Written as a resource for those facilitating a Sexual Sanity for Men small group, the Leader's Guide helps facilitators guide men in understanding that sexual sin starts in their minds and hearts and shows them how knowing Christ breaks their chains, builds spiritual brotherhood, and helps them take practical steps to re-create their minds in a God-focused direction. The Leader's Guide is only available in an eBook format.
"No aspect of postmodern life is more broken than our sexuality. Nothing brings more wholeness to broken sexuality than the gospel of Jesus Christ. No ministry is more helpful in applying the grace of the cross and the empty tomb to broken sexuality than Harvest USA."
Phil Ryken, DPhil, President, Wheaton College
"Harvest USA is a time-tested ministry that changes lives with the gospel. They know how to speak the truth into your life with gentleness and love. Their skills and expertise have never been more needed by the church."
Timothy Keller, DMin, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York, NY and author of The Reason for God
"It's about time somebody said it and said it this way! This is a book that will transform a very difficult and painful subject into a walk of faith and faithfulness that will bring joy, release, and praise. Not only that, the Leader's Guide is incredibly helpful, practical, and profound. Give this (and the Leader's Guide) to every guy you know even if you have to wrap it in a plain, brown paper wrapper."
Steve Brown, Key Life radio broadcaster; author of Three Free Sins: God Isn't Mad at You
"I know of no resource that is written to help men who are struggling with sexual sin that is more soundly biblical, drenched with the gospel, and practical at the street level. I am thankful that this resource now exists and will recommend it again and again. Here is a welcome for men to come out of the hiding, to embrace that there is nothing that could be revealed about them that hasn't already been covered by the blood of Jesus, and to believe that God has given them every grace that they need to fight the battle with sexual sin."
Paul David Tripp, President, Paul Tripp Ministries; best-selling author
"'Line upon line and precept upon precept' (Isaiah 28:10, 13) is the searchingly fresh approach David White has taken in writing both the book and the accompanying leadership guide. Rather than highlighting a representative collection of truths applicable to this life-and-death struggle for sexual sanity, David White seeks to build, from foundation to roof, a theologically thorough and helpfully profound approach to this dimension of fighting the good fight in the Christian life. He has given me and, I trust, all who read and work through this material, substantive help. Thank you, David."
Joseph V. Novenson, Senior Teaching Pastor, Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church, TN
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