Reformation Worship is an invaluable tool for pastors, worship leaders, and anyone interested in seeking to craft public worship services in the great tradition of the early Reformers.
Authors Jonathan Gibson and Mark Earngey help to transform corporate worship by including twenty-six liturgies, along with historical introductions that provide fresh analysis into their origins.
Christians learn to worship from the generations of God's people who have worshipped before them.
We sing psalms, because thousands of years ago, God's people sang them. Five hundred years ago, the leaders of the Reformation transformed Christian worship by encouraging the active participation and understanding of the individual worshiper.
Christian worship today is built on this foundation. Jonathan Gibson and Mark Earngey have made worship resources from the Reformation era accessible by compiling the most comprehensive collection of liturgies from that era into newly translated modern English from the original German, Dutch, French, Latin, and early English.
The structure of the liturgies, language, and rhythm continue to communicate the gospel in word and sacrament today. They provide a deep sense of God's call to worship and an appreciation for the Reformers as, first and foremost, men who wanted to help God's people worship.
This book will also be of great interest to theological scholars and students who wish to understand early Reformation leaders. A useful tool for individuals, Reformation Worship can be used as a powerful devotional to guide daily prayer and reflection.
By providing a connection to Reformation worship, Gibson and Earngey hope their work will inspire readers to experience what John Calvin described as the purpose of all church worship: "To what end is the preaching of the Word, the sacraments, the holy congregations themselves, and indeed the whole external government of the church, except that we may be united to God?"
"Jonathan Gibson and Mark Earngey, using skillful academic scholarship, have assembled one of the most eminently practical volumes for ministers and church leaders who oversee public worship. A perusal of the various liturgies and service orders reveals how much freedom there is to craft services of worship, and yet at the same time the commonalities shine through and begin to impress themselves on the reader. This book, then, protects from two dangers. On the one hand, it keeps us from conducting worship in a way that is cut off from the wisdom of our Christian ancestors; on the other hand, it prevents the rigidity of thinking only one order of service is biblical. I highly recommend this book!"
Tim Keller, Pastor Emeritus, Redeemer Presbyterian Churches, New York City
"Much is written today about Reformed worship without a lot of engagement with formative liturgies of our tradition. This well-selected collection makes it easier to see in concrete, practical terms how the truths of God's Word shaped the worship of God's people. I'll definitely be using this in class."
Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
"This is a long, dense book filled with five-hundred-year-old liturgies, so you might not believe me when I say I am absolutely thrilled that this volume is seeing the light of day. Every Reformed and Presbyterian pastor with a book budget should get this on their shelves. The vision for worship presented in these pages is refreshing, reverent, realistic, and just what we need in our day. Corporate worship rooted in the Reformation can be, and should be, so much more than four songs, a sermon, and a closing prayer."
Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church (Matthews, NC); Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte, NC)
"In this extraordinary volume, the Reformation is played out, not on the vast scale of European nations, but in the simple, familiar terrain of the Sunday Service. What did the Reformation look like in church? That's the question this volume answers with care, specificity, and helpful interpretive essays, with lots of primary sources. Having read this book thoroughly, I can say that I've been personally helped by it spiritually. The gospel is presented in the form and substance of these beautiful examples of corporate worship, from which we have much to learn today. I highly recommend you buy, read, and then use this book."
Mark Dever, Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC; President, 9Marks.org
"Calvin once said, 'The whole form of divine worship is nothing but mere corruption.' At Calvin's Geneva, at Zwingli's Zurich, in Knox's Scotland, and, of course, at Luther's Wittenberg, God used the Reformers not merely to bring about theological reform but to bring about a reform of all matters of church practice, especially the liturgy and form of worship. This delightful book brings together a supremely rich and rewarding collection of these Reformation liturgies. May it serve the church today as we seek to praise and adore God in biblical fidelity and earnestness."
Stephen J. Nichols, President, Reformation Bible College
"The book you now hold in your hands, or that perhaps lies on your desk, is a resource of almost unparalleled richness in its field, representing as it does an immense labor of love on the part of its editors and translators. Here, gathered together in one large volume, are liturgies crafted by some of the leading figures in the Protestant Reformation and employed by them to aid worship in a wide variety of places and churches."
Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor's Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary (from the Foreword)
"Every church has a liturgy or pattern of public worship. The question is: Does your church worship God according to his Word? The desire to answer 'yes' with a good conscience energized the sixteenth-century Reformation. Whether we come as eager students of Christian history or as worshipers hungry to bring to God what pleases him, this fascinating book of liturgies provides much food for thought and life. A treasure house of enlightening and helpful material!"
Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
"Learning from the past is part of our Christian fulfillment of the fifth commandment. We honor those who came before us as we listen attentively and allow the past to challenge our present preoccupations. In that very act, we honor the God who placed us in our own time and place, but with this inheritance. Jonathan Gibson and Mark Earngey have done us a great service in making the liturgies of the Reformation accessible to us. The range in this collection is one of its greatest strengths. The deeply theological consideration of what makes for the honoring of God and the edification of his people when they gather, which shapes each of these liturgies, stands in stark contrast to our contemporary preoccupation with entertainment and professionalism. Of course, liturgy is not the only way we worship the God who made us and redeemed us. Worship is undoubtedly an all-of-life affair (Rom. 12:1Ð2). Nevertheless, we need to learn how to respond to God's overflowing grace when we are together, and this resource will serve that need for many years to come."
Mark D. Thompson, Principal, Moore Theological College, Sydney
"Concern for the proper worship of God was central to the Reformation, even as it is central to our most important theological debates today. Nothing is more important than our understanding of worship, for our concept of worship is inescapably tied to our understanding of God and his sovereign authority to reveal the worship he desires, deserves, and demands. This book reminds us that worship matters and must be dictated by the Bible. Reformation Worship is a unique and valuable resource that both pastors and laypeople can turn to repeatedly for biblical wisdom on corporate worship."
R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"We are in the midst of a fifty year-long, worldwide recovery and resurgence of Reformation theology, especially in the doctrine of God, Scripture, and salvation. A crying need remains for a recovery of the Reformation doctrine of the church, and especially its theology of worship. That's why this book is so timely and important. We study the Reformed liturgies of the past, not because the past is infallible and finally authoritative, nor because we pine for some golden age to which we may repair, but because we want to learn the inner logic of their biblical convictions and practice, see the blind spots of our own, and more faithfully lead God's people in his praise in our own time. One thing our Reformation forbears understood with crystal clarity: A theology of grace requires a pattern of worship that is consistent with it, flows out of it and fosters it, if it is to flourish in the church. Learn this, and a hundred other vital truths as you read and reflect on Reformation Worship."
J. Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
"Gibson and Earngey provide a rich treasury of resources from within the Reformed tradition that help inform contemporary worship planning, reformation, revitalization, and innovation that is needed for churches remaining faithful to gospel principles and mission. Those considering what it means to reflect the Reformers' desire to'reform worship according to the Word of God' will find many of their principles well described to inform today's practice."
Bryan Chapell, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church; author of Christ-Centered Worship.
"A brilliant resource! This volume should be in the hands of every minister, worship leader, seminary student, and liturgist."
Andrew Atherstone, Latimer Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and member of the Church of England's Liturgical Commission
"With historical accuracy and fresh insights, this volume highlights both the unity and diversity among the Reformers' worship practices—a liturgical treasure-trove."
Mika Edmondson, Pastor, New City Fellowship OPC
"The renewal of the Reformed churches as theologically, confessionally, and faithfully catholic will not come about through better doctrinal formulations, mission and outreach programs, or even more effective preaching per se. The Church is at bottom the liturgical community of God in Christ by the Spirit, and the recovery of this identity and orientation is the tragic missing ingredient in much that passes today for retrieval. Indeed, the lecture-hall or coffee-shop paradigms of worship in many Reformed churches only make audible and visible that we have lost our way. In contrast, 'Where [the eucharistic] Christ is, there is the catholic church,' said Ignatius—and the Reformed tradition has zealously affirmed this biblical and confessional truth. Though often overlooked, the majority of the great figures of the Reformation and post-Reformation periods were actively involved in liturgical reformation by way of the construction of new liturgies, vigorous treatises on the Word and Sacraments, and explanations of the Creeds confessed by the Church. This collection of liturgies by Gibson and Earngey is therefore nothing short of thrilling, not only for its refreshing reminder of what it meant to be Reformed, but for the clear result of such a reminder: A pointer to the way forward, the way we now must go. Reformation Worship ought to be carefully studied by all who lead and participate in Reformed worship and education. The editors are to be enthusiastically thanked for their important work."
