Personal Growth
Filled with Dread: Facing the Inevitable by Faith
₹445.33Retail: ₹566.47Do you ever get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach in anticipation of something you don't want to face? This sense of foreboding and apprehension is called dread. It could be about an upcoming life change, a conflict to resolve, a difficult...₹445.33Retail: ₹566.47 -
Do I Need Counseling? When and Where to Get Help
₹353.83Retail: ₹566.47Are your personal or relational problems overwhelming you, negatively impacting your daily life or relationships? While all of us face the common pressures of living in a broken world, sometimes those challenges become too much to handle alone, and they...₹353.83Retail: ₹566.47 -
Can You Change If You're Gay?
₹348.60Retail: ₹566.47There are many voices weighing in on the question of whether you can change your sexual orientation. Yes, no, maybe so—it can be confusing and disorienting to sort through the mess. You want to follow God, but what does that mean when it comes to...₹348.60Retail: ₹566.47 -
The Gay Dilemma and Your Church: Reaching Out to Those Who Struggle
₹348.60Retail: ₹566.47Whether it's a friend, family member, neighbor, or coworker, chances are you know someone who's gay. You want to respond well, but you're not sure how. How do you help and encourage other Christians struggling with same-sex attraction? How do you...₹348.60Retail: ₹566.47 -
Be Well: Learning to Steward Your Health
₹348.60Retail: ₹566.47Would you like to take better care of your body but aren't sure what to do? Focusing on our souls doesn't mean we should neglect taking care of our bodies. But often we are so busy caring for others and keeping to our schedules that we think we can't...₹348.60Retail: ₹566.47 -
Leaving Your Family Behind: Preparing for Military Deployment
₹353.83Retail: ₹566.47As you face deployment, you need more than sympathy and gratitude. You need hope and guidance for yourself and those you love. Jesus Christ experienced the pain of separation when he left heaven for earth, and he understands what you are facing. You can...₹353.83Retail: ₹566.47 -
Coming Clean: Breaking Pornography's Hold on You (eBook)
₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47Is it really possible to come clean once pornography has gained control of your life? In CCEF's Coming Clean: Breaking Pornography's Hold on You, biblical counseling expert David Powlison invites you to learn from a man called Bob, who experienced...₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47 -
Stressed Out: Becoming Peaceful on the Inside (eBook)
₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47Have you traded in your peace for a life full of stress, worry, and anxiety? David Powlison points all who are stressed out to Psalm 131, a quiet little psalm with revolutionary potential. The psalmist's composure in the midst of his difficult...₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47 -
When You Are Worried: Finding Reasons for Peace (eBook)
₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47Money, health, relationships. We have plenty of reasons to worry, right? In this minibook, David Powlison explains that, although circumstances bring difficult challenges, worry comes from our hearts. So to help our worried hearts, he highlights seven...₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47 -
Choices: Why Do I Do These Things (eBook)
₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47Why did I do that? Behind every choice is a motive–like pleasure, comfort, or control. Motives can be hard to identify and even harder to change. In CCEF's Choices: Why Do I Do What I Do?, biblical counseling expert Edward T. Welch shows all who...₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47 -
You Make Me So Mad! Managing Your Anger (eBook)
₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47Anger. We all experience it, some more than others. When is it righteous and when is it not? How can we control our anger and not get caught in a maze of rage when things don't go our way? David Powlison takes a close look at anger to help us understand...₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47 -
Innocence Lost: Restoration after Victimization (eBook)
₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47Every victim has a voice with which to cry out against God or cry out to him. In Innocence Lost: Rebuilding After Victimization, biblical counseling expert David Powlison encourages all who have been victimized to find their voice in Scripture, guiding...₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47 -
Real Love: Better than Unconditional (eBook)
₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47God's love is unconditional, right? Actually, God cares too much about us to be unconditional in his love for us. In Real Love: Better Than Unconditional? biblical counseling expert David Powlison explains that God's love is both different from and...₹453.18Retail: ₹566.47
The New Growth Press Personal Growth minibooks are designed to address common problems of daily life from a biblical perspective. Like all of our minibooks, they are short enough to be read in under an hour but deep enough to offer meaningful, practical help for the struggles we all face. Some of the topics covered by these concise booklets include grief, anger, anxiety, forgiveness, difficult relationships, and many more.