Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids

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Foreword by Paul David Tripp

Because children are vulnerable, they need to be protected. After more than two decades as a family counselor, Julie Lowe has seen how important it is to help parents and caregivers think wisely and biblically about the dangers children face. Instead of living in fear or denial, parents and caregivers can equip children to assess people and situations and model for them how to live by faith in a world where evil exists.

Lowe helps parents and caregivers teach the safety skills that will help protect their children from mistreatment, unsafe situations, violence, bullying, cyber-crimes, predatory behavior, sexting, abuse, and other kinds of danger that they might encounter. The safety skills that are needed at every stage preschool, elementary-age, teens, and college-bound are discussed and applied in an age-appropriate way.

Safeguards provides tools, skills, and resources to help when faced with uncomfortable, challenging, or dangerous situations. Instead of growing more anxious, parents and caregivers can grow in a biblical understanding of the type of dangers and issues children and young people might face, learn how to instill confidence and conviction in responding to new or fearful situations, and distinguish safe vs. unsafe people and situations.

Julie Lowe, MA, LPC, RPT-S is a licensed professional counselor with over twenty-five years of counseling experience, as well as a registered play therapist supervisor. She has authored several books, including Child Proof, Safeguards, Building Bridges, and the minibooks Helping Your Child with a Bully, Helping Your Anxious Child, and Teens and Suicide. Julie and her husband, Greg, have five children and serve as foster and adoptive parents.
The Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) has been teaching people how to understand the wisdom and depth of the Bible and apply its grace-centered message to the problems of daily living since 1968. A biblical counseling and educational ministry located in suburban Philadelphia, CCEF operates a robust biblical counseling ministry in their home office as well as on-site training for others with a heart for discipleship. CCEF also teaches several accredited counseling programs both on-site and through distance learning in conjunction with Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. As an extension of the local church, CCEF accomplishes its mission through a unique synergy of counseling, training, publications, and conferences.
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"I know of no other book that does what this one does. Here is practical help for every parent who is preparing their children to live with discernment in our sadly broken world. But what I love the most about this book is that its practical focus isn't separated from the beauty and comfort of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Paul David Tripp, Author; speaker; teacher

"Safeguards could not possibly be more practical. Every page is loaded with applied wisdom for keeping children safe. I constantly found myself saying 'Our family needs to do this!' Grounded in a call to trust the Lord rather than fear mongering, Safeguards equips both children and parents to discern evil and danger and to prepare wise, protective responses."
Alasdair Groves, Executive Director, CCEF

"You don't need to read the news headlines to know that our world isn't always a safe place. Our kids may be threatened by their own bad choices or the behavior of others. Regardless of where the threats come from, your family can be better prepared with Julie Lowe's practical advice."
Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family

"In Julie Lowe's latest book, readers will once again benefit from her sound biblical theology, counselor's heart, and years of experience walking alongside parents and children in a broken and unsafe world. This book is not intended to produce fear and anxiety for parents (we have enough of that already), but to provide wise, winsome, and practical guidance to help your child navigate a broken world with the hope of Jesus Christ."
Jonathan D. Holmes, Executive Director, Fieldstone Counseling

"Reading this book is like gaining a wise mentor to walk alongside you in your parenting journey. Julie Lowe expertly tackles key challenges parents face and provides scripts, scenarios, principles, and guidelines that are steeped with biblical wisdom. If you are looking to equip your children for the potential dangers and difficulties they may face in life, consider this your handbook."
Eliza Huie, Licensed and biblical counselor, Director of Counseling, McLean Bible Church, Vienna, VA; coauthor of The Whole Life

"The most common response from parents who read Safeguards will be, 'Finally! A parenting book that doesn't just discuss discipline strategies.' Julie provides biblical principles and sample conversations for everything from technology, dating, mental health, abuse prevention, and sleepovers. Get it, read it, and you'll reference it time and again over the years as these topics emerge in your home."
Brad Hambrick, Pastor of Counseling at The Summit Church, Durham, NC; author of Making Sense of Forgiveness

"Julie does an excellent job of shining a light on the safety issues facing our kids today. Her vision for child safety begins with a Christian worldview, is full of biblical wisdom, and encourages parents to trust God with their kids. This is a great resource for parents seeking to equip their kids to follow Christ in a fallen world."
Jeff Dalrymple, Executive Director, Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention (ECAP)

"Julie Lowe's Safeguards is a must-read for parents. Full of practical wisdom and grounded in biblical principles, this book trains parents to identify potential dangers and proactively equip their kids. We expect to return to these principles again and again in our own home. Highly recommend!"
Deepak and Sara Reju, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC; author of On Guard (Deepak) and Jesus Saves (Sara)

