Raising Sexually Healthy Kids
₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08In an increasingly sexualized world, it's difficult to know how to teach your children about their sexuality in a godly way. On the one hand, you don't want to give the impression that sex is bad or make them feel ashamed of their bodies. But on the...₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
Help for Stepfamilies: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Learning to Love
₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08How do you blend two separate families into one household? Family traditions, values, interests, and parenting styles are often so far apart that simple questions like, "Who takes out the trash?" or "Where shall we go for Christmas?" can quickly become...₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
Helping Children with Shame: Resting in God's Approval
₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08Shame is the experience of feeling unacceptable, less than others, or different. Children often experience the sting of this particular sense of failing to measure up. Whether this heavy feeling comes from internal or external pressures, children need...₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Your Child: Help for Your Family
₩6,610.15Retail: ₩9,443.08Your child's diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may have left you feeling sad, confused, or perhaps even relieved to finally understand why he or she behaves differently from other children. Whatever your initial response to the diagnosis,...₩6,610.15Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
Your Child Says, "I'm Gay"
₩6,610.15Retail: ₩9,443.08Four little words that will rock any parent's world: "I think I'm gay." If your child said this, you are probably experiencing a combination of shock, denial, anger, confusion, and uncertainty. Despite your shock you still want to respond well. What...₩6,610.15Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
When Children Experience Trauma: Help for Parents and Caregivers
₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08When our children experience a traumatic event, we can feel powerless to help. We fear getting it wrong or reminding them of the hurt. Or we miss important cues that signal a child is in distress, leading us to address problematic behaviors with...₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
Talking to Your Children about Race: A Biblical Framework for Honest Conversations
₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08Conversations about race and ethnicity can be uncomfortable. Often parents don't know what to say or how to say it. It might seem easier to duck a hard, confusing subject, but your children are already learning about race from the world around them. But...₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
Grieving the Loss of Your Child: Comfort for Your Broken Heart
₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08The unthinkable has happened. Your beautiful child is gone, and you are left with a gaping hole in your heart and in your life. How could this have happened? How is it possible that you have outlived your own child? Ryan Showalter understands the...₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
When Your Kid's in Trouble: How to Intervene Constructively
₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08The question was never whether or not your child would get into trouble. The real question was whether or not you would get the chance to respond. Right now you have that chance! William P. Smith explains that your child's trouble is a God-ordained...₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
Helping Your Adopted Child: Understanding Your Child's Unique Identity
₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08Long before you decided to adopt, long before your child was born, God planned to put your adopted child into your home. Your child is an amazing gift from God, but nurturing an adopted child also brings unique challenges. Understanding your adopted...₩5,898.29Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
When Your Child Is Ill: Nurturing Faith in Hard Times
₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08Walking with a child through health problems can be a frightening and painful process for both parents and their children, whether facing a sudden catastrophic diagnosis, a chronic condition, or even common childhood ailments. Children want to...₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08 -
My Baby Has a Disability: Life-Giving Questions and Answers
₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08Your world has just been rocked with news that the baby you're expecting has been diagnosed with a significant disability. All of the hopes and plans you have for this baby are crumbling around you. Fears and questions are rising to take their place...₩5,811.12Retail: ₩9,443.08