One day, a group of students and their teacher travel to a zoo safari park to learn all about the different animals. During a fun jeep ride around the park, the guide shares fascinating information about lions, rhinoceroses, elephants, buffalo, and more, pointing out distinctive characteristics about each animal's body and how those qualities make the animals special. Along the way, the children start to notice how their differences in appearance make each of them special too. Their teacher helps them reflect on their own body image and teaches them how they were created uniquely in God's image.
Because bodies can be confusing and sometimes embarrassing to children, Justin and Lindsey Holcomb wrote God Made Me in His Image for parents to use in helping their kids understand how God made their bodies in his image. Parents and caregivers can use this powerful book, illustrated by Trish Mahoney, to help children understand their feelings about their bodies and help them accept them by highlighting God's loving design of our individual physical characteristics.
God Made Me in His Image is part of the God Made Me series which equips parents to have important, impactful conversations with their children, helping them to grow in understanding of God, themselves, and others. Each book in the series contains a special section just for parents and caregivers that provides biblical guidance and offers additional information and resources for talking about the topic addressed in the story.
"Justin and Lindsey have done it again creating an unbelievable resource that's rich, accurate, engaging, and just plain HELPFUL to us as parents trying to teach our kids to love and honor their bodies! I can't wait to buy an entire box to give copies to all of our parent friends!"
Jefferson Bethke, NYT Best-selling Author of Take Back Your Family
"Every single day, I sit in my counseling office with kids of all shapes and sizes who don't like their bodies. Especially in this day and time, we want the kids we love to have confidence in who they are. We want them to see themselves as valuable at every level and deeply loved by God. This wonderful new book by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb will do just that. From the outside in, they bring the truth of who God is and how deeply he loves and delights in each and every child . . . including their amazing, God-designed little bodies."
Sissy Goff, Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling, Daystar Counseling; author of Raising Worry-Free Girls and Brave: A Teen Girl's Guide to Beating Worry & Anxiety
"This is an awesome resource! If you have kids, this is what they need. Who am I? Someone God made and called 'very good.'"
Michael Horton, Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary, California; author of Core Christianity
"In a world of bullying, anger, and disdain, this precious book reminds adults and children alike that each one of us, no matter our differences, has dignity and value as God's hand-knit image bearer. Read it over and over again for your children and for yourself."
Diane Langberg, Ph.D., Psychologist
"In this Instagram age of 'the most beautiful kids in the world,' I'm immensely thankful for the Holcombs' encouraging and insightful book. I wish I had had it when I was a child and hated my freckles. Rather than just telling kids are great because they're kids, your children will learn that their beauty and importance come from a loving Father's creative hand. Buy this for your kids and for all your friends' kids too."
Elyse Fitzpatrick, Coauthor of Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus
"The Holcombs have written a thoughtful and compelling children's book that zeros in on the glory of how God has uniquely crafted our body and our self. But don't be fooled this is a brilliant theological treatise as much for adults as for children. They offer us a message about Genesis 1Ð3 that is more than a teaching tool for children it is a reminder for us all to bless our Creator and be amazed as to who we are as his creatures. It is never too early to help children appreciate their bodies and never too late for parents and grandparents who read the story to do the same."
Dan B. Allender, Ph.D., Professor of Counseling Psychology; Founding President, The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology
"As a dad of two daughters, I've often found myself anxious and even overwhelmed by the competing images and messages they've received about their bodies, their appearance, and their acceptance. Mine are off to college now, but I'm still going to buy them God Made Me in His Image. I hope this extraordinary resource finds its way into your home."
Chuck DeGroat, PH.D., LPC, Professor of Pastoral Care and Christian Spirituality, Western Theological Seminary
"Add this book to your kids' must-have library. You and your children will benefit from what you will learn."
Jessica Thompson, Author and speaker
"God Made Me in His Image is a poignant reminder that God paints our world in variety. This story helps children realize they are beautiful just as they are. It reminds them of the truth that God's indelible image rests upon them. A positive, life-affirming book."
Mary DeMuth, Author of Pray Every Day
"Although his appearance did not draw others to him (Isaiah 53:2), Jesus is the 'image of the invisible God' (Colossians 1:15). This image is glorious and brightly shines in the throne of heaven (Hebrews 1:13). In this book, Justin and Lindsey Holcomb help children see that their shapes, sizes and colors also bear the image of God and that nothing could be lovelier than that."
Victor Vieth, Author of On this Rock: A Call to Center the Christian Response to Child Abuse on the Life and Words of Jesus
"Children are magically drawn to the beauty and diversity of creation. This is evident when you visit a zoo or a farm and observe children pointing and laughing with pure joy, mesmerized by a myriad of creatures. In this book, Justin and Lindsey beautifully translate the joy of creation to show how children can see themselves, uniquely created in the Image of God. It is never too early to impress upon our children the weighty significance this truth offers as the origin of their dignity and worth. God Made Me in His Image will delight children as they consider the unique body they have been given and the greater purpose for which they have been made."
