Marc Davis guides readers to understand the message of Job more fully, helping them reflect on Job's suffering and their own in relationship to the suffering of Jesus.
The book of Job is an agonizing journey through the suffering of a godly man. We listen to his heart-wrenching thoughts and prayers and feel his confusion. Each person inevitably reads this story out of their own experience with suffering and disappointment. What is God up to? Why is this happening? Does he even care how we hurt?
Job: Where is God in My Suffering? creates space for prayers, reflections, and conversations in which Job's story, your story, and Jesus's story all come together. All who suffer (and that's everyone!) will find greater meaning and significance in their own experience as they encounter the God who sent his perfect Son to suffer for us.
"Job: Where is God in my Suffering? is a timely and welcome study on one of the most challenging issues any believer will face. Avoiding 'band-aid theology,' Marc guides us through Job's suffering so that we can both relate it to our own pain and ultimately to the willing suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a pastor, I strongly encourage every church and ministry to consider making this study part of their mandatory discipleship curriculum."
Lance E. Lewis, Assistant Pastor of Spiritual Formation, All Souls Fellowship
"'Job's life profoundly prefigures Jesus!' That surprising but rich insight is the link that binds Marc Davis's careful and nuanced reading of Job to his Christ-centered and pastorally sensitive application of the book's complex message. His reflection-provoking discussion questions are an added bonus in a book that is a must-have for anyone leading a study on Job.
Douglas Green, Senior Lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew Exegesis, Queensland Theological College, Brisbane, Australia
"Marc Davis invites us to join Job in questioning God about suffering, injustice, and even his trustworthiness and character. Davis helps us find hope that Job couldn't yet know our suffering is redeemed by 'wrapping our stories' into Jesus's story. Ultimately, healing is found in an ever-deepening relationship with our Savior-God."
Cecelia Bernhardt, Senior Counselor, Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
"The book of Job highlights profound questions common to all of us when we suffer and when we are overwhelmed by suffering in the world around us. This insightful and encouraging study points us repeatedly back to Jesus as the ultimate innocent sufferer and the Redeemer and Mediator for us all. Marc Davis skillfully leads us through lamenting suffering, mortality, and injustice while simultaneously weaving in the hope of the gospel, which calls us into a more intimate relationship with our just and merciful Father."
Dr. Alyssa Pfister, Serge Medical Missionary, Burundi
I love when New Growth Press comes out with a new book in the Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series and I love when I am able to incorporate these books into my own personal devotional time! One of the latest additions to the Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series is Job: Where is God in My Suffering? by Marc Davis. Job: Where is God in My Suffering? follows the format of previous books in the series with a Lesson Section, a Article Section, and a Exercise Section in each chapter as well as Leader’s Guide Notes that complements the study so that it can be done in a group setting if wanted. Within each of the 8 chapters, Mr. Davis brings unique insights to the book of Job that correlates with the Life of Christ and His Teachings. I was looking for a study on the book of Job and was thankful when I found out that New Growth Press carried Marc Davis’ Job: Where is God in My Suffering?. I love the correlations between Job and Jesus that Mr. Davis brings out in the book. Mr. Davis brought out things that I had never thought about when you put Jesus and Job side-by-side. The Articles and activities were what Ministered to me the most. This study made me see Job in a new light. It also made me see aspects of God that I never noticed before, such as how patient He is with us and how God allows us to say our peace. I also love the points that are brought out about Job’s friends and how it was explained in cultural perspective. Marc Davis’ Job: Where is God in My Suffering? shows us there is Hope through our Job-like trials, and I highly recommend it!