Healing Broken Relationships: What to Do When You've Been Hurt
$4.06Retail: $6.50Arguments. Betrayal. Inattention. Some of the reasons that relationships shatter. Anger. Confusion. Hurt. Frustration. Some of what we feel when a relationship falls apart. We all have experienced how hard relationships can be in this broken world...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Faith and Doubt: When Belief is Hard
$4.99Retail: $6.50You made a commitment to Jesus (or maybe you didn't), but now you are questioning everything. Is there a God? Are you really forgiven and accepted for Jesus's sake? It sounds too good to be true. And if the Bible really is true and Jesus really did rise...$4.99Retail: $6.50 -
I'm Exhausted: What to Do When You're Always Tired
$4.55Retail: $6.50As a chronic fatigue sufferer, life as you once enjoyed it has ceased. Fatigue can be brought on by a myriad of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. But, whatever the cause, your entire world is now affected by your diminished physical strength...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
When Bad Things Happen: Thoughtful Answers to Hard Questions
$4.55Retail: $6.50Is a personal God really involved in our suffering? And if he is, what in the world is he up to? Why would a good God allow suffering in his world? William P. Smith addresses these and other hard questions by reflecting on what the Bible teaches about...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Burned Out? Trusting God with Your To-Do List
$4.00Retail: $6.50Often, in our busy world, our lives feel like one long to-do list. It's easy to get so busy that we don't even notice how exhausted and anxious we are. Do you find yourself saying yes to activities you don't have time for? Have you ever said, "If I...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Managing Your Emotions: Keeping Your Feelings from Running the Show
$4.55Retail: $6.50Emotions are a powerful and important part of life, but sometimes it feels like they are out of control. Mild frustration quickly turns to anger. Sadness becomes despair. Disappointment deepens into bitterness. You may begin to wonder if you control...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
When Cancer Interrupts
$4.55Retail: $6.50Your cancer diagnosis comes as a surprise and not a pleasant surprise. It is a hard and threatening jolt. Perhaps you are still in shock. Still trying to wrap your mind around the new reality of your diagnosis and what it means for your present and...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Freedom from Resentment: Stopping Hurts from Turning Bitter
$4.55Retail: $6.50Everyone experiences hurt in relationships, but most of the time we are able to forgive and forget. But sometimes we experience a major hurt that lingers in our minds and leads to bitterness. We feel trapped by the resulting hostility, ongoing broken...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Caring for an Aging Parent: Honoring as You Serve
$5.11Retail: $6.50Caring for aging parents is complex and challenging even under the best of circumstances. How do we help them and remain sane when distance, dementia, depression, disaster, divorce, disintegrated relationships, deteriorating health, and discouragement...$5.11Retail: $6.50 -
Can We Talk? The Art of Relationship Building
$4.06Retail: $6.50Another conversation ends in frustration or even anger. You want to communicate well and to grow deeper in your relationships, but either you can't seem to find the words or always seem to come up with the wrong ones. How can you develop greater...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Single and Lonely: Finding the Intimacy You Desire
$4.99Retail: $6.50Are you a single adult who sometimes feels isolated, vulnerable, and alone? Like everyone else you want to be known and understood; you don't want to feel invisible. You want to be included and cared about. You don't want to be lonely; you want to be...$4.99Retail: $6.50 -
Sexual Addiction: Freedom from Compulsive Behavior
$4.06Retail: $6.50If you're struggling with a sexual addiction of any sort, you understand that feeling of being trapped, out of control, and afraid of being found out. No matter what you try, it seems impossible to break free from the lure of illicit sexual thoughts and...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Dealing with Your Rebellious Teenager: Help for Worried Parents
$4.00Retail: $6.50When your teenager is estranged from you and God and is making unwise (and perhaps downright awful) choices, it's natural to feel hopeless and helpless. Perhaps you have already done everything you know to do—you have talked with them at length,...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Breaking the Addictive Cycle: Deadly Obsessions or Simple Pleasures?
$4.55Retail: $6.50You are bored or stressed or hurt. Something is hard in life and you want a break. What do you grab for that you hope will protect, soothe, and comfort? Whatever it is—shopping, overeating, drinking, drugs—promises relief, but never delivers...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Chronic Pain: Living by Faith When Your Body Hurts
$4.55Retail: $6.50Chronic pain is different from other kinds of physical pain because it doesn't stop. It is daily, unrelenting, soul-wearying pain for which there is no end in sight. Can you still experience God's grace and help even in the midst of never ending pain?...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Single Parents: Daily Grace for the Hardest Job
$4.55Retail: $6.50If you are a single parent, you already know you have one of the hardest jobs in the world. Trying to be both dad and mom breadwinner, cook, chauffeur, comforter, dishwasher, homework helper, disciplinarian, nurse, and role mode can wear down the...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Restoring Your Broken Marriage: Healing After Adultery
$4.55Retail: $6.50Anger...fear...despair...guilt...shame...when your marriage is broken by adultery, the core struggles of your heart are revealed. But although you and your spouse may be experiencing many of the same emotions, you are standing on opposite sides of a...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Temptation: Fighting the Urge
$4.55Retail: $6.50How many times have you tried to change a behavior only to find yourself doing the same thing again? Do these phrases sound familiar? "There I go again!" "I've had this struggle for years, and I just can't seem to win." "I do okay for awhile, but then I...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Mom Guilt: Escaping Its Strong Hold
$4.99Retail: $6.50Do you feel like you're failing as a mom? Are you plagued by a sense of inadequacy and feel like you're constantly missing the mark?These feelings describe mom guilt—a surprisingly common experience for modern moms. Counselor Lauren Whitman helps...$4.99Retail: $6.50 -
A New Normal: Learning to Thrive in Suffering
$5.20Retail: $6.50A loved one has walked out on you. A car crash has left you disabled and in constant pain. You or a family member just received a serious medical diagnosis. Even worse, perhaps you've just returned from a funeral. How do you begin to piece your life...$5.20Retail: $6.50
New Growth Press minibooks apply biblical wisdom to a wide variety of everyday struggles, issues, and questions and offer practical help for tough times. Available in book and eBook format, the average person can read these Christian minibooks in less than 30 minutes, making them just the right size for getting help for yourself and others.
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