Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God

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Recognized as an ECPA Bronze Seller of over 100,000 copies sold. 

Family Bible study doesn't have to be complicated. Best-selling children's book author Marty Machowski helps busy parents share the gospel story with their kids through Long Story Short, an outstanding devotional book full of stories, illustrations, and applicable learning suggestions.

For active families, reading the Bible together can feel overwhelming. Long Story Short is designed to explain God's plan of salvation through the Old Testament, focusing on the hero of Scripture and important biblical truths without being corny, confusing, or condescending.

As a creative and Christ-centered family devotional, Long Story Short equips parents to make disciples in their homes by breaking down the Bible story in shorter, easy-to-understand sections. Both practical and simple, this beautifully designed book is faithful and interactive to Scripture. Machowski guides families through the Old Testament stories, drawing on his experience as a father of six and family life pastor.

Christian parents know the importance of passing the gospel story on to their children, yet we live in a busy world filled with distractions. Schedules collide, homework and laundry and soccer practice await, and before you know it, it's easy to miss God's Word.

With just ten minutes a day, five days a week, parents have enough time to pass on the most valuable treasure the world has ever known. Long Story Short is a family devotional program designed to cultivate honest and powerful discussion about the Bible, which is the catalyst for change in children's lives.

Long Story Short is a companion resource to the Gospel Story Curriculum, The Gospel Story Bible, Old Story New, the Old Testament Gospel Story for Kids Coloring Book, and the New Testament Gospel Story for Kids Coloring Book. Each week of devotions corresponds to a lesson in the Gospel Story Curriculum and a story in The Gospel Story Bible.

Marty Machowski is a Family Life Pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, where he has served on the pastoral staff for over thirty years. He is the author of The Gospel Story Bible, Long Story Short, Old Story New, the Gospel Story Curriculum, the Prepare Him Room advent devotional and curriculum, Wise Up family devotional and curriculum, Listen Up family devotional and curriculum, Dragon Seed, The Ology, Don't Blame the Mud, Parenting First Aid, and Parenting First Aid Study Guide. He and his wife, Lois, have six children and two grandchildren, and they reside in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
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"Long Story Short is the best material for family devotions I've ever seen. If you're looking for something careful, creative, and Christ-centered without being corny, confusing, or condescending, look no further. Pastors would be wise to buy this book by the boxful and get a copy into the hands of each family in their church."
Justin Taylor, Blogger at The Gospel Coalition; managing editor of the ESV Study Bible

"This is simply an outstanding book, and Christian families need it right now. I have never seen a devotional book that is so well suited to family devotions and to children, even as it is faithful in relating biblical truth. This book will help any Christian parent lead family devotions that will be memorable, faithful, and practical for Christian living. I'll admit this too, parents will find that they love the stories, illustrations, and learning suggestions along with their children. Marty Machowski has written a wonderful book."
R. Albert Mohler Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"I love the simplicity and practicality of Long Story Short. Marty Machowski gives parents a valuable resource to make disciples in our homes by highlighting the gospel story and the Hero of Scripture. I plan to strongly encourage the use of this book throughout our entire network of churches."
Scott Thomas, Pastor of Pastoral Development at The Journey Church

"In Long Story Short, Marty Machowski provides what my wife and I needed when we were struggling to find good tools to disciple our young children. We got by, but this resource would have helped us so much. I envy the parents who will have it available to them. It is simple, interactive, and faithful to Scripture. It avoids the pitfalls of moralism that is prevalent in much of the children's Bible literature today. Marty insists that you and your children meet Jesus and see the gospel of grace in every story. I can't recommend this resource enough."
Timothy S. Lane, Former Executive Director, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation; coauthor of How People Change and Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

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57 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Zach Mellgren on 05 31 2024

    We just finished this as a family, going through this slowly over the past three plus years. It’s meant to be done in a year and a half. Our slow pace has nothing to do with the content and everything to do with the real struggle of maintaining consistent devotions with four kids under 10. What Machowski has provided for families here is phenomenal. My kids have been shown so many gospel connections to Jesus through the Old Testament. Sometimes it’s a little repetitive and some of the Scripture readings are a bit long for a ten minute devotional (emphasis on “some”…typically he gives several verses or a short narrative passage rather than full chapters). But all in all, this is an excellent resource for families, especially for those with kids under 10.

  • 5
    Our family really enjoyed this devotional.

    Posted by Ray on 04 06 2023

    Our family really enjoyed this devotional. I appreciate how each day we work through a passage of Scripture. It does a good job highlighting Jesus in the Old Testament each week. We had many good discussions as we went through this as a family.

  • 5
    Long Story Short

    Posted by Wayne Gerhardt on 09 12 2022

    First of all, I am a retired children's minister having served God and children for 31 years. I have also written children's Bible curriculum for 15 years. I think I know what I am talking about. Our church, Bridgepoint Bible Church, recently started your 3 year curriculum. When I found out that you also publish The Gospel Story Bible and a family Long Story Shorty devotional book that accompany the curriculum, I was blown away. This is BIG. Now it is easy for the children's teachers at church and the parents to join together and work each week to guide the spiritual development of children. The children will truly be blessed because of what you have done in preparing a Bible study curriculum, a children's Bible, and a weekly family devotional book. Thank you.

