Harvest USA
Explaining LGBTQ+ Identity to Your Child: Biblical Guidance and Wisdom
$4.55Retail: $6.50LGBTQ+ identities and their widespread acceptance have produced a host of questions and quandaries for Christian families. How do you help your child navigate a world where a classmate may be transgender and neighbors are a gay couple? How do you...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Homosexuality and the Bible: Outdated Advice or Words of Life?
$4.55Retail: $6.50As the conversation around homosexuality becomes increasingly hostile on all sides, it can be difficult to know where to stand as a Christian. You don't want to compromise God's Word, either by blindly following the culture or by treating others with...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
iSnooping on Your Kid: Parenting in an Internet World
$4.06Retail: $6.50In our increasingly wired world, your children have access to people, images, and media that you don't want them to experience. What's a concerned parent to do? What does wisdom look like when technology floods into your home bringing access to...$4.06Retail: $6.50 -
Helping Students with Same-Sex Attraction: Guidance for Parents and Youth Leaders
$4.55Retail: $6.50A student sits in your office and shares about his or her struggles with same-sex attraction. Or perhaps it's your child asking you for help. What can you say or do that will bring the gospel into this struggle? Cooper Pinson begins by helping parents...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Living Together: Why Marriage Is the Best Choice
$4.55Retail: $6.50Past broken relationships, concerns about compatibility, and finances are just some of the reasons for the growing trend of couples living together without getting married. But marriage is not just a cultural institution by which people merge lives,...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Raising Sexually Healthy Kids
$5.20Retail: $6.50In an increasingly sexualized world, it's difficult to know how to teach your children about their sexuality in a godly way. On the one hand, you don't want to give the impression that sex is bad or make them feel ashamed of their bodies. But on the...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
What's Wrong with a Little Porn When You're Single?
$4.55Retail: $6.50"I know porn is wrong for a married person, but I'm single. What can it hurt?" The accessibility of pornography through the Internet means that more singles are asking themselves if porn use really matters. But Nicholas Black of Harvest USA, a ministry...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Your Child Says, "I'm Gay"
$4.55Retail: $6.50Four little words that will rock any parent's world: "I think I'm gay." If your child said this, you are probably experiencing a combination of shock, denial, anger, confusion, and uncertainty. Despite your shock you still want to respond well. What...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
What's Wrong with a Little Porn When You're Married?
$4.00Retail: $6.50You feel emotionally isolated and sexually disengaged from your spouse. Could it be that the fantasy world of pornography has intruded upon your real-life marriage? Nicholas Black of Harvest USA, a ministry for people struggling with sexual issues,...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Your Husband Is Addicted to Porn: Healing After Betrayal
$4.55Retail: $6.50Betrayed. Broken. Angry. Devastated. Chances are, you've felt one or all of these since discovering your husband's interest in porn. How can you possibly trust him again? How do you rebuild your broken heart and fractured marriage? Is it even possible?...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Can You Change If You're Gay?
$4.00Retail: $6.50There are many voices weighing in on the question of whether you can change your sexual orientation. Yes, no, maybe so—it can be confusing and disorienting to sort through the mess. You want to follow God, but what does that mean when it comes to...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
How to Say No When Your Body Says Yes: Finding True Satisfaction
$5.20Retail: $6.50There are so many good reasons to say yes to premarital sex—everyone around you seems to be doing it and you are physically ready! Are there any good reasons to say "no" and is there any good way to stick with your "no"? Dan Wilson, a seasoned...$5.20Retail: $6.50 -
Sex and the Single Girl: Smart Ways to Care for Your Heart
$4.00Retail: $6.50Our world has a lot to say about sex, but it all comes down to this: you can do whatever you want. But is that the smart way to care for your heart? Perhaps you have already experienced the emotional and spiritual fallout that comes with sexual "freedom...$4.00Retail: $6.50 -
Your Dating Relationship and Your Sexual Past: How Much to Share
$4.55Retail: $6.50You are in a serious, committed dating relationship, and you are thinking about marriage. Or perhaps you are already engaged and are eagerly counting down the weeks until your wedding. But there's a weight in the back of your mind. You haven't shared...$4.55Retail: $6.50 -
Sexual Sanity for Men: Re-Creating Your Mind in a Crazy Culture
$17.18Retail: $21.99Men, you can make sexually sane choices! Written for Christian men struggling with any form of sexual brokenness, Sexual Sanity for Men: Re-creating Your Mind in a Crazy Culture by David White helps men understand that sexual sin starts in their minds...$17.18Retail: $21.99 -
Alive: Gospel Sexuality for Students
$10.19Retail: $16.99Alive: Gospel Sexuality for Students gives teenagers and young adults a biblical, gospel-centered framework to understand sexual issues. In a changing culture where feelings about our identity inform our sexual choices, this ten-week small group...$10.19Retail: $16.99 -
Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness
$16.36Retail: $21.99Sexual Sanity for Women guides participants through the process of understanding why they struggle with destructive relational and sexual patterns and how the gospel brings change and a new way of living. Twenty lessons guide participants to understand...$16.36Retail: $21.99 -
God, You, & Sex: A Profound Mystery
$13.19Retail: $21.99Foreword by Paul David Tripp In this important and engaging biblical teaching on sexuality, David White helps readers develop a Scripture-based perspective on human sexuality that goes beyond "just wait until you're married." God, You, & Sex doesn't...$13.19Retail: $21.99 -
When Your Husband Is Addicted to Pornography: Healing Your Wounded Heart
$17.18Retail: $21.99In this helpful guide by Vicki Tiede, women are gently reminded to turn toward God and away from despair. When Your Husband Is Addicted to Pornography addresses the struggles women experience when they are shattered, betrayed, and alone. Writing from...$17.18Retail: $21.99 -
Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness eBook (Leader's Guide)
$7.99Retail: $9.99Sexual Sanity for Women Leader's Guide equips facilitators to walk with women through the process of understanding why they struggle with destructive relational and sexual patterns and how the gospel brings change and a new way of living. Each lesson...$7.99Retail: $9.99