This beautifully illustrated children's book invites kids to explore God's design for ethnic diversity and challenges readers—both parents and children—to learn and live out counter-cultural, biblical views, fostering a lifelong celebration of diversity for the glory of God. Designed for four- to eleven-year-olds, God Made Me AND You by Shai Linne is the second book in the God Made Me series, starting with God Made All of Me by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb.
Because Scripture teaches that ethnic diversity is not something that should be tolerated but rather enthusiastically embraced, Christian hip hop artist Shai Linne helps children, parents, and caregivers to celebrate this biblical truth through a lyrical, rhyming style and colorful illustrations.
God Made Me AND You is an approachable guide for families to begin conversations about cultivating a God's perspective on ethnic diversity, confronting the sins of racism, bigotry, and ethnic pride.
Because children learn from family members, media, or peers, parents and caretakers have a responsibility to teach their children what God has to say about the beauty of diversity in his image-bearers, with a particular focus on ethnic diversity.
This colorful and compelling children's book serves as a resource and lifelong gift for children and parents, helping families understand diversity from a biblical perspective and with a clear picture of the beauty and glory of God.
"This is a wonderful resource for teaching our children about God's heart for the nations. Shai rightly reminds us that we are all united in Adam and that we ought to rejoice in 'saints of all colors.' Diversity, rightly understood, is not a PC slogan; it's a biblical hope and expectation. I'm excited to share this book with my own kids."
Kevin DeYoung, Author; senior pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, NC; assistant professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC
"O what a difference it would make if every family would pick up this book and take to heart its message, starting at a young age! This is biblical theology for kids—and all of us!—on God's beautiful design of ethnicity, as winsomely told and displayed through creative and faithful artist theologians. I recommend it with great gratitude and enthusiasm!"
Justin Taylor, Managing Editor, ESV Study Bible
"Thoughtfully-written and whimsically-illustrated, this resource will help children (and those who love and lead them) learn to identify thinking and behavior that diminish humans made in the image of God, see ethnic and other differences through gospel eyes, and celebrate the diversity he has created for his glory."
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Author; teacher; host of Revive Our Hearts
"Shai Linne has given us a beautiful story that will not only captivate little hearts and minds, it will help parents clearly explain biblical reasons for why we can and should celebrate God's design for ethnic diversity. But don't think the story is all Linne has for you—read the back to be inspired to continue the conversation when the book is closed. Well done!"
Trillia Newbell, Author of God's Very Good Idea: A True Story of God's Delightfully Different Family
"The reality that all people—with their vast array of diversity—are made in the image of God is foundational for how children will relate to others and calls them to respect the dignity of all people. Shai and Trish have captured beautifully God's design for ethnic diversity. Children will be drawn to this book."
Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb, Authors of God Made All of Me: A Book to help Children Protect Their Bodies
"Shai Linne poetically guides us through the biblical pattern of creation, fall, redemption and glorification,unfolding the grand story of the Bible. As he reveals each step in bite-sized chunks, he also teaches the character of an infinitely creative God—One who delights in building a diverse and set-apart people to live with Him forever. This is a great addition to every child's bookshelf."
J. A. Ellis, Cannada Fellow for World Christianity, Reformed Theological Seminary
"Shai Linne is a pastor at heart. And it shows on every page as he brings all of his talent as a theological wordsmith to bear on this simple story of God's delightfully diverse design. Get this book to remind yourself and the little ones you love of the glorious message of Jesus that is bringing together people from every tribe and tongue."
Dan DeWitt, Author of Life in the Wild; associate professor of Applied Theology and Apologetics at Cedarville University; director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity
"God Made Me AND You by Shai Linne is a theologically sound resource for parents and teachers to raise a new generation who will honor God's gift of human diversity. With his poetic gift, Shai wonderfully displays the glory of God right where we need to see it afresh—in how he made me and you!"
Ray Ortlund, Pastor of Immanuel Church, Nashville, TN; author of The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ
"We read this book to our four daughters. They loved it. So did we! It's biblically driven, pastorally careful, lyrically beautiful, and, frankly, just inspiring. Use this book to establish good foundations for your children in how to think about God's plan for diversity and then to praise him for it."
Jonathan and Shannon Leeman, Author; editorial director of 9Marks; elder at Cheverly Baptist Church
"Shai Linne's new book, God Made Me AND You: Celebrating God's Design for Ethnic Diversity, is a gift. It teaches kids that God making people different is something we can delight in, not fear. More importantly, it shows how our differences are for the purpose of magnifying Jesus, who died to save all kinds of people. Beautifully illustrated and creatively written, I can't wait to read this to my grandkids."
Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music
"The first time I heard Shai Linne's song 'Penelope Judd,' I knew he had a beautiful father's heart and a keen ability to communicate deep ideas in simple ways to children. God Made Me AND You applies these gifts to the vitally important topic of race. It is biblically grounded, and therefore God- and gospel-centered, and provides a joyful and unifying perspective on a divisive topic. I want every child and adult I know to read this book!"
