PROOF Pirates: Finding the Treasure of God's Amazing Grace VBS Download

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Now available as a downloadable e-version for churches and families to use virtually. Click here to see tips for virtual use from your VBS team.

Chore charts. Report cards. Standardized tests. Athletic banquets. Kids are inundated with messages about their performance. Because performance work and reward is one of the basic structures of our lives, kids often grow up thinking, "I am what I am because of what I do . . . or because of what I've failed to do." How different this message sounds from the biblical message of redemption by grace!

PROOF Pirates introduces kids to God's amazing grace through a five-day, pirate-themed curriculum for use in Bible clubs and Vacation Bible School. It explains the doctrines of grace using the popular PROOF acronym with the book of Ephesians (God's grace is Planned, Resurrecting, Outrageous, Overcoming, and Forever) so kids know that it is not their performance that makes them right with God.

PROOF Pirates teaches children to remember that what God says about them is more important than what others say, and that it is God's grace that makes us who we are. Whether using a treasure map to teach about God's sovereign plan or a skeleton to explain how God makes dead people walk, PROOF Pirates helps kids remember the one message we never want them to forget.

The downloadable VBS provides churches and families a virtual way forward to plan and run a successful program with a downloadable Proof Pirates music with six songs, crafts, skits, extensive leader's notes and everything else you need to run a virtual VBS for children in preschool through fifth grade.

Your VBS Download includes:

  1. Complete Director's Manual Director's planning checklist starting ten months before your VBS; detailed directions on every aspect of planning, recruiting, advertising, training volunteers, classroom security, and protection against child abuse; recruitment ideas and printable forms for volunteers to fill out; decorating ideas; child safety details
  2. Printables including advertising posters, bulletin inserts, invitations, and name tags
  3. Worship Leader's Manual sample schedule; script for five days of opening and optional closing assemblies (including song lists and scripts for worship leader and emcee); complete lead sheets including chords and lyrics for six songs.
  4. Preschool Classroom Manual includes schedule, supply list, five lessons based on the PROOF acronym, detailed instructions for teaching, instructions for story circle format, craft directions, and snack suggestions
  5. Elementary (K-5th grade) Classroom Manual games guide with supply lists and directions; Bible study guide with directions on how to present the lessons; craft guide with supply lists and directions

Order the studio-recorded music album separately at and download additional chord sheets and hand motions instructions at

Lindsey Blair is a former elementary school teacher who enjoys writing in her free time. Lindsey writes children's curriculum for Sojourn Church and is the coauthor of the book, Our Home is Like a Little Church. She and her husband, Matt, have five sons and reside in New Albany, Indiana.
Fletcher Lang and his family live in Boston, Massachusetts where he is currently serving as the Executive Pastor for City on a Hill Church in Brookline, Massachusetts. He is married to Megan and has one daughter.
Jared Kennedy, MDiv, ThM, is the cofounder and managing editor of Gospel-Centered Family, a ministry that helps churches and families share Jesus with the next generation. He also serves as the Children's and Family Ministry Strategist for the Sojourn Network, and is an adjunct professor at Boyce College. He is the author of The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, Jesus Rose for Me, Jesus Came for Me, and God Made Me for Worship, and has developed two VBS programs, Proof Pirates and Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet. He blogs regularly at Gospel-Centered Family and contributes to @TGC, @ERLC, and @HeReadsTruth. You can follow him on Twitter @jaredskennedy. He and his wife, Megan, have three girls, Rachael, Lucy, and Elisabeth.
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"Set sail this summer on a sea of grace to explore some of the most amazing truths about God with the PROOF Pirates Vacation Bible School Program. PROOF Pirates comes with all the crafts, music, and instructions needed to produce a quality VBS. But what really makes PROOF Pirates a must-use VBS is the depth of gospel truth that fills the pages of this program. PROOF Pirates VBS will not only capture our kids' attention, but will ensure that they hear about God's inexhaustible grace they'll remember this one for life!"
Marty Machowski, Family Pastor and Author of The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New; The Gospel Story Bible and the Gospel Story Curriculum and Devotionals

"In PROOF Pirates VBS curriculum, TULIP, the historical articulation of grace, is transformed and refreshed for a new generation to enjoy God and understand his ways. The music, skits, lessons, crafts, and games all work together to teach and reinforce aspects of God's grace as described in Ephesians. Let us teach our children with grace and pirates!"
Daniel Montgomery, Lead Pastor of Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, KY; founder of the Sojourn Network; author of Faithmapping and PROOF

"I am excited to see the PROOF Pirates VBS curriculum! In a fun, engaging way children are taught how amazing God's grace in salvation truly is. We are all prone to depend on our own performance, but this curriculum, drawing from Ephesians, helps children see that none of us can be saved by our own performance. Instead, God graciously saves 'scallywags' like us. I love it!"
Ray Van Neste, Professor of Biblical Studies; Director of the Ryan Center for Biblical Studies at Union University

"How do we teach children the objective truth of God's unmerited grace when we are unsure how to present abstract, theological concepts to children who think in concrete, visual ways? In the PROOF Pirates VBS curriculum theology comes to life through a variety of fun, instructive activities. The brilliance of the gospel sparkles as each day reveals another aspect of God's grace. Music, games, and memorization all emphasize that it is not our works that make us right with God, but it is Christ's work that accomplishes this. I highly recommend the PROOF Pirates curriculum as a way to enable children to understand God's incredible mercy and grace."
Maureen Bradley, Director of Youth Christian Education, Christ Presbyterian Church, Richmond, IN

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  • 4
    vbs theme

    Posted by Unknown on 06 19 2024

    had so much fun

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