Gift Ideas for Adults
Reaching Your Child's Heart: A Practical Guide to Faithful Parenting
$24.64Retail: $30.21In Reaching Your Child's Heart, Juan and Jeanine Sanchez encourage parents from their gospel-shaped perspective that children don't need perfect parents, they need a perfect Savior. Raising children can feel overwhelming as you try to navigate the many...$24.64Retail: $30.21 -
A Biblical Counseling Process: Guidance for the Beginning, Middle, and End
$21.62Retail: $27.03What makes counseling biblical? What does the biblical counseling process entail? What is the focus of each stage of the process? Lauren Whitman, an experienced CCEF counselor, addresses these questions and more in A Biblical Counseling Process, sharing...$21.62Retail: $27.03 -
You Are Secure: Devotions for When Life Is Uncertain
$26.02Retail: $31.80We live in a world filled with anxiety, turmoil, and constant change. But anchoring our hope in Christ brings us the security we so desperately need. We may be tempted to think that feelings of instability and insecurity are mostly modern problems, but...$26.02Retail: $31.80 -
Making Sense of Forgiveness: Moving from Hurt toward Hope
$21.46Retail: $27.03Foreword by Rachael Denhollander Clichs, glib answers, and quick solutions are shared all too often with those who are struggling to forgive or embrace forgiveness. We know Jesus calls us to forgive, but it can be hard to know what that looks like in...$21.46Retail: $27.03 -
The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide for Churches and Ministries
$39.75Retail: $55.66Churches have always sought to be a safe haven for children and families, but many today are dealing with the tragic reality of child sexual abuse. For the first time in history, this issue is finally being acknowledged by churches and faith communities...$39.75Retail: $55.66 -
Caring for the Souls of Children: A Biblical Counselor's Manual
$40.71Retail: $50.89Coming alongside struggling children can feel like an uphill battle. Yet children struggle with the same desires adults struggle with, are lured by the same lies adults fall prey to, and can find hope in the same source adults can find hope—in...$40.71Retail: $50.89 -
With These Words: Five Communication Tools for Marriage and Life
$23.05Retail: $30.21Every couple knows they need to talk with each other. Every couple knows they need to pay attention to how they can communicate better. This practical marriage resource by pastor and author Rob Flood not only explores why couples should grow in...$23.05Retail: $30.21 -
Between Us Girls: Walks and Talks for Moms and Daughters
$19.44Retail: $30.21You feel more than mommy guilt. You feel a deep and growing conviction that you must do something to disciple your daughter. But what? How can a busy mom make sure her daughter learns about the most important things in life: what Jesus did for her on...$19.44Retail: $30.21 -
Relationships: A Mess Worth Making
$20.46Retail: $30.21Relationships are messy. In this deeply insightful book by Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane, readers are presented with the power of grace to redeem and restore relationships. Through straightforward language, the authors walk through the relational...$20.46Retail: $30.21 -
Finding Jesus on Upside Down Days: Family Devotions from the Barnyard
$21.14Retail: $30.21In Finding Jesus on Upside Down Days, Jill Miller gives heartwarming, intimate glimpses of her life on the farm. But more than this, as Jill takes care of her animals, enjoying what the Creator has made, God takes her upside-down soul and sets it...$21.14Retail: $30.21 -
Between Us Guys: Life-Changing Conversations for Dads & Sons
$20.36Retail: $30.21This easy-to-use, life-changing book for fathers and sons gives readers the tools to have important conversations with boys about life, faith, and being a man. With a conversational and captivating tone, fathers and other caregivers are guided into...$20.36Retail: $30.21 -
Parenting Ahead: Preparing Now for the Teen Years
$22.11Retail: $30.21Parenting Ahead helps parents with younger children build a foundation for their family based on biblical principles for the teen years to come. Readers will learn to practice redemptive parenting where their children grow to see the world through a...$22.11Retail: $30.21 -
Someone I Know Is Grieving: Responding with Humility and Compassion
$15.60Retail: $22.25Bestselling author and counselor Edward T. Welch walks readers through the difficult task of coming alongside grieving people with genuine compassion and humility. When someone is grieving, it can be hard to know what to say or do. We want to be...$15.60Retail: $22.25 -
When Parents Feel Like Failures: How Jesus Quiets Our Distress
$18.21Retail: $22.25For every parent who has ever laid awake reviewing the mistakes and missteps of their day, Lauren Whitman points them to Jesus, who quiets our distress with his love and forgiveness. Parents often struggle with four deeply distressing emotions: fear,...$18.21Retail: $22.25 -
Rediscovering Humility: Why the Way Up Is Down
$20.98Retail: $34.98Foreword by David Wells. Most of us value humility . . . especially in other people. But Jesus taught that humility is central to the Christian life. Author Christopher Hutchinson invites the church to follow Christ both individually and corporately in...$20.98Retail: $34.98 -
Suffering and the Heart of God: How Trauma Destroys and Christ Restores
$24.80Retail: $41.34She's seen slave dungeons in Ghana. Genocide in Rwanda. Systemic sexual abuse in Brazil. Child abuse and domestic violence in the U.S. After forty years of counseling abuse survivors around the world, Dr. Diane Langberg, a world renowned trauma expert,...$24.80Retail: $41.34 -
Table for Two: Biblical Counsel for Eating Disorders
$20.81Retail: $27.03Breaking free from an eating disorder is difficult and complex. Those who are suffering often feel misunderstood. They struggle with feeling alone and afraid, ashamed to tell those closest to them. Their loved ones also feel helpless and ill-equipped...$20.81Retail: $27.03 -
Angry with God: An Honest Journey through Suffering and Betrayal
$15.60Retail: $22.25Counselor Brad Hambrick provides a guided process to being honest with God about your pain to restore and deepen your relationship with him. No one gets mad at God for something small. When we're angry with God, it is because we've faced something...$15.60Retail: $22.25 -
Like Father, Like Son: How Knowing God as Father Changes Men
$18.12Retail: $30.21If you don't know what it means to be a "real man," there are approximately 2,341 books waiting to enlighten you. But many of them will leave you burdened with a masculine to-do list, resigned to passivity in the face of impossible expectations, or...$18.12Retail: $30.21 -
I Have PTSD: Reorienting after Trauma
$17.80Retail: $22.25Counselor and trauma expert Curtis Solomon helps those who have suffered the disorienting effects of a traumatic experience to reorient their lives to the path God has for them. Anyone who experiences a traumatic event feels confused, lost, out of...$17.80Retail: $22.25