Topical Studies

Unveiled Hope: Eternal Encouragement from the Book of Revelation (eBook)
$5.59Retail: $6.99Have you ever found the book of Revelation to be confusing or fear-producing? Are you in a season of deep suffering and long for real hope? Do you need a clearer understanding of what the Bible says about the future and heaven? In Unveiled Hope, Scotty...$5.59Retail: $6.99 -
Jonah: Grace for Sinners and Saints, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99This small group guide includes ten in-depth lessons for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings. Explore this resource and find a God who relents, a God who is sovereign, and a God who is present among the mercies and trials of...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Mark for Teenagers: How Jesus Changes Everything, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99With this twelve-week accessible study for young adults, Mark for Teenagers: How Jesus Changes Everything, John Perritt points readers toward a better love and appreciation for their compassionate savior and suffering servant. Created for one-to-one...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Ecclesiastes: Life in the Light of Eternity, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99What constitutes a meaningful life? We seek fulfillment in success, prosperity, recognition, relationships and even self-sufficiency, but we always seem to come up short. If you feel you are coming up empty in your life and need a bigger vision and...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Ruth: Redemption for the Broken, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99In this eight-week accessible study, Jared Wilson provides a clearer picture of Jesus through the story of Ruth, which he presents as a historic living parable of Christ's love for his church. Ruth: Redemption for the Broken can be adapted for...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
1 Peter: Life as an Outsider, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99Displaced—that's what it feels like to be a Christian in an increasingly post-Christian world. You speak the language and understand the culture, yet don't quite feel at home. How do you live as a Christian in a world that doesn't share your...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Titus: Life-Changing Truth in a World of Lies, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99Can the truth really change how we live? And how do we know what is true in a world of so many falsehoods? In this timely study, Jeff Dodge explores how Christians are called to share the gospel message with the world free of do-good, moralistic,...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Ephesians: The Love We Long For, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99Am I loved? The central question of every human heart is answered with a resounding yes through this study of the Ephesians. Through an easily accessible, self-contained small group study each participant will grow in their understanding of the love...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness eBook (Leader's Guide)
$7.99Retail: $9.99Sexual Sanity for Women Leader's Guide equips facilitators to walk with women through the process of understanding why they struggle with destructive relational and sexual patterns and how the gospel brings change and a new way of living. Each lesson...$7.99Retail: $9.99 -
Psalms: Real Prayers for Real Life, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99How long? Why is this happening? Where are you, God? For centuries, God's people have learned to go to God with their real questions, struggles, and everyday needs by reading and studying the Psalms. In this practical, gospel-rich small group study,...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Living in Light of the Gospel Story (eBook)
$12.79Retail: $15.99Living in Light is a six-session study that challenges participants to see how life can be different by living in light of gospel truth. The study delves into foundational truths of the gospel, addressing both new believers and those who've been...$12.79Retail: $15.99 -
Exodus for Teenagers: The Story of Us, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99The first in a series of small group studies for teens and young adults that traces God's story of redemption through the whole Bible, Exodus for Teenagers is a twelve-lesson resource written by Kristen Hatton to teach students how to study God's Word...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Revelation: Hope in the Darkness, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99*Note: Please enjoy a complimentary ebook download of Unveiled Hope, also by Scotty Smith, with the purchase of Revelation. The ebook will automatically be added to your cart. When the difficulties of life suggest that evil and chaos reign, we need to...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Sexual Sanity for Men: Re-Creating Your Mind in a Crazy Culture eBook (Leader's Guide)
$7.99Retail: $9.99Written as a resource for those facilitating a Sexual Sanity for Men small group, the Leader's Guide helps facilitators guide men in understanding that sexual sin starts in their minds and hearts and shows them how knowing Christ breaks their chains,...$7.99Retail: $9.99 -
Isaiah: Good News for the Wayward and Wandering (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99Did you know that the prophet Isaiah preached the gospel? The central message of Isaiah is a simple message—God saves sinners. Through a study of Isaiah, Jonathan Gibson guides participants in savoring the basics of the gospel that we need to...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Ezra and Nehemiah: Rebuilding What's Ruined (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99The story of Ezra and Nehemiah plays out against a backdrop of ruins. There's a ruined city, a ruined house of worship, ruined homes—ruined life with God. As is often the case in our own lives, the wreckage was largely their own fault. Their path...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
1 John: Relying on the Love of God, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99What do you rely on to get through your day? The things we rely on are also what define us—our family, education, job, accomplishments, money. For the apostle John, nothing defined him more than the love of God in Jesus, and that is what he...$13.59Retail: $16.99