Paul S. Kim’s study of Daniel guides Christians in how to live with courage and conviction in a world that is not their home.
How do you live as a Christian in a world that doesn’t follow Jesus? The Bible speaks of the Christian life as living in exile. In exile, you feel like you’re not at home, and there’s a sense of pressure to conform to outward pressures. Some people get lost in fear, and others just try to blend in. But the book of Daniel calls us to live out our faith without compromise while still reaching out in love to those around us.
Daniel: Standing Firm in Adversity challenges participants to live by faith, even when it causes suffering. Readers will see that Daniel’s bravery in the face of opposition and threats came from his absolute trust in his God, who brought him to Babylon to be a blessing to others.
Serge is an international missions organization dedicated to sending and caring for missionaries, mentoring and training ministry leaders globally, and creating gospel-centered resources for personal and church renewal. They emphasize the transformative power of the gospel of grace in the believer's life, focusing on ongoing renewal and equipping leaders and believers for mission.
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