Helping Students with Same-Sex Attraction: Guidance for Parents and Youth Leaders
£4.26Retail: £5.32A student sits in your office and shares about his or her struggles with same-sex attraction. Or perhaps it's your child asking you for help. What can you say or do that will bring the gospel into this struggle? Cooper Pinson begins by helping parents...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Teens and Suicide: Recognizing the Signs and Sharing Hope
£4.26Retail: £5.32Many teenagers are not navigating adolescence successfully. Often, even though they have material things, the latest electronics, and spending money, they can be stressed, unhappy, and feel directionless. For an increasing number of teenagers, their...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Becoming a Widow: The Ache of Missing Your Other Half
£4.26Retail: £5.32No matter whether your husband's death was expected or sudden, your loss is a total shock. Your world will never again be the same. You wonder how you can go on without him. And how will you manage the details of a life you built together? How do you...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Living in a Dangerous World: Moving from Fear to Faith
£4.26Retail: £5.32Everyone is afraid of something. Fear is part of the human experience of living in a broken, fallen world. We try to manage our fears, but our coping mechanisms impact our faith. We hoard resources and stop praying for provision. We stockpile...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Sex Before Marriage: How Far is Too Far?
£4.26Retail: £5.32"If we're in love, what's wrong with having sex before marriage? And even if we're not, isn't everyone else doing it? Why should we be the only ones who wait?" Have you ever thought or said things like this? If your answer is yes, you have a lot of...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Sexual Assault: Healing Steps for Victims
£4.26Retail: £5.32Sexual assault is an invasive event of traumatic evil. You were victimized, and now you are suffering. Whenever sexual abuse occurs, love is not part of the equation. Rather, the perpetrator uses power, domination, and control to injure innocent victims...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Domestic Abuse: Help for Victims
£4.26Retail: £5.32Do you suspect that you or someone you love is suffering from marital domestic abuse? Is there intentional harm happening to you in your home, whether physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional? What should you do? How do you seek help? Heather Nelson...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Raising Sexually Healthy Kids
£4.26Retail: £5.32In an increasingly sexualized world, it's difficult to know how to teach your children about their sexuality in a godly way. On the one hand, you don't want to give the impression that sex is bad or make them feel ashamed of their bodies. But on the...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Teaching Your Child about Money: Biblical Stewardship for Beginners
£4.26Retail: £5.32Guess who is watching you spend your money? Your children are not just hearing your words about spending; they are watching you do it. What lessons are your children learning about the financial choices you make? Are they learning to trust God and...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Caring for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
£4.26Retail: £5.32How is your church ministering to children in your congregation who have experienced sexual abuse? Jesus told us that whoever received a child in his name received him (Matt. 18:5). Is this the guiding principle that informs how your congregation cares...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Postpartum Depression: Hope for a Hard Season
£4.26Retail: £5.32Many new mothers experience what some call postpartum "baby blues" a short period of feeling sad, irritable, anxious, and overwhelmed. But what happens when those feelings worsen as the newborn weeks go by? What help is there for you when sleepless...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
What the Bible Says to Abuse Survivors and Those Who Hurt Them
£4.26Retail: £5.32Pastors and church personnel often struggle to apply intentional and appropriate doses of both biblical grace and stringent accountability to victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse. Churches can regularly be prone to turn the tables on survivors...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Who Does the Dishes? Decision Making in Marriage
£4.26Retail: £5.32Who should pay the bills? Do the laundry? Work outside the home? Stay home with the kids? For many couples, answering these questions is difficult and frustrating. How do you decide which family responsibilities belong to you and which belong to your...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
When You Love an Addict: Wisdom and Direction
£4.26Retail: £5.32Loving an addict is incredibly painful. Not only do you have to watch them make the same mistakes over and over again, but along the way they often lie to you, hurt you, and betray you. And yet, against all odds, you still love them and hope and pray...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Living Together: Why Marriage Is the Best Choice
£4.26Retail: £5.32Past broken relationships, concerns about compatibility, and finances are just some of the reasons for the growing trend of couples living together without getting married. But marriage is not just a cultural institution by which people merge lives,...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
iSnooping on Your Kid: Parenting in an Internet World
£4.26Retail: £5.32In our increasingly wired world, your children have access to people, images, and media that you don't want them to experience. What's a concerned parent to do? What does wisdom look like when technology floods into your home bringing access to...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Feeling Guilty? Grace for Your Mistakes
£4.26Retail: £5.32Right now you are probably feeling guilty about one thing or another–what you said to your spouse last night, those unrelenting thoughts, something you did years ago and regret, actual lying and cheating, the places where you are struggling right...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Helping Your Child with a Bully: Learning to Respond Wisely
£4.26Retail: £5.32It's hard to know what to do when you see your child struggling with a bully. Do you encourage them to tell an authority figure? Call the other child's parents? Intervene? What is the right response? It's always important to take bullying seriously and...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
When Trouble Shows Up: Seeing God's Transforming Love
£4.26Retail: £5.32Where is God in all this? Does he really love me? Perhaps you are asking questions like these in the midst of tough situations that come your way. You want to trust God's plan for your life, but when hardship intrudes, it is often difficult to believe...£4.26Retail: £5.32 -
Helping Children with Shame: Resting in God's Approval
£4.26Retail: £5.32Shame is the experience of feeling unacceptable, less than others, or different. Children often experience the sting of this particular sense of failing to measure up. Whether this heavy feeling comes from internal or external pressures, children need...£4.26Retail: £5.32
New Growth Press minibooks apply biblical wisdom to a wide variety of everyday struggles, issues, and questions and offer practical help for tough times. Available in book and eBook format, the average person can read these Christian minibooks in less than 30 minutes, making them just the right size for getting help for yourself and others.
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