Can the truth really change how we live? And how do we know what is true in a world of so many falsehoods? In this timely study, Jeff Dodge explores how Christians are called to share the gospel message with the world free of do-good, moralistic, try-harder religion, while also boldly calling those who believe to a gospel-centered, radical new life of love.
Titus: Life-Changing Truth in a World of Lies is a study resource in the Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series that provides seven in-depth lessons for one-on-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.
In this guide, author Jeff Dodge draws insight from Paul's letter to Titus to point men and women to God's blueprint for what he wants the church to look like. He invites readers to see how the gospel disrupts people and culture, turning the world upside-down or right side-up.
This small group resource offers biblically wise, theologically rich content with an easy-to-follow structure to engage readers. With insightful questions and Scripture-based teaching, Dodge helps men and women see Jesus more clearly in the themes found in the book of Titus.
Explore this resource and find life-changing truths about the gospel and the heart of God, who desires for the truth to set us free.
serge.org/">Serge is an international missions organization dedicated to sending and caring for missionaries, mentoring and training ministry leaders globally, and creating gospel-centered resources for personal and church renewal. They emphasize the transformative power of the gospel of grace in the believer's life, focusing on ongoing renewal and equipping leaders and believers for mission.
Jeff Dodge, MDiv, DMin, PhD, is the teaching pastor at Veritas Church in Iowa City, the director of the Veritas School of Theology and is an assistant professor of theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jeff also serves the Hope Center in rural Zambia. Jeff and his wife, Teresa, have four children and several grandchildren. He is the author of Gospel 101: Learning, Living, and Sharing the Gospel, Gospel 101 for Teens, and Titus: Life-Changing Truth in a World of Lies.
"This study brings together two amazing resources: the book of Titus and the voice of Jeff Dodge. As one of the New Testament pastoral epistles, the book of Titus is chock-full of practical wisdom for walking with Jesus in a contrary culture. And as a seasoned pastor and Bible scholar, Jeff Dodge can help us hear the wisdom of Titus in a way that resonates with real life. Students young and old will benefit from this work."
Bob Thune, Pastor, Coram Deo Church, Ohmah, NE; author of Gospel Eldership
"Titus is one of the most potent but often overlooked books in the New Testament. In this helpful resource, Jeff Dodge admirably brings Titus's message to bear for contemporary believers. I'm thankful for this resource, and to my friend Jeff Dodge for writing it."
Jason K. Allen, President, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College
"If you ever spend any time with Jeff Dodge, you will notice within five minutes that he exudes gospel clarity, missional gravity, and Christian joy. That combination comes through in this book, as he guides the reader through the riches of Paul's letter to Titus. This book shows how similar our world is to that faced by Paul and Titus, and then applies the triumphant power of that letter. You will be strengthened and equipped by this book."
Russell Moore, President, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
"I can think of few pastors who could reflect the depth and beauty of Paul's pastoral wisdom in his letter to Titus better than Jeff Dodge. With a shepherd's care and a teacher's insight, Dodge excavates fresh, helpful, and clarifying riches from this important epistle that are sure to strengthen your heart and your walk with Christ."
Jared C. Wilson, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Spurgeon College; author of The Gospel-Driven Church
"In the tradition of masterly soul-care practitioners like Richard Sibbes, Jonathan Edwards, and D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, pastor-theologian Jeff Dodge has given us a very short study guide that is profoundly impactful. The sections 'Jesus Is Enough' and 'Humility Is What We Do' are two of the most insightful dissections of sin and application of the gospel I've ever encountered. The gospel laid out here packs thunder; it is not neat and tame. Jeff Dodge knows of what he writes. He has walked through the shadowlands with the Good Shepherd, and he has deep wisdom to offer us from the deep things of God."
Owen Strachan, Associate Professor of Christian theology, Midwestern Seminary; author, Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of Mankind and Always in God's Hands: Day by Day in the Company of Jonathan Edwards
"Nothing is more vital to our intimacy with Christ than spending time with him in his Word. But a lot of Bible studies stop short and only deal with concepts and ideas and never really speak to our hearts. That's why I'm so excited about this series. Each author writes about the unique gospel insights he or she has gained from Scripture and has created a small group study that will help people actually encounter Christ and be changed by the power of his grace. God has used this material powerfully in my life, marriage, and ministry, and that is my prayer for you as well."
Bob Osborne, Executive Director, Serge
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The Gospel-Center Life in the Bible Series provides Bible Study guides that are perfect for small groups. The topic for this particular study is the New Testament book of Titus. There are seven lessons that explore the primary theme of the book - We are saved not because of good works but for good works. These easy to follow guides require no homework for the participants and are packed with solid Bible teaching. While this complimentary book was provided for review by New Growth Press, no other compensation was given. All remarks are my personal and honest opinion.