  • 5
    Fantastic family devotion for tweens.

    Posted by Afton on 08 25 2022

    Fantastic family devotion for tweens.

  • 5
    perfect length for family devotions!

    Posted by Laura on 07 15 2022

    We loved the hands-on object lessons, the right-sized devotional passages, and the Jesus-centered questions. This devotional ensures that you really cover the Old Testament. (It’s a 78 week devotional that took us about 2 years to finish in reality!)bBut I loved that it didn’t just stick to the classic stories but got us reading in the prophets almost every week, seeing Jesus in every passage, and really spending time in lesser known passages. It’s pretty comprehensive overview of the OT that my kids (ages 4-10 when we started) could all understand.

  • 5
    Our family worship time was completely transformed by this book.

    Posted by Emily K on 11 15 2021

    Our family worship time was completely transformed by this book. Perfect for families with kids of all ages. It is a great tool for taking your family through the Old Testament. Includes discussion questions and a prayer guide for each lesson. I cannot recommend this book enough.

  • 4
    Praise to the author for a job well done.

    Posted by Amy Meyers on 08 09 2021

    Whew. We finally finished this. I think we started four years ago-ish? It's hard to remember. It's supposed to take 1.5 years at 5 days per week, which would be perfect for most families. We have ministry interruptions, so don't quite get 5 days per week, but you could combine two days into one if the Bible readings weren't too long. Some are quite long with a whole chapter, some, only a handful of verses. We also took breaks from this to do other devotional books and ideas. So it certainly doesn't have to take as long as we did. This is an excellent family devotional. I love the basic organization of it, especially to help families get started with young-ish kids (not too young) with actually reading the Bible, talking about it, and praying through it. Our children are now old enough to read the Bible passage aloud with us. Positives: a fair representation of the OT, decent survey of the main stories. I liked how he tried to point forward to Jesus. (Some of these seemed contrived or repetitive at times in order to fit the book organization. Some could have been done better. But still, great idea, and overall, well-done.) I love that this is not a Bible retelling; you are actually reading the Bible and then a little devo on it with review questions. Charlotte Mason says children should read/hear the actual Bible, not retellings, so this checks that box. (I do like some good retellings for the younger set. I love Catherine Vos's retelling.) No theological concerns, seemed very sound biblically. Negatives: We got tired of the hands-on demonstration at the beginning of the week, especially since day 1's opener was also a picture or story. It sometimes turned out to be two illustrations or object lessons in a row, and that was too much or weird or sometimes disconnected. I think he could have cut one or the other. We also felt that the prayer suggestion could have been much richer spiritually. Often it was a bit lame, like thanking God that He worked sovereignly in this or that OT situation. We preferred prayer suggestions that asked for help in a certain sin area or were praising God for some theological truth that the story taught. But parents can just do this themselves. As a model, it's still valid and helpful. Some of the questions also might be not what we would have chosen, but that's not a big deal. Overall, very well done, and I'm so happy I got it free on Kindle years ago. What a blessing. I wanted to go right on to the NT book, but it is a little intimidating, since this one took soooo long. So we are going to do Catherine Vos's Bible first, just to do a full Bible review. Then maybe we'll go to Machowski's NT book or to one of the books published by Apologia (Who Is God? etc.). :) Praise to the author for a job well done.

  • 4
    Good overall but kinda long.

    Posted by Gretchen Gingerich on 06 03 2021

    Starts strong but looses some steam towards the middle. Makes it through rebuilding Jerusalem temple and wall. Good overall but kinda long. Some sections get tedious. Most conclusions are solid.

  • 4
    I loved how it is gospel-centered

    Posted by Emilee on 11 13 2020

    This family devotional has taken us a looooong time to get through, because it is a very thorough, deep dive into the Old Testament. It provides 78 weeks worth of material, broken into 5 days of study each week, with each day taking 5-10 minutes. I loved how it is gospel-centered, always pointing ahead to Jesus. I didn’t feel like it was always particularly engaging to my kids, but now that we’ve finished it, they have asked to start the follow up New Testament book, so I guess they liked it well enough!?

  • 5
    Highly, highly recommend

    Posted by Amanda Tranmer on 05 19 2020

    Highly, highly recommend. We started this devotional at breakfast times when my kids were about 4 and 7. It's taken us a little less than three years to get through it. We have had hundreds of conversations because of it. My kids have been introduced to the overarching story of the Bible because of this book. They've been introduced to all the main characters and stories of the Bible as well as all the major biblical doctrines, not in a dumbed down cartoony way stripped of context and power, but in a real life conversational way that trusts the Holy Spirit speaks to little ones through the actual words of Scripture. Each week also includes passages from prophecy and/or the New Testament that relates the Old Testament stories to Jesus.The activities, supplemental stories, and questions work to bring light to each day's passage. Scripture is the star of the show. The book supports parents in sharing the actual word of God. It's been a huge blessing to us.

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