Mark Garcia, President & Fellow in Scripture and Theology, Greystone Theological Institute
"The crying need for the Church to rediscover theologically rich liturgy, which is both beautiful and edifying, is ably met here. The four most important words our people hear each week are 'Let us worship God.' This terrific resource for minister and church will help us all to do that better."
Paul Levy, Minister, IPC Ealing, London
"What refreshing treasure has come the Church’s way, from the vintage reserves of Reformation worship! Here we have select, newly translated liturgies to meditate upon, to cull, and then to enrich the gathered worship of God's people. The variety is inspiring and energizing, from Oecolampadius (who implemented the first evangelical liturgy of the Reformation), to Bucer (with his sample confessions and thanksgivings all offered in a single liturgy), to Ursinus (with his remarkably tender pastoral ministrations). As a pastor of over fifty years, who has studied and written on Reformed liturgy, I am jealous of, and for, young pastors who now have this amazing resource. Reformation Worship should be required reading in every theological seminary to train the next generation of pastors how to lead Christian worship each Lord's Day."
R. Kent Hughes, Senior Pastor Emeritus of College Church in Wheaton, and the John Boyer Chair of Culture and Evangelism, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
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Book to transform christian worship - twenty-six liturgies, in...
Mark Dever endorsed Reformation Worship by Jonathan Gibson and...
Steve Nicholas endorses Reformation Worship by Jonathan Gibson...
Kent Hughes endorses Reformation Worship by Jonathan Gibson an...
Kevin DeYoung on Reformation Worship by Jonathan Gibson and Ma...
Chapter 1 gives the most amazing summary I have ever read of worship through the course of human history. Buy this book for that alone! I can’t help but notice the reformers rewrote the Catholic mass in a way that still emphasized the importance of the Lord’s Supper, now available for all to participate in both body and blood. I also notice the sheer quantity of elements in a typical service far exceeds what we do today. Obviously, the reformers also designed their services so the Bible and the gospel shone brightly from the opening words to the closing benediction. We don’t find that surprising for healthy churches today, though it was revolutionary then. Learning from the reformers, Reformation Worship highlights several critical elements for worshipping God by the gathered church. Worship must be trinitarian, focused on the incarnate Word, saturated with the written Word, centered around the preached Word, emphasizing the visible Word (baptism and Lord’s Supper), admonishing the unrepentant, exhorting believers, full of praise, meticulously and deliberately prepared by pastors, and connected to Christians from the past. Gibson and Earngey imply the elements of the gathering should glorify God, edify believers, and call non-believers to believe. The authors make a great case to consider why we do what we do in church gatherings and not neglect the practices of faithful saints that have come before us. Churches can naturally succeed at many of these elements without careful consideration, but several are easily missed. It’s also quite possible to have all the right elements but lack the cohesion that makes the entire service honor God and his Word.
Only read chunks of this book for class. Well written and will continue to serve as a helpful reference.
A wonderful resource to look at the history and heart of Reformed liturgical practice. Even as a music director this stirs my heart to discover ways to ensure our worship practice carries the principles and emphases in the reformer's approach to the worship service. The introductory articles are a wealth in themselves and the collection of translated works that follow make this a uniquely valuable work.
Great book. (Confession: I only read the first 70-odd pages, skipping the liturgies themselves.) Gibson and Earngey really helpfully and concisely sum up why worship matters; why it is and has always been the pattern for our lives (it's not about whether we worship, but about who/what we worship); and lead us through the significance of changes to worship services by the Reformers. It has been a good way to reflect on the importance of service structure (spoiler: it's not just telling people, "here's what's next!") and made me think a bit more about how to we lead (and enjoy!) our Sunday services. Key quote to take away: "For the Reformers, not only was the gospel proclaimed in the worship service, but the worship service itself proclaimed the gospel." (71) A great introduction to thinking about worship, and I'm sure the liturgies will be of great help and interest to many. A lovely book.