Brandy Miller (MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary), former fashion model, and founder of Redeeming Beauty (brandymiller.io)
"The Holcombs offer a valuable tool to help children know God their Creator. Everything he makes is good including their bodies. I'll certainly use this book to teach my children (and me!) the dignity of every person made in God's image, no matter their shape, size, or appearance."
Eric Schumacher, Author of My Last Name and coauthor of Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women
"Here is a colorful, engaging children's book based on good theology that creates an opportunity to talk with your kids (or grandkids) about the wonder of the human body, about legitimate differences between people's bodies, and about disabilities. There's nothing like it!"
Eric L. Johnson, Professor of Christian Psychology, Houston Baptist University
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The biblical truths in this volume set the foundation for seeing ourselves as unique creations ... with different characteristics in our hair, eye, skin, etc. Start here! I'm aiming this towards the 4s & 5s age group Resource room ... and putting one on my office shelf too as a future reference.
Justin and Lindsey Holcomb do a great job presenting the Gospel in this children's book. The theme throughout is being made in God's image rather than the image that the world assumes you should have. The story is very relatable to children as the setting takes stage on a field trip to the zoo with a classroom. Throughout the entire book, students ask questions and the answers are given by the teacher or other characters. They quote scripture as well to help children lean on the word of God as the ultimate authority. The book concludes with a few additional resources. - cute descriptions of several zoo animals - letter to parents and caregivers with statistics on body image for young children and encouragement to battle the world's perception - several scripture references for God's promises to his people The illustrations are beautiful and engaging for young children. My only negative comment regarding the book is its length. It is a very long, detailed story that would be difficult to keep the attention of very young children. My 5 yr old daughter enjoyed it but seemed to get bored with the length. I received a pdf copy of this book from New Growth Press in exchange for an honest review.
God Made Me in His Image is another title in the God Made Me Series. This book presents God as our creator, and shares insight into God's loving design in the creation of each of our bodies. Each book in this series includes a section filled with biblical guidance for parents and offers additional information and resources which aid in discussion with your child in relationship to the topic addressed in the text. While this complimentary book was provided for review by New Growth Press, no other compensation was given. All remarks are my personal and honest opinions.
This lovely book aims to help children appreciate their bodies, and accept them the way they are. The book anchors in Genesis and the creation of humankind in the image of God, and highlights that everyone has value and honour, even with their differences. The is done skilfully in a way little ones can grasp, by looking at various animals on a zoo trip and seeing the variety of traits God gave to animals. As body image issues continue to emerge in younger children, this is a timely reminder to kids and parents that we are all valuable and wonderful in God's sight.
This book is part of a series- God made me by New Growth Press with different authors and even geared toward different age groups. God Made Me in His Image-helping children appreciate their bodies is geared for ages 8-11 God Made Me Unique-helping children see value in every person ages 3-5 God Made All of Me- a book to help protect their bodies -preschool age, ages 3-5 God Made Boys and Girls-helping children understand gender ages 3-5 God Made Me for Worship-helping children understand the church ages 5-8 God Made Me and You-ethnic diversity ages 3-5 What I like about this book: Illustrations are realistic, child friendly, showing children of different ethnicities, print is clear, some lines are in different colors for emphasis. The book helps children remember that God calls all that He created, "Good." and that they are a part of God's creation, even made in His image. Teaching about who God is, His intention in creation. Quotes scripture: Psalm 139 Natural conversations at the zoo and learning about the animals' design- so cool! Very well-chosen facts to enhance the concepts. Animals with disabilities are kept safe in the zoo. Connection for kids with disabilities. Learning Concept: "Life is beautiful even when it has hard things in it!" Africa's Little five animals are hidden in the pages of the book. Plus the six animals in the book have more information as an extra learning aspect of the book at the end. Dear Parents note and suggestions to discuss at the end of the book. Well done as a tool to help use the book effectively. Growth Mindset with guiding principles and statements. So healthy Teaching Connections: Vocabulary: Majesty, Dignity (worthy of honor and respect), Sanctuary (for animals), predators, leucism (her skin doesn't make colors), parasites Big Five African animals God's Design for His creation Animal research projects Research on disabilities- that when someone is blind their other senses are better. What I wonder: the book is written for ages 8-11, that would be grades 3-5 or 6. I think it might be more like ages 7-9-year-olds or grades 2-4. As a colorful picture book. The book has lots of text included it would be a long read aloud. I don't know the size of the physical book either. What will kids who read the parent notes at the end think about the concerns raised, I don't know another way to do this, but it could make for some interesting conversations. Thankful to partner with New Growth Press and read a pdf of the book in advance.