Picture Books
Give God Your Worries: Bible Verses to Remember
$17.23Retail: $21.94Give God Your Worries helps children learn how God takes care of his creation and especially them and to remember 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."God takes care of birds, animals, the sun and rain. He takes care of...$17.23Retail: $21.94 -
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Biblical Theology for Kids Duo
$41.78Retail: $59.68What's Included? God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World Taste and See: All About God's Goodness God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World In this engaging, illustrated children's book by Irene Sun, young readers learn how numbers declare...$41.78Retail: $59.68 -
Our Great God: Bible Verses to Remember
$17.23Retail: $21.94Our Great God helps children understand how great and good God is and to remember Psalm 95:3: "For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods."There are so many things to sing about things that make us happy or excited, even things that...$17.23Retail: $21.94 -
Jesus Is Bigger Than Me: True Stories of His Miracles
$19.65Retail: $24.57Jesus is bigger and more powerful than any superhero. He can turn water into wine, calm a stormy sea, give sight to the blind, and even raise the dead. When Jesus is with us, God is with us. Author Jared Kennedy uses simple words and concepts to help...$19.65Retail: $24.57 -
Good Gifts Come from God: Bible Verses to Remember
$17.23Retail: $21.94Good Gifts Come from God helps children see all the good gifts God has given them and to remember James 1:17: "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above."Every day God gives us good gifts to enjoy—family, friends, sunshine, hugs,...$17.23Retail: $21.94 -
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God Made Me Series
$167.09Retail: $238.72What's Included? God Made Babies by Justin & Lindsey Holcomb God Made Me in His Image by Justin & Lindsey Holcomb God Made Me for Heaven by Marty Machowski God Made Me for Worship by Jared Kennedy God Made All of Me by Justin & Lindsey...$167.09Retail: $238.72 -
The Acrostic of Salvation: A Rhyming Soteriology for Kids
$23.87Retail: $29.84Kids, even you can learn soteriology! Soteriology studies how God saves us From the wrath of God and our sin that enslaves us. So it's not just a bunch of big words for our head, But how Christ took the curse we deserve when he bled. The Acrostic of...$23.87Retail: $29.84 -
The Acrostic of Scripture: A Rhyming Biblical Theology for Kids
$22.55Retail: $29.84The Acrostic of Scripture gives parents and teachers a unique way to teach theology to children and makes catechism fun! An alphabet of words introducing biblical theology, written to a rhyming beat, paints a detailed and varied portrait of the...$22.55Retail: $29.84 -
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Teaching Children to Use Their Words Wisely
$62.66Retail: $89.52Whats Included: Sam and the Sticky Situation: A Book about Whining Chloe and the Closet of Secrets: A Book about Lying Shawn and His Amazing Shrinking Sister: A Book about Teasing Sam and the Sticky Situation: A Book about Whining Sam has figured out...$62.66Retail: $89.52 -
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The Kids Theology Package
$116.78Retail: $166.81What's Included? The Ology WonderFull The Treasure The Ology In the cellar of an old stone cathedral, two children discover an ancient book called The Ology. The beautifully illustrated storybook ushers them into a story of adventure, mystery, and...$116.78Retail: $166.81 -
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Something Scary Happened Package
$44.54Retail: $63.63What's Included? Something Scary Happened When Children Experience Trauma Miles Plush Toy Something Scary Happened Miles is a happy little lamb until something bad happens. All of a sudden, Miles feels like he is alone in a deep dark valley,...$44.54Retail: $63.63 -
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Board Book Bundle
$103.20Retail: $147.42What's Included? God Rescues God Wins Jesus Came for Me Jesus is Bigger than Me Jesus Rose for Me Jesus Saves God Rescues God keeps his promises in amazing and often surprising ways. The Bible stories in God Rescues show how God watched over his...$103.20Retail: $147.42 -
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The Gospel Story for Kids Package
$111.84Retail: $159.77What's Included? The Gospel Story Bible Long Story Short Old Story New The Gospel Story Bible Best-selling children's author Marty Machowski's beautifully illustrated storybook captivates young readers with the heart of the gospel. In this...$111.84Retail: $159.77 -
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The Really Radical Package
$76.21Retail: $108.86What's Included? The Radical Book for Kids The Really Radical Book for Kids The Radical Book for Kids The Radical Book for Kids is a fun-filled explorer’s guide to the Bible, church history, and life for children 8 and up. Vibrantly illustrated...$76.21Retail: $108.86