $127.48 -
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You Are Welcomed & Prayer Journal
$20.29Retail: $28.98What's Included? You Are Welcomed Prayer Journal You Are Welcomed When you feel overwhelmed by life’s demands, trials, and emotions, you are not alone. God welcomes you into his rest and peace when life is an unruly combination of...$20.29Retail: $28.98 -
On Sale
Alongside Bundle
$37.08Retail: $52.97What's Included: Alongside Alongside Jesus Social Media Pressure Alongside Alongside is a much-needed resource for both parents and those in youth ministry. In this transformative book, Drew Hill unpacks the challenges teenagers face and how youth...$37.08Retail: $52.97 -
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Bible Verses to Remember
$36.87Retail: $61.45What's Included: Give God Your Worries: Bible Verses to Remember Good Gifts Come from God: Bible Verses to Remember Our Great God: Bible Verses to Remember The Best News of All: A Christmas Bible Verse to Remember A Wonderful Surprise: An Easter...$36.87Retail: $61.45 -
On Sale
Big Truths for Little Minds
$23.79Retail: $33.98What's Included? My First ABC Book of Bible Verses My Fist 123 Book of Bible Numbers My First ABC Book of Bible Verses Introduce preschoolers to the wonderful truth of Scripture with My First ABC Book of Bible Verses. Jonathan Gibson helps toddlers and...$23.79Retail: $33.98 -
On Sale
Gospel Truths for Women
$35.98Retail: $59.97What's Included? You Are Welcomed You Are Secure You Are Redeemed You Are Welcomed When you feel overwhelmed by life’s demands, trials, and emotions, you are not alone. God welcomes you into his rest and peace when life is an unruly combination...$35.98Retail: $59.97 -
On Sale
Missions Devotions Duo
$23.79Retail: $33.98What's Included? On Mission Life-Changing Mission On Mission A missions trip provides unique opportunities to experience God's grace in ways that we often miss during our day-to-day routines. Over time, however, these spiritual lessons tend to be...$23.79Retail: $33.98 -
On Sale
The Redemption Tales Series
$35.68Retail: $50.97What's Included? The Shadow and the Promise The Prophecy and the Hope The Light and the Life The Shadow and the Promise While two newly created rock badgers explore their growing world, they encounter a dark foe—the great dragon, the serpent of...$35.68Retail: $50.97 -
On Sale
The Wheelies
$35.68Retail: $50.97What's Included? Coop Messes Up Coop Helps Out Coop Learns He Can Coop Messes Up Coop Wheelie is the youngest in his family, and like many little ones, he has a problem obeying the rules—and there are a lot of them! When Coop runs out of gas,...$35.68Retail: $50.97