Sexual Sanity for Women Leader's Guide equips facilitators to walk with women through the process of understanding why they struggle with destructive relational and sexual patterns and how the gospel brings change and a new way of living. Each lesson includes leader's notes, answers to questions, and suggestions on how to guide participants in understanding God's good design for sexuality, the underlying reasons they struggle with sexual brokenness, and how the grace and truth of Jesus Christ can be applied to their struggles. The 20-lesson Leader's Guide is meant to be used in conjunction with Sexual Sanity for Women for one-on-one mentoring, college age student groups, and women's groups.
"Here's real hope for the woman who has experienced so much relational pain and sexual brokenness. The editor, Ellen Dykas, has experienced freedom through Christ herself, and is a woman of wisdom and compassion. Because Sexual Sanity for Women gently but firmly gets to the root of the pain, the woman who opens her heart to this truth will truly be set free."
Dee Brestin, Author of The Friendships of Women and Idol Lies: Facing the Truth about Our Deepest Desires
"God's design for sexuality is good and for our good. Harvest USA has provided a strong resource that brings a clear biblical foundation and the healing, redemptive, transforming gospel into a broken world and broken lives. This twenty-lesson guide offers opportunities for women to allow the Word of God to break into needy hearts. Whether for personal study or group mentoring, the body of Christ needs this equipping to hold before those who struggle to live out a godly sexuality."
Jane Patete, Women's Ministries Coordinator, Presbyterian Church in America
"Helping women understand God's original design for sexuality is a critical need in our culture. So many of the conversations and resources focus only on the sin; Sexual Sanity for Women provides a way to experience healing and transformation through the study of God's Word. It is not just another book; it is a discipleship tool to help bring true freedom that comes from living life the way God meant it to be. It is a resource I'm excited to share with others in our ministry."
Donna Noonan, Director of Women's Staff Development, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
"Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness is way overdue. A generation of iKids has known sexuality from the perspective of technology and the Internet. We need solid resources to help us teach those entering our church settings with heart-wrenching stories how to push the "reset button" on their sexuality. Ellen Dykas has edited a creatively useful handbook for the church and counselors working with any woman who needs to retrain her heart to think about sexuality as a gift from God. This is a solid resource to use with teens, college women, or new believers. Harvest USA has hit the nail on the head yet again."
Penny Nelson Freeman, LPC, The Counseling Center at Chelten
Heather Evans, LCSW, Counselor in private practice, Coopersburg, PA and cofounder of The Valley Against Sex Trafficking (VAST) Coalition
Phil Ryken, DPhil, President, Wheaton College
"Harvest USA is a time-tested ministry that changes lives with the gospel. They know how to speak the truth into your life with gentleness and love. Their skills and expertise have never been more needed by the church. Support it and become involved."
Timothy Keller, DMin, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York, NY and author of The Reason for God
"Ellen Dykas and the staff of Harvest USA have written a compassionate, insightful, and practical book that is faithful to God's Word in addressing the relational and sexual brokenness unique to women. This book speaks with truth and love to the issues that women in our churches are facing. The gospel of Jesus Christ applied in this way will bring hope and freedom to many."
Ron Lutz, Pastor, New Life Presbyterian Church, Dresher, PA
"In our postfeminist, hypersexualized culture, women are confused about what the Bible teaches about sexuality. Sexual Sanity for Women is an eminently practical small group resource that will minister to women who are addicted to pornography, struggle with same-sex attraction, feel guilty from a lifestyle of promiscuity, have been sexually abused, or just need to understand what Christianity has to say about sexuality. It deals with the issues frankly while pointing women to gospel truths in a compassionate way. A must-have resource for every women's ministry."
Melanie M. Cogdill, Managing Editor, Christian Research Journal
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