This was an excellent read. The 3 essays in the beginning of the book are well worth the price! I read this in the mornings and it was very helpful to my soul!
The authors did an amazing job at selecting, editing and translating some liturgical texts of the reformation, to give us a very nice perspective into how worship and services were structured at this times, as well as the motivation of the reformers. I was struck by the foreword of Sinclair B. Ferguson, who convincingly shows how the reformers worked to construct a liturgy where we wouldn't be spectators, but actors of the worship of Christ, in Spirit and in truth. The preface nicely lead us into the topic, and the rest of the book contains various liturgies, some familiar ones (Form of Ecclesiastical Prayers, Book of Common Prayer, ...) as well as many that I did not know, from all around Europe. The editors chose to focus on the parts that deal with the order of service and the Lord's supper. I would have wished to have access to the full liturgies and would have liked for instance to learn more about what singing looked liked at these times, but this probably wasn't feasible while keeping the book reasonably long (around 670 pages). However, the selection is nicely devotional, an allows us to join in the prayers of Christians of the past, that remain very relevant in present times.
A spectacular resource to familiarize yourself with Reformed (and some Lutheran) liturgies of the 16th/17th century, including some that had never previously been translated from Latin (eg, Lasko). The editors did a glorious job making a resource like this available.
The first three chapters are wonderful essays on worship--one providing a biblical theology of worship, the next two explaining the process and principles of the Reformers' reformation of congregational worship. Worth the price of the book. The rest of the book feels completely different. The remainder is a collection of the liturgies (or orders of service) that different Reformers wrote and utilized. Other than Luther's 'Form of the Mass', none of these chapters provide any extended explanation of the principles behind their view of worship--it's mostly showing, not telling. This part of the book can't be read quickly (it would feel a little repetitive), nor should it be. The two best benefits of those chapters is seeing the principled care these men put into the practice of worshiping our Lord, and the ways in which these liturgies are so much alike each other. The work put into using language in worship that not only says accurate things about God, but adores God is evident. I read this portion of the book devotionally, over the course of almost a year. Though the resource of examples is helpful for me to be aware of as a pastor planning my own church's services, using it primarily devotionally was far more profitable than just using it as a sort of worship encyclopedia. The book focuses almost entirely on extracts from services where the Lord's Supper was being observed. It would have been helpful to also see some services including baptism, among other things. It did feel as though the editors were trying to push weekly observance of the LS (or at least, a more prominent role for the LS than most evangelical churches have in their liturgy). I'm not sure I was convinced of that, though it was very instructive to see the care with which the Reformers worked to teach people to shift their view of the LS--transitioning away a view of the LS as the Mass, while guarding against a dismissive view of the ordinance is a difficult task. Their care and patience was evident, and was a good collective example I learned from this volume. Praise God for Christians who have been worshiping the Lord for thousands of years, and praise God for the chance to learn from just some of those saints in this work.
This is a magnificent compendium of liturgies written during the period of the Protestant Reformation. Each selection contains an historical introduction helping the reader understand the specific historical contexts and exigencies that produced the given liturgy, followed by the text of the liturgy itself (in English translation where necessary). The value of this book is twofold: it serves admirably as a kind of history of the Reformation itself (replete with primary sources, no less!); beyond that, however—and much more importantly, in my judgment—it has superb devotional value. I profited greatly from reading a selection or two on Sunday mornings before church. The liturgies contained here are all deeply reverent, deeply faithful reflections on Christian doctrine, and they provide a sense of what the Reformers felt were the key priorities for authentically Christian worship. It’s a slow-moving text at times (especially among those liturgies that are more specifically historically situated), but it always repaid the effort. Highly recommended.
The Reformation was above all a reformation of worship. Understanding why and how Luther, Zwingli, Bullinger, Oecolampadius, Farel, Calvin, Knox, Laski, Bucer, Coverdale and Cranmer did this is essential to understanding the Reformation. Vital source material for our own services of worship, too.