Part of an ongoing series of bible studies that emphasise gospel centred living. Intended for group use, they helpfully point the members towards honest reflection about how the gospel affects them and how change can be affected through God’s grace. In each lesson, the author has helpfully written an article and probing questions for application. However, the studies do not lead the reader into detailed exegesis, and so do not really help people to read and interpret the Bible for themselves. (I received an ebook in exchange for an honest review)
There is a lot of parallels between Crete and today. The Cretans were known to be liars. Truth is hard to find today. This is a book that we can relate to. I thought there were excellent bits of background information that help you to understand the setting and the book. In Lesson 4, the author helps to understand what bondservant meant in New Testament times.
The Gospel-centered life series of books is designed primarily for group study, but is great for individual study as well. Each chapter has a big idea, a Bible conversation, an article, discussion questions and a personal exercise, that concludes with prayer (same format as followed in most books in the series). This 7-week study on Titus by Jeff Dodge keeps its focus on the truths of the gospel that lead to godliness. There is lot of wisdom packed in this short study. God's truth in the gospel changes us as we pay close attention to it. Jeff Dodge points out the necessary connection between believing in gospel truth and living a transformed life. He shows us how gospel truth impacts every area of our lives, whatever our station in life. In the beginning of the letter, we see how God establishes local churches and leaders for the nourishment of believers. We are given a glimpse of what God expects from elders and how God uses them to speak His grace into the lives of people. Jeff Dodge rightly points out that these elders are not perfect and we need to ultimately look to the perfect elder Jesus Christ whom these local church elders point to. We are also shown that sound teaching will inevitably lead to godly living. We are told that God's grace is our teacher, training us to renounce ungodliness and encouraging us to move out in mission. Jeff shows us that in the gospel, we don't just look backward at what God has done for us in Christ, but we also look forward to the blessed hope of Jesus' return. In the gospel, we see God's love, His rescue, His cleansing and His possession of us. Knowing our identity in Christ frees us to submit to authority, and also draws outsiders to the truth of the gospel. Indeed, "gospel truths lead to gospel living". Titus is a rich gospel-centered letter! Such rich gospel teaching is a motivator to obedience and good works. We can love others, forgive them and be kind to them because of God's rich love, forgiveness and kindness to us. Jeff Dodge successfully brings out these gospel truths and helps us apply them to our daily lives. The gospel is indeed transformative and this study is another great addition to help us understand the gospel well. I am glad to commend this book to all. 4/5 stars. *I received this complimentary book from New Growth Press, but was not required to write a favorable review.*
“Titus will show you how gospel truth is anything but static. If you are a follower of Jesus, it is active and alive in you. It leads to godliness (1:1) and makes you ready for every good work (3:1). If you have ever doubted its power in you, now is the time to look more deeply at the love of Christ proclaimed in this short book of the Bible, and let its truth transform you.” Titus is a book of the Bible that is not studied as often as some other books. So, when I found this study guide, I was excited to try it out! This study guide has 7 lessons that go through the book of Titus. Each lesson has a big idea (main idea of the lesson), and a passage from Titus to read and discuss. There are reflection questions to go along with the passage. The questions are meant to create a conversation, not necessarily correct answers. After that, there is an article written by the author of the book, Jeff Dodge. The articles are the teaching/lesson for the selected scripture. Finally, the lesson ends with a wrap-up and prayer. Each lesson takes about an hour to complete, give or take depending on the size of your group. I really enjoyed reading through the book of Titus. I would recommend getting a small group or some friends together to go through the study together. I did it on my own, but would definitely get more out of it if I had others to study with. I received a copy of the book from the publisher, New Growth Press, in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Titus may be a small book in the Bible but it contains topics very relevant for Christians today. Here are a few covered in this study: that belief and actions should match, the character of church leaders and how they should be models, being aware of people trying to introduce false teaching, grace and the importance of godly behavior. This study has some serious things to say about how we should behave as transformed followers of Christ. From Titus 3:1-8 comes the admonition to submit to rulers. Also, “One of the most visible expressions of godlessness is not the way we treat God, but the terrible way we treat our fellow human beings,” Dodge writes. (802/1183) Those thought provoking issues are only from one lesson and there are six more. I like how the format is designed for group study. Everything can be done in about an hour and requires no homework. It is a good study for people who cannot take the time for lots of homework when doing a Bible study. There are leader's notes in the back of the book so this study would be a good one for someone new to leading group studies. This is a good seven lesson study on a small book with some very important issues for Christians today. I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.