Who Should I Date? Relationship Advice for the Real World
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Who should you date? You might be drawn to someone who is fun, good-looking, and interested in the same things you are, but even more important than what's on the surface is what someone is like inside. But how can you find that out? What should you...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Why Do I Care? When Others' Approval Matters Too Much
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61It is difficult and sometimes frightening not to have the good opinion of others. No one likes to face the possibility of rejection, humiliation, or opposition. Yet, making our goal others' approval confines us to a small world where life consists of...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Social Anxiety: Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61"I'm just shy." You've worn the label for so long that it has become your identity. A counselor recently described it as social anxiety, but the new label does nothing to ease the pain. You wish you could feel "comfortable in your own skin" but instead,...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Facing Death with Hope: Living for What Lasts
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Is a life-threatening illness, a major life change, or just plain old age forcing you to face your own mortality? Probably, like most of us, you'd rather not think or talk about your own death. But ignoring your death won't stop it from...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Struggling Through Singleness: Help for the Journey
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Are you wrestling with questions related to your singleness and wondering what God is up to? You have dreams and desires that seem to be unmet, and you feel unsettled and long for something more. Author Jayne V. Clark shares her journey of...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
On Mission: Devotions for Your Short-Term Trip
¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45A missions trip provides unique opportunities to experience God's grace in ways that we often miss during our day-to-day routines. Over time, however, these spiritual lessons tend to be forgotten as the memories of the trip fade. On Mission is an...¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45 -
When the Money Runs Out: Hope and Help for the Financially Stressed
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you might be feeling anger, discouragement, fear, or even panic. There are many reasons people struggle financially-job loss, unexpected expenses, poor decisions-but, whatever the reason, money troubles...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Freedom from Guilt: Finding Release from Your Burdens
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Are you living under a cloud of guilt that you can't seem to shake no matter what you do? Do you feel guilty about everything, all the time? We all have different ways of dealing with our guilty feelings, but none of them work for very long. Timothy S...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Overeating: When Enough Isn't Enough
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61If we're honest, most of us can remember eating more than we need. More often than we might care to admit, we finish a meal knowing we've had too much. Why do we push the limits of our food consumption? Does God have anything to say about this struggle?...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Stressed to the Max: Peace for Women Under Pressure
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Does it seem like your to-do list always gets longer instead of shorter? Do you try to slow down but find yourself scrambling just to keep up? Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but it often seems you have more than your fair share. You can't...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Should We Get Married? How to Evaluate Your Relationship
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61You know you're in love Ð you always want to be together, and you think about each other all the time Ð but does that mean you're ready to get married? How do you decide if your relationship is strong enough for marriage? William P. Smith gives you a...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Miscarriage: You Are Not Alone
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Anyone who has suffered through a miscarriage knows that it is one of the most painful experiences a woman can have. There's an emptiness inside that you cannot describe and that no one else seems to understand. How can you grieve so much for a person...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Grieving a Suicide: Help for the Aftershock
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Someone you know and love has died. You feel the emptiness and sorrow of loss. That alone is extremely hard. But suicide adds many other painful reactions to the heartache that death brings. Common reactions are feelings of anger, guilt, betrayal, and...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Psalms: Real Prayers for Real Life
¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45How long? Why is this happening? Where are you, God? For centuries, God's people have learned to go to God with their real questions, struggles, and everyday needs by reading and studying the Psalms. In this practical, gospel-rich small group study,...¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45 -
Parenting Your ADHD Child: Biblical Guidance for Your Child's Diagnosis
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, don't give up hope! No diagnosis can negate the fact that your child is made in the image of God. You can help your child, as one of God's image bearers, to deal with the behaviors associated with ADHD. The Bible...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Suffering: Where to Turn When Life Falls Apart
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Someone you love is ill, your child is in trouble, financial problems mount, you lost your job, your spouse left youÐthe list of troubles we experience is both uniquely difficult and depressingly similar. In this world we will suffer, Jesus promised...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Help for Your Extreme Mood Swings
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Everyone feels better some days than others, but some people struggle with exaggerated and unrestrained mood swings. These kinds of mood swings have come to be known as mania, manic-depression, or bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is confusing and...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
Help! My Spouse Committed Adultery: First Steps for Dealing with Betrayal
¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61Your spouse was unfaithful. Those four words don't begin to do justice to the horror you are experiencing. Rage, fear, grief, and even numbness are all normal responses to the shock of betrayal. The pain of betrayal is like touching a hot stove. Your...¥38.09Retail: ¥47.61 -
1 Peter: Life as an Outsider
¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45Displaced—that's what it feels like to be a Christian in an increasingly post-Christian world. You speak the language and understand the culture, yet don't quite feel at home. How do you live as a Christian in a world that doesn't share your...¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45 -
Jax's Tail Twitches: When You Are Angry
¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45Everyone gets frustrated when something important to them goes wrong. In Jax's Tail Twitches, the whole Squirrel family ends up out of sorts when acorn gathering doesn't go according to plan. Although Papa, Mama, Jax, and Caspian Squirrel all get angry,...¥99.55Retail: ¥124.45