"This is true: When a parenting question comes up that my husband and I are wrestling with, he says, 'Can you ask Julie?' As a colleague of Julie's, I do go and ask her! With this book, now all parents have access to Julie access to her wisdom, her decades of experience, and her deep heart for the well-being of children. Parents, this book will equip you to be both proactive and helpfully responsive to so many of the challenges that arise in parenting. I need this book, and I trust you will find you need it too as you dig in!"
Lauren Whitman, Faculty and counselor, CCEF; developmental editor, Journal of Biblical Counseling

"This is such an important and timely book. Though geared toward parents, this book is important for counselors, pastors, teachers, and youth leaders to read as well. Julie is unafraid to approach topics that many are hesitant to address, such as sexual abuse, pornography, sexting, and mental health, and she does so with a strong Scriptural base. She doesn't merely encourage parental involvement but gives practical steps for involvement without being simplistic or formulaic."
David and Krista Dunham, Biblical Counselors at Cornerstone Community Soul Care, Metro Detroit; authors of Table for Two: Biblical Counsel for Eating Disorders

"Children and teens face many situations where they need discernment to make wise choices and stay safe. Julie Lowe's vast experience shines in Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids. She provides biblical principles and practical guidelines that help you impart invaluable wisdom to your children. Every parent navigating the challenges of our modern world needs this book!"
Darby Strickland, Faculty and counselor, CCEF; author of Is it Abuse?

"As parents, it's easy for us to become so familiar with our surroundings that we wind up accepting things simply because they're there. It's for that reason that we need to step back, take a deep breath, look long and hard at what's really happening, and then respond in ways that bring honor and glory to God. In this book, Julie Lowe serves as a kind of Joshua and Caleb as she looks realistically at the challenges facing parents in today's world, while offering biblically faithful responses designed to advance God's Kingdom in the lives of our families, children, and teens."
Walt Mueller, President, The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

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13 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Frances Eaves on 01 22 2025

    I found this book very helpful. I did work through it very slow but I found her insight very helpful. The author has over 20 years of experience in counseling children and teens. This book is one I’ll return to for sure.

  • 5
    Highly Recommend!

    Posted by Caleb Purdy on 11 22 2024

    Julie Lowe is helpful in giving proactive advice for how to raise children well. She especially promotes role playing with children to prepare them for situations that they might experience in their lives. I also thought that she was very helpful in preparing parents to respond with grace in all situations, even when their child has done something that they do not approve of. There is nothing earth shattering in the book, but I think that is what makes it great. Solid, consistent, and grace-filled parenting will hopefully lead to strong, smart, and faithful children. Highly recommend!

  • 5

    Posted by Emily on 10 20 2024

    I wish this would’ve been available to read years ago when my first was a baby. Definitely one to own, highlight, and refer to time and time again as a parent.

  • 5
    Highly Recommend!

    Posted by Laura Adams on 08 28 2024

    This was a great book! Julie Lowe gives practical advice about wisdom issues in parenting while urging parents to trust the Lord and shepard their children well. One of her main points is that Christians should strive to raise equipped kids, not fearful kids. Some of the topics: sexual abuse, what to do if they are lost, teaching kids to evaluate behavior, pornography and sexting, etc.

  • 5
    Highly Practical

    Posted by Dean on 08 03 2024

    Immensely practical, and helps us think through basic principles to help us understand how to help our families

  • 4

    Posted by Annie Laurie on 06 07 2024

    This book is awesome. I started reading but had to put it down for a bit. I was emotional. Good read. We all need to know what to look for in people. How to educate our children and protect them from predators. They’re every where. Just can’t be too careful. Every parent should have one. They’re mostly right in the homes. Fathers mothers sisters brothers uncles aunts. Those are the most dangerous ones they take us by surprise. Then the friends. always close by. wake up people. This is what’s wrong with our children today. They’re hurt. That’s why there’s so much mental problems in the world. this is half the problem.

  • 5
    Bible saturated wisdom.

    Posted by Dawn Kuruvilla on 01 14 2024

    Hope and deep confidence in Jesus helps us live wisely and inculcate healthy safe guards in our children. Julie gives wonderful insights on how to do this winsomely and with Bible saturated wisdom. Glad I read it and will use it to base my interactions with my kids. Thanks for writing this Julie.

  • 5
    Every Parent Needs This Book!

    Posted by Lee Ann Mancini on 07 25 2023

    I was a Guardian ad Litem and saw firsthand the terrible abuse children face. Julie’s book is a resource every parent should have. Her book offers wisdom and guidance and how to be aware of dangerous situations and what to do to prevent them. The chapter “Worry and Denial Are Not Safety Skills” is a chapter every parent needs to read. I highly recommend this book.

  • 5
    Grandparents Guide Also

    Posted by Lisa on 03 03 2023

    My daughter asked me to read this to help be on the same page as they are in raising my grand daughter There is a lot of good Godly advice in this book..wish I had read it when my kids were small but still applicable to all ages

  • 5
    Really Great Book

    Posted by Stephen Laird on 01 24 2023

    This is a really great book full of useful, actionable advice. I will definitely be revisiting this book at various points as my kids grow older.

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