Medical & Psychiatric Issues

Medical & Psychiatric Issues

Christian Mental Health Books for Overcoming Anxiety & Depression

Whether you struggle with sorrow, depression, addiction, loneliness, or grief, Christian mental health books can bring biblical comfort and hope when you walk through a dark season of life. Each booklet will help you get to the heart of your struggle and point you to God’s Word for comfort and encouragement. Short enough to be read in 30 minutes or less, these minibooks, written by trusted biblical counselors with many years of experience, will give you hope and help as you battle depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Can Reading Christian Psychology Books Help with Anxiety and Depression?

Christian psychology books can be helpful tools for dealing with anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles, as they can give much-needed perspective and guidance. Full-length books on these topics are best read when you are in a less acute stage of anxiety or depression and have more bandwidth to take in the content. However, New Growth Press’s short but powerful Christian counseling minibooks are designed to be short and easy to read in order to provide hope and help, even when your struggles limit your capacity.

Christian books on anxiety, as well as other mental and physical health struggles, can help you identify sources of distress, connect to Christ in your struggle, and develop effective coping strategies. They can also advise you on how to reach out to supportive members of your church and other faith-based communities for encouragement and help where needed. Ultimately, Christian books on depression and anxiety can help you find peace and hope in times of difficulty.

Our Bestselling Christian Psychology Books

  1. Overcoming Anxiety: Relief for Worried People by David Powlison
  2. Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Trusting God When You're Afraid by Jocelyn Wallace
  3. Freedom from Addiction: Turning from Your Addictive Behavior by Edward T. Welch
  4. PTSD: Healing for Bad Memories by Timothy S. Lane
  5. Sexual Addiction: Freedom from Compulsive Behavior by David Powlison
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