Erik Thoennes, Professor, Biola University; author of Life's Biggest Questions: What the Bible Says about the Things That Matter Most
"God Made Me AND You is a book for every family bookshelf. This colorful, poetic presentation of ethnic diversity shouts the truth of God's creative design as found in Scripture. God Made Me AND You is more than a storybook; it is a teaching tool designed to bring a biblical worldview of humankind into your living room."
Marty Machowski, Family Pastor; author of The Ology, Long Story Short, and other gospel-centered resources for church and home
"The rhythm of words and the magic of rhyme will open your child's eyes to the beauty of race in God's good design. In God Made Me AND You, Shai Linne has created a masterpiece of biblical truth that your child will love and all of us need. I look forward to reading it with my own family. It's the perfect gift to spread the unifying message that Jesus brings to our divided culture."
Champ Thornton, Pastor, author of The Radical Book for Kids and Pass It On: A Proverbs Journal for the Next Generation
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The biblical truths in this volume set the foundation for seeing ALL individuals as valued by God in the community of His family. God's plan is for all of His creation to bring Him glory - even the variety of ethnicity spread throughout our neighborhoods. Traditional viewpoints on early childhood development says that most young children don't "see" race. However, I prefer to acknowledge that the adult reading the book to children will be blessed to affirm these biblical truths - and I consider the book a Win-Win-Win! I'm aiming this towards the 4s & 5s age group Resource room ... and putting one on my office shelf too as a future reference. I love the emphasis this volume has regarding God's family in the local church - in addition to relationships among individuals. Material is all shared from a biblical viewpoint - with scriptures passages built into the pages for further discussion.
A lovely, biblical look at important truths about the diversity God has built into the human race. A much-needed perspective that honors God as Creator and extols the creativity He has imbued in every part of His creation, especially humanity.
We absolutely love Shia Linne’s song by the same name and couldn’t wait to read the book! It did not disappoint, the illustrations were bright and engaging as the content!
This was a great conversation starter. It was a great way to show the boys that God made us all different, yet we are all made in his image. This book is such a great way to introduce kids to diversity. Beautifully written and illustrated. The boys really loved this book.
Helping kids (and parents!) engage with the beauty of God’s design for ethnic diversity. God is not “colorblind”, nor should we be. Though I’m no connoisseur, Shai Linne is one of my favorite hip-hop artists and to have him bring his lyrical artistry to my children is a delight. New Growth Press has recently published a variety of really good options along this line. They are delightfully illustrated, cleverly told, engaging books that my youngest daughter asks for repeatedly, and my second youngest now picks off the shelf to read on her own (she’s a beginning reader.) These books provide great source material for dealing with hard topics (failure, anger, fear, ethnic diversity, and marveling at God’s creativity!) and provides parents with guides for discussion along these topics. My girls also love the tear-out pocket bible verses included in each. The best part about these stories, is that they aim at pointing a child to Christ in faith, rather than simple behavior modification and moralism, in accessible ways. Oh, and the messages of the books are good reminders and encouragement for me, the parent, as well. :)
I am always on the lookout for children's books, especially ones that talk about diversity. My children range from 3-10 and they honestly don't talk about the differences in skin color or the different cultures. It may be that we've talked about it so much from their little years on up and even have a teen girl from a different culture living with us. Nevertheless, I still want to remind them constantly that God made everyone for the job He created them to do. This book fits the message I want my kids to know. For starters, I tend to look at the Editorial reviews of a book, especially a Christian book. When I see some of the names that I highly respect, I know it's a book I need to read. It's not always one I may agree with, but it's one I need to read. In this book, it was both....a book I needed to read and agreed with. The illustrations are cute and fun. The story is biblical. Shai reminds the children that God created a diverse group of people for unity. In a culture where disunity is taught and encouraged, he reminds them that's not God's plan. I love how he talks about how sin causes division. My kids have asked that question a lot lately, when trying to understand why people hurt others because they're different. What a beautiful answer on these pages. He even reminds the children of Jesus's words in Revelation about the bride and how we will all worship together as one. What a beautiful picture to leave in their young minds...and in my mind! In researching who Shai is, I saw that he has a companion CD, too. I haven't checked it out yet, but it's on my list to find.
