Helping Your Anxious Child: What to Do When Worries Get Big
$4.55Retail: $6.50When your child is anxious, it's easy to get anxious too. You want to help your child regain a sense of peace and safety, but how can you? This world is big and scary, and sometimes our worries get big too. Julie Lowe, a skilled family counselor with...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
How Do I Stop Losing It with My Kids? Getting to the Heart of Your Discipline Problems
$4.00Retail: $6.50The kids are hungry, dinner is late, everyone's tired and on edge, and then it happens—you lose control and blow up at them again. Is losing control with our children inevitable in our busy world? Or is there a better way? Learn from William P...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Leading Your Child to Christ: Biblical Direction for Sharing the Gospel
$4.55Retail: $6.50You want to lead your child to Christ, but you often wonder exactly what you should be saying and sharing with your child. How do you know what parts of the gospel to share? How do you know if your child is really understanding the good news of the...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Angry Children: Understanding and Helping Your Child Regain Control
$4.55Retail: $6.50If you have an angry child you are most likely worn out, confused, and looking for answers to questions like these: How can I restore sanity to this chaos? How can I prevent these anger storms in my child? Why does this rage seem to explode out of...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Explaining LGBTQ+ Identity to Your Child: Biblical Guidance and Wisdom
$4.55Retail: $6.50LGBTQ+ identities and their widespread acceptance have produced a host of questions and quandaries for Christian families. How do you help your child navigate a world where a classmate may be transgender and neighbors are a gay couple? How do you...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Dealing with Your Rebellious Teenager: Help for Worried Parents
$4.00Retail: $6.50When your teenager is estranged from you and God and is making unwise (and perhaps downright awful) choices, it's natural to feel hopeless and helpless. Perhaps you have already done everything you know to do—you have talked with them at length,...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Single Parents: Daily Grace for the Hardest Job
$4.55Retail: $6.50If you are a single parent, you already know you have one of the hardest jobs in the world. Trying to be both dad and mom breadwinner, cook, chauffeur, comforter, dishwasher, homework helper, disciplinarian, nurse, and role mode can wear down the...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
How to Talk to Your Kid about Sex: Honesty and Openness for a Sensitive Subject
$4.55Retail: $6.50You don't want to make a big deal out of it. Isn't everyone else already talking about sex? Yes, they are talking, and their words are shaping your child's understanding right now. In a culture that glorifies casual sex, kids will only learn to think...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Helping Children with Body Image: Teaching Them to See What God Sees
$4.06Retail: $6.50The world is streaming messages to children about what makes them valuable. Children learn early from TV, media, friends, and classmates that if they don't have the right size, weight, strength, and appearance, something is wrong with them. Children...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Peer Pressure: Recognizing the Warning Signs and Giving New Direction
$4.55Retail: $6.50Does your child do and say things just to be liked and accepted? Constantly talk about what others think and say? Go from one relational drama to the next? These are all warning signs that your child is feeling the weight of peer pressure. Paul David...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
When to Get My Kid a Phone: Navigating the Tensions
$5.11Retail: $6.50Determining when to get your child a smartphone is a complicated yet critical decision. Parents today are facing new challenges as technology and our children's access to it gives rise to new worries and concerns. Thoughtful parents wonder how to...$5.11Retail: $6.50 -
Helping Your Family Grieve: Lament and Remember Together
$5.11Retail: $6.50Grief is overwhelming, especially for children, who do not naturally know how to respond to loss. They need help to express the sadness, fear, and anger that comes after encountering death. Thankfully, God has given us a pathway through grief. He...$5.11Retail: $6.50 -
Grief and Your Child: Sharing God's Comfort in Loss
$4.99Retail: $6.50When your child faces the loss of someone close, their world no longer feels safe. Grief and its aftermath take us all by surprise, but even more so children, who don't have the words or tools to face grief and can respond with fear, withdrawal, and...$4.99Retail: $6.50 -
Teens and Anxiety: How Parents Can Help
$5.11Retail: $6.50Anxiety is the number one mental health issue facing people today, and teens are not exempt. The causes are many school pressures, relationship struggles, social media issues and the results can be debilitating for your teen. If you are noticing...$5.11Retail: $6.50 -
Children and Trauma: Equipping Parents and Caregivers
$5.11Retail: $6.50Children can experience trauma from a variety of experiences, including neglect, physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, death of a loved one, bullying, racial trauma, and more. Trauma occurs when children are exposed to an experience perceived as...$5.11Retail: $6.50 -
Parenting Your ADHD Child: Biblical Guidance for Your Child's Diagnosis
$4.55Retail: $6.50If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, don't give up hope! No diagnosis can negate the fact that your child is made in the image of God. You can help your child, as one of God's image bearers, to deal with the behaviors associated with ADHD. The Bible...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
iSnooping on Your Kid: Parenting in an Internet World
$4.06Retail: $6.50In our increasingly wired world, your children have access to people, images, and media that you don't want them to experience. What's a concerned parent to do? What does wisdom look like when technology floods into your home bringing access to...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Children and Divorce: Helping When Life Interrupts
$4.00Retail: $6.50Sadness, depression, anger, fear, anxiety, loyalty conflicts; your children are struggling with at least some of these emotions after your divorce. To make things even more difficult, you are struggling too. How do you help your child cope with the...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Helping Students with Same-Sex Attraction: Guidance for Parents and Youth Leaders
$4.06Retail: $6.50A student sits in your office and shares about his or her struggles with same-sex attraction. Or perhaps it's your child asking you for help. What can you say or do that will bring the gospel into this struggle? Cooper Pinson begins by helping parents...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Teens and Suicide: Recognizing the Signs and Sharing Hope
$5.11Retail: $6.50Many teenagers are not navigating adolescence successfully. Often, even though they have material things, the latest electronics, and spending money, they can be stressed, unhappy, and feel directionless. For an increasing number of teenagers, their...$5.11Retail: $6.50 -
