Toddlers are not too young to learn the gospel! Help them discover how and why Jesus saves in this hopeful and beautifully illustrated board book. Using simple, easy-to-understand concepts, children's book author Sarah Reju offers a way for parents to teach the good news to children ages one to four.
Every generation needs to hear and believe the good news. Even the youngest children need to know, from the time they are in diapers, that there is a God who made them, loves them, and is calling them to turn from their sins and trust in him. The rhythmic, repetitive style of the story will make the content memorable for toddlers.
Each bright page, illustrated by Phil Schorr, includes a short Bible verse that helps your child to understand the gospel and love Jesus. Also included for parents is a short explanation of how to explain the gospel to young children. This book will help parents build a foundation of faith for years to come.
"Delightful! Jesus Saves is a clear and creative primer to help our little ones understand their need for Jesus. I love how this book describes how incredibly competent and willing Jesus is to save them. Kids will want to hear this book read to them over and over again."
Gloria Furman, Author of Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full
"This delightful book helps toddlers understand the gospel. At the same time, the book is short enough for busy toddlers and busy parents to find time to read without sacrificing biblical content. The illustrations capture the message wonderfully and parents, as well as those who teach young children, will be reminded of the greatest message in the world."
Tom and Diane Schreiner, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Sarah Reju has done a marvelous job of bringing great truths to the littlest of people in this sturdy, well-illustrated board book. Make sure to not miss the notes to parents she has put in the back. They are a jewel of a resource, filled with wisdom and encouragement that will help even the newest parents in their desire to present the great truths of the gospel to their children."
Connie Dever, Creator, The Praise Factory Curriculum.
"Spurgeon was right when he said the gospel is "meat for men, but it is also milk for babes." In Jesus Saves: The Gospel for Toddlers, Sarah Reju presents the gospel simply without losing the message or diluting the truth. The result is a short but clear explanation of God's love in sending his Son Jesus to die for our sin and rise again, presented in a way that even a young toddler can comprehend. Every family should have a copy on their shelf and a few extras to give away."
Marty Machowski, Pastor; author of The Ology, WonderFull, God Made Boys and Girls, Long Story Short, and other gospel-centered resources for church and home.
"In Jesus Saves, Sarah Reju has taken the profound truths of the gospel and made them so clear and simple for our little ones. I'll definitely be reading this book to my toddlers."
Jonny Gibson, Associate Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; author of The Moon is Always Round
"Jesus delights in the little children coming to him. As parents, we are always looking for fresh ways to help our children better know who Jesus is and what he has done for them. Jesus Saves is a creative, colorful, and engaging resource that can help even the youngest of children learn the good news that Jesus loves them and desires to save them from their sin."
Garrett and Carrie Kell, Del Ray Baptist Church
"Sarah Reju's rhythmic prose and Phil Schorr's colorful and engaging illustrations make the simple gospel of God's kingship, our sin, Christ's salvation, and our need to respond with faith and repentance clear and memorable for your toddler. In Jesus Saves, Sarah doesn't merely declare the facts of the gospel; she proclaims the need for each child to respond personally. This isn't just good news in general. This is good news, as Sarah says, "for you, little one. Yes, you!"
Jared Kennedy, Cofounder of Gospel-Centered Family; author of The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible
"If you're a parent or grandparent, there's something you should know about Sarah Reju's newest book, Jesus Saves: The Gospel for Toddlers. If you open this wonderful, charming, and beautiful book and read it to your children or grandchildren, be prepared to read it again and again. Here's a big gospel for the littlest hearts."
Champ Thornton, Pastor; author of several books, including The Radical Book for Kids and Why Do We Say Good Night?
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This is SUCH a good book! My four kids have totally memorized it (ages 2yrs to 4 yrs) as the rhythm is so good for young ones. The verses are in context and it’s so easy to understand. Clearly presents the Gospel in language and concepts appropriate for littles. My go-to for baby shower gifts right now!
This is such a good book!! The rhythm is so ideal for kids (all four of my kids ages 2yrs to 4yrs have it memorized) and it is SUCH a clear presentation of the Gospel! It’s become one of my go-to baby shower gifts.
Perfectly presents the gospel
Sweetest explanation of God’s grace toward us ~ with Amazing illustrations ! Delightful!
Jesus Saves is a delightful board book that shares the gospel message in an age appropriate way. Simple text coupled with the colorful, engaging illustrations make this book a great read-a-loud. The final two pages of the book provide biblical support and suggestions regarding how to share the gospel message. While this complimentary book was provided for review by New Growth Press, no other compensation was given. All remarks are my personal and honest opinions.
Jesus Saves is a delightful board book that shares the gospel message in an age appropriate way. Simple text coupled with the colorful, engaging illustrations make this book a great read-a-loud. The final two pages of the book provide biblical support and suggestions regarding how to share the gospel message. While this complimentary book was provided for review by New Growth Press, no other compensation was given. All remarks are my personal and honest opinions.
Author Sarah Reju’s Jesus Saves board book for toddlers hits the mark on presenting an overview of God’s creation through Jesus’s resurrection to save us. The story begins with a cute, rhyming repetition that isn’t maintained throughout, but the short sentences convey the important message and move the story along skillfully. I can imagine eager learners reading along with some of the phrases after hearing the story read a couple of times. Phil Schorr’s colorful illustrations of diverse children are perfect to hold a toddler’s attention and to represent different ethnicities. Jesus Saves – The Gospel for Toddlers is definitely worth checking out. The important topics included will begin to set a Christian foundation that adults can expand upon as the child’s level of understanding grows. Applicable Bible verses are noted for each topic. A Parent’s Guide and Bible Verses to Remember are helpful tools for parents or educators to maximize the message.
This is a lovely addition to the many great Christian books for toddlers these days. Jesus Saves outlines the simple basics of the gospel in a repetitive cadence that will appeal to young ones, covering God as creator, our own sin, and Jesus as saviour: "God made you. Made who? Made you! God made you, little one." Sometimes the simplest expressions of the gospel are the most powerful.
What I like about this book: the book characters are friendly, represent diverse human beings, and are expressive, almost animated when you look at them and hear the words from the page. Scripture references on each page. Verses are all shared on the last page as well. "little one" is repeated throughout- making a connection to the listener and repetition. The book has cadence and rhythm that means littles will crave it repeated, over and over, especially because they are the main audience of the book. Parents of littles, this book will likely become a repeat favorite, and as the parent who read books so much that I memorized several, this book will not be nearly as annoying as the board books my 19 year old craved. the opportunity for conversation and sharing the personal decision of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and being saved from sin. Will be an easy conversation. This book doesn't mince words- it talks about needing to be saved from sin, it talks about Jesus obeying for me, it talks about needing a King, but wanting to be my own king-- it's bold, direct, and honest. All with a lovely pattern that appeals. The book uses simple toddler words to convey the good news. It includes a letter to parents at the end with the verses referenced throughout. So well done! What I wonder about the book: Jesus, as an illustration, is disproportionate? I think. I think it's his head size doesn't seem to match his body. Kids pick up on this stuff, but it's not as apparent in all the pictures that depict Him. How this tool will be used for sharing the Good News? It has so many possibilities. How kids will respond to it. I can't wait to read it with the littles I love.