This beautifully illustrated children's book invites kids to explore God's design for ethnic diversity and challenges readers both parents and children to learn and live out counter-cultural, biblical views, fostering a lifelong celebration of diversity for the glory of God. Designed for four- to eleven-year-olds, God Made Me and You by Shai Linne is the second book in the God Made Me series, starting with God Made All of Me by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb. For the first twenty-three years of my life, I lived in a small town that was 95% white and attended a church that was 100% white. Upon the completion of seminary, I moved to a larger metro area that was 56% white and a church that was less than 1% white. An older German lady. And now me. Suddenly I had to deal with ethnic diversity. Not only that, but in certain prominent contexts of my life, I was now undergoing the experience of a minority. And it was life-changing. Five years later, I still work in a predominantly Asian church and am the adoptive father to a Black son and we’re pursuing further adoptions. It wasn’t that I was uninterested in racial reconciliation before. Simply that I hadn’t yet really been confronted by those issues. I celebrated ethnic diversity, but I hadn’t experienced it. In the years since, I’ve actively looked for resources that celebrate diversity—children’s books especially. Let’s have a brown-skinned Jesus. Let’s see variations in skin tone or children with disabilities. Let’s let our literature reflect what our world actually is. Shai Linne’s God Made Me and You is exactly the kind of book our children need—particularly those whose cultural context might make diversity more of a struggle. (Though it certainly isn’t a substitute!) God Made Me and You The story follows Ms. Preston’s class. Ms. Preston is late and unsupervised children don’t always make wise choices. Two boys begin to tease other kids for a variety of reasons. When Ms. Preston shows up and learns of the situation, she uses it as a teaching moment. God Made Me and You teaches that the whole human race is descended from Adam and Eve. Ms. Preston begins with the diversity of God’s creation. He made so many different things! So, of course, he would make people to be different as well. Short and tall. Curly hair and straight. Light sin and dark. Different color eyes. Some born deaf or blind. The book pinpoints sin as the beginning of racism. And now, because of the presence of sin / People hate for silly things like color of skin. But it also offers a solution in Jesus. Shai Linne points to Revelation 7’s promise that the church of heaven would be all people of all nations and languages. Illustrations / Text Trish Mahoney’s illustrations are particularly eye-catching. In a book about diversity, she paints a well thought out picture that goes beyond just ethnicity and skin color. One little girl has a birthmark on her face. Some are in wheelchairs. Some have braces. It truly is a celebration of diversity. One of the weakest points, I felt, was that the book uses rhymes throughout. Rhyming books are fine, but this is a serious topic and it’s quite substantial. At twenty pages, this is a lengthy poem Conclusion God Made Me and You is a must have for your children’s bookshelf and your church’s library. Racial issues have always been relevant, but especially today in an age where many people think we’re past all that, this book stands as a resource to get your child to understand and celebrate diversity.
You may be familiar with Christian artist Shai Linne by way of the rap music he's produced over the years. My husband and I have enjoyed his songs are thankful for his being a light in a dark industry. We were especially thrilled when we found out that Shai Linne had a children's book coming out and couldn't wait to read it with our daughter. God Made Me and You: Celebrating God's Design for Ethnic Diversity tells the story of young students whose teacher helps them understand diversity from a biblical perspective. This book is fun not only because of the captivating illustrations but because, in true Shai Linne form, it is written in rhyme. I am thankful for the timely and important message of God Made Me and You which is that all humans have been created as image bearers of God and have equal value, dignity, and worth. This is an especially important resource because it allows parents to make diversity one of the earliest values they instill in their children. The way in which Shai Linne writes about diversity is easy for children to understand and his approach to the topic is unique as it points to God as the author of diversity. Prior to reading God Made Me and You I hadn't really considered diversity as a mark of all creation but looking at plants, animals, and people, it is clear that a caring Creator is at work and this is a fact that individuals of all ages can rejoice in. My family enjoyed God Made Me and You and I believe that you will too! I received God Made Me and You compliments of New Growth Press in exchange for my honest review.
GOD MADE ME AND YOU is a cute children's book celebrating how God made everything different. Place, animals, and people. It focuses mainly on people so to eliminate the racial divide. Or color divide. Like if every child is blond or dark haired and there is a red-head in the group, he stands out and some bullies might be tempted to call him names. This explains why each are representative of God's creativity while still being made in an image of him. Each ethnicity is represented in the book, with culturally correct coloring, and even some who are blind, deaf, or mobility-challenged. If you are looking for a book that emphasizes God's creativity with people or how God created all nations and nationalities, then GOD MADE ME AND YOU is a great book to consider. I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own.
God Made Me and You – Celebrating God’s Design for Ethnic Diversity By Hai Linne, Illustrated by Trish Mahoney New Growth Press, 1301 Carolina Street, Suite 124, Greensboro, NC 27404 978-1948130154, $ 15.99, 2018 Reviewed by Richard R. Blake, richard330@yahoo.com “God Made Me and You – Celebrating God’s Design for Ethnic Diversity” is told using a poetic rhyming style. Trish Mahoney’s art and illustrations capture and significantly enhance and reinforce the application message for children. The book can be used as a read-aloud book or is an ideal opportunity for advanced readers to read to their younger siblings to and to help them develop their reading skills. A practical and helpful section for parents introduces Six Ways to Help a Child Appreciate God’s Design for Ethnic Diversity. A letter to parents at the opening of the book becomes the introduction of the book. Linne’s intent for writing the book is “To lead the reader to intentionally pursue and demonstrate a lifelong pursuit of appreciation for ethnic diversity to the glory of God.” Shai Linne’s book “God Made Me and You” is highly endorsed by pastors, theologians, Christian leaders, and educators. The book is designed to help children ages five through eleven and fosters embracing people of another color and ethnic differences. A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.