Displaced—that's what it feels like to be a Christian in an increasingly post-Christian world. You speak the language and understand the culture, yet don't quite feel at home. How do you live as a Christian in a world that doesn't share your convictions? Can you still hold firmly to biblical truth even as you love others? Robert Thune unpacks how the apostle Peter spoke to these issues in the first of his letters to first-century Christians.
Thune's study examines living a gospel-shaped life in a contrary culture. You will be encouraged by the generous grace of God and how he has called Christians to a living hope and a deep joy that can be found even in the midst of trials and opposition.
This small group guide with leader's notes includes ten in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section that can be used for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.
1 Peter: Life as an Outsider is part of The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series published in partnership with Serge. Each book in the series examines how the gospel story is revealed throughout both the Old and New Testaments.
Robert H. Thune, MA, is founding and lead pastor of Coram Deo Church in Omaha, Nebraska. He is the author of Gospel Eldership, Gospel Training for Deacons, the coauthor of The Gospel-Centered Life and The Gospel-Centered Community, and the creator of the Daily Liturgy Podcast. In addition to his work as a pastor and writer, he helps to lead a classical Christian school, coaches and trains church leaders, and serves on the Council of The Gospel Coalition.
"Bob Thune is well-known for emphasizing gospel centeredness. Happily then, he offers us 1 Peter:Life as an Outsider. This study guide format is simple and clear, and its message highlights the challenge and consolation of this biblical book. As far as challenge goes, the penetrating questions about 'life as an exile' and the expos of wrongful speech are highly convicting. As for consolation, the diagrams about holy appetites and the road to glory through suffering are very comforting. A highly recommended gospel-centered resource!"
Gregg R. Allison, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; secretary, Evangelical Theological Society; author of Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured World
"Clear and concise without being simplistic. Sound without being overly academic. And a format that is just what so many small groups have been looking for to be able to study the text, have a meaningful discussion, and apply the Bible to real life, with no homework required!"
Nancy Guthrie, Author; Bible teacher
"I can't imagine a more relevant book to study right now than 1 Peter. As pilgrims trying to make sense of a world filled with division and discouragement, we need the encouraging and hopeful words of this book. I give thanks that Bob Thune has provided such a timely study to help us not just survive but thrive as those who want to follow in the steps of our Savior, our living hope."
Julius J. Kim, President, The Gospel Coalition
"Times of chaos often produce anxiety, even despair. They tempt us to cast about for some technique to solve all our problems, help us to feel good again, or simply relieve us of our fear. Yet God's way of working to restore his people and his creation is through the ordinary means of Word and Sacrament. God's Word is what restores and heals. So in a time like ours, there is more reason than ever to attend carefully to God's Word. Bob Thune's study of 1 Peter will help you encounter the living God and to learn better what being a disciple of God will mean for your life. His study balances depth with accessibility and practicality in a way that will help both pastors and parishioners to better understand the message of this epistle written by a man who walked with our Lord and who has helped God's people to do the same for two thousand years. If our churches are to endure and not be swept away by fear and anxiety, then they will need to be rooted in God's Word. This study of 1 Peter is the sort of thing that will help your community develop those roots."
Jake Meador, Editor in chief, Mere Orthodoxy
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So thankful for excellent resources like Robert Thune’s 1 Peter book. This book was used to guide a small discussion group. The flow of content was very practical and provided a basis then to uncover this rich text in a personal way. The most important point I can make is how leading this group and this book drove me to study and catch a glimpse of the depth of scripture. This 1Peter is such a treasure and Mr. Thune helps you to start digging.
I’ve been using this book in a 5 person study and discussion group and it yields good conversations. Most of the questions are thought provoking and I like that you are meant to read the chapters out loud with your group during discussion so that the content is fresh. I have 2 small issues with the book that caused me to take away a star. First, the book does not make clear which passage goes with which chapter until typically the second page of the chapter. I would think this would be in the table of contents or in the chapter title or subtitle. Second, a minority of the questions are too vague. For example, one question is “how does Peter’s view of XYZ differ from what people you know might say?” This is a tough question to answer because I know lots of people, believing and nonbelieving, who would have many unique views on any particular subject. If the question was more specific and said “people in your church community” or “nonbelievers in the world” it would be easier to answer and more productive. I’ve run into 2 or 3 questions like this so far and I am halfway through the book.
I’ve been using this book in a 5 person study and discussion group and it yields good conversations. Most of the questions are thought provoking and I like that you are meant to read the chapters out loud with your group during discussion so that the content is fresh. I have 2 small issues with the book that caused me to take away a star. First, the book does not make clear which passage goes with which chapter until typically the second page of the chapter. I would think this would be in the table of contents or in the chapter title or subtitle. Second, a minority of the questions are too vague. For example, one question is “how does Peter’s view of XYZ differ from what people you know might say?” This is a tough question to answer because I know lots of people, believing and nonbelieving, who would have many unique views on any particular subject. If the question was more specific and said “people in your church community” or “nonbelievers in the world” it would be easier to answer and more productive. I’ve run into 2 or 3 questions like this so far and I am halfway through the book.
Good, easy read. Nice outline. New Growth Press has great customer service.
We were looking for a study for our group. This was recommended by our church as our upcoming series is on 1 Peter. Looking forward to diving deeper into God's word.
We were looking for a study for our group. This was recommended by our church as our upcoming series is on 1 Peter. Looking forward to diving deeper into God's word.
Excellent study book
Excellent study book
I’ve been reading the devotional with my church group, and it’s been a good devotional overall. The reading and teaching is really good, but I’m not a huge fan of the questions. They’re kind of confusing to complete independently. If you’re going to go through the devotional questions, I’d definitely recommend doing it with a group.
I’ve been reading the devotional with my church group, and it’s been a good devotional overall. The reading and teaching is really good, but I’m not a huge fan of the questions. They’re kind of confusing to complete independently. If you’re going to go through the devotional questions, I’d definitely recommend doing it with a group.