Teaching Your Child about Money: Biblical Stewardship for Beginners
$4.06Retail: $6.50Guess who is watching you spend your money? Your children are not just hearing your words about spending; they are watching you do it. What lessons are your children learning about the financial choices you make? Are they learning to trust God and...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Raising Sexually Healthy Kids
$4.06Retail: $6.50In an increasingly sexualized world, it's difficult to know how to teach your children about their sexuality in a godly way. On the one hand, you don't want to give the impression that sex is bad or make them feel ashamed of their bodies. But on the...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Helping Your Child with a Bully: Learning to Respond Wisely
$5.11Retail: $6.50It's hard to know what to do when you see your child struggling with a bully. Do you encourage them to tell an authority figure? Call the other child's parents? Intervene? What is the right response? It's always important to take bullying seriously and...$5.11Retail: $6.50 -
Help for Stepfamilies: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Learning to Love
$4.06Retail: $6.50How do you blend two separate families into one household? Family traditions, values, interests, and parenting styles are often so far apart that simple questions like, "Who takes out the trash?" or "Where shall we go for Christmas?" can quickly become...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Helping Children with Shame: Resting in God's Approval
$4.00Retail: $6.50Shame is the experience of feeling unacceptable, less than others, or different. Children often experience the sting of this particular sense of failing to measure up. Whether this heavy feeling comes from internal or external pressures, children need...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Your Child: Help for Your Family
$4.55Retail: $6.50Your child's diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may have left you feeling sad, confused, or perhaps even relieved to finally understand why he or she behaves differently from other children. Whatever your initial response to the diagnosis,...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Your Child Says, "I'm Gay"
$4.55Retail: $6.50Four little words that will rock any parent's world: "I think I'm gay." If your child said this, you are probably experiencing a combination of shock, denial, anger, confusion, and uncertainty. Despite your shock you still want to respond well. What...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
When Children Experience Trauma: Help for Parents and Caregivers
$4.00Retail: $6.50When our children experience a traumatic event, we can feel powerless to help. We fear getting it wrong or reminding them of the hurt. Or we miss important cues that signal a child is in distress, leading us to address problematic behaviors with...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Talking to Your Children about Race: A Biblical Framework for Honest Conversations
$4.00Retail: $6.50Conversations about race and ethnicity can be uncomfortable. Often parents don't know what to say or how to say it. It might seem easier to duck a hard, confusing subject, but your children are already learning about race from the world around them. But...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Grieving the Loss of Your Child: Comfort for Your Broken Heart
$4.06Retail: $6.50The unthinkable has happened. Your beautiful child is gone, and you are left with a gaping hole in your heart and in your life. How could this have happened? How is it possible that you have outlived your own child? Ryan Showalter understands the...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
When Your Kid's in Trouble: How to Intervene Constructively
$4.00Retail: $6.50The question was never whether or not your child would get into trouble. The real question was whether or not you would get the chance to respond. Right now you have that chance! William P. Smith explains that your child's trouble is a God-ordained...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Helping Your Adopted Child: Understanding Your Child's Unique Identity
$4.06Retail: $6.50Long before you decided to adopt, long before your child was born, God planned to put your adopted child into your home. Your child is an amazing gift from God, but nurturing an adopted child also brings unique challenges. Understanding your adopted...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
When Your Child Is Ill: Nurturing Faith in Hard Times
$4.00Retail: $6.50Walking with a child through health problems can be a frightening and painful process for both parents and their children, whether facing a sudden catastrophic diagnosis, a chronic condition, or even common childhood ailments. Children want to...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
My Baby Has a Disability: Life-Giving Questions and Answers
$4.00Retail: $6.50Your world has just been rocked with news that the baby you're expecting has been diagnosed with a significant disability. All of the hopes and plans you have for this baby are crumbling around you. Fears and questions are rising to take their place...$4.00Retail: $6.50
Explore the Best Christian Parenting Books
Parenting is a joyous and a stressful journey. Depending on Christ and his Word is the only way to receive daily help, counsel, and comfort along the way. New Growth Press offers a wide array of Christian parenting resources that will help you depend on Jesus and guide your children to faith in Christ. With the rich biblical knowledge and gospel-focused content in these Christian books on parenting, you will be better equipped to have fruitful, grace-filled conversations with your children and will learn wise parenting strategies rooted in biblical wisdom.
Why Are Christian Parenting Resources Important?
Parenting is one of God’s most important callings. Our thoughtfully curated collection of Christian parenting books help parents guide their children through the different stages of their life, from cradle to college. The foundation for Christian parenting is passing truth about God, themselves, and their world which is the aim of every NGP Christian parenting resource. Rearing children to follow God, encourages them to place their ultimate hope and faith in Christ. Devote a few hours to reading Christian books on parenting so that you can reflect our heavenly Father to your children.
Buy the Best Christian Books on Parenting
The journey of parenting is a challenging for everyone, but parenting kids with a Christian purpose and motivation is even harder! Let your day-to-day parenting decisions be governed by the best Christian parenting books, with New Growth Press. Our exclusive collection of books on Christian parenting targets a wide spectrum of issues that new parents are concerned with; on the other hand, you can also find ample choices of Christian parenting books for parents of teenagers. Books are the best means to learn and adopt a gospel-oriented approach to parenting, and we at New Growth Press, take extra care to offer a thoughtful selection of parenting books that address a broad spectrum of issues.