Think Again: Relief from the Burden of Introspection

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Evaluating yourself being mindful of who you are and what you are doing is necessary and can lead to positive change. But what about the dark side of introspection? Do you ever feel weighed down and exhausted by your own self-analysis? Perhaps you made a mistake, said a careless word, or even messed up big time. Your self-examination spirals into a full-blown cross-examination. You keep revisiting what happened. Your mind circles around the event, fruitlessly trying to somehow make the outcome different so you don't feel the embarrassment, shame, and regret.

The modern self-esteem movement has left us empty and self-focused. We exhaust our healthy introspection and pervert it into constant self-evaluation, wrong views of ourselves, self-accusation, and false guilt. Introspection was never meant to bear such weight.

Think Again offers real relief from the burden of introspection that so many of us carry each day. Pastor Jared Mellinger, who tends to overdose on self-analysis himself, shows us how the hope of the gospel can rescue us from the bad fruit of unsound introspection. Mellinger's short, story-filled chapters help readers identify and turn away from unhealthy introspection.

There is an outward-focused God who delights to rescue an inward-focused people and lead them into a better way to live. When we truly understand it, we'll see that the gospel actually sets us free from thinking about ourselves too much.We can seek after and pray for the peace and joy the sanity that comes from thinking about ourselves less often. Think Again includes practical instructions for self-examination, fighting false guilt, breaking free from hyper-introspection, and more. Ultimately, Think Again demonstrates that the solution to thinking too much about ourselves is to look to Christ, and it gives readers the tools to begin to turn from the mirror.

Jared Mellinger is the senior pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, PA, where he lives with his wife, Meghan, and their six children. He is the author of Think Again: Relief from the Burden of Introspection and A Bright Tomorrow: How to Face the Future without Fear.
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"Martin Luther believed man's problem is that he is incurvatus in se turned in on himself. In Think Again Jared Mellinger tackles one devastating effect of this in an astute, pastorally sensitive, and deeply searching but healing way. Here is analysis, diagnosis and remedy all in one. Plus it's readable. The best books work on us while we are reading them and help effect the very transformation they describe. This is one of them."
Sinclair Ferguson, Author of The Christian Life and Devoted to God

"Think Again is a great little book. It navigates us through the maze of introspection in a biblical, practical, straight-forward manner. Read it for yourself; give it to a friend for it shows how Christ can set us free from our own thoughts. I believe that for many people this will be a truly liberating book."
Tim Chester, Faculty member of Crosslands; author of over thirty books, including You Can Change

"Think Again is a surprisingly delightful book. Surprising in that such a short book can accomplish such depth in searching the reader's heart, delightful in its flow, humor and encouragement. Jared, quite skillfully, delivers a very helpful resource for the very needed work of introspection. With great wisdom and the tender care of a pastor, Jared shepherds the reader to best see themselves only in view of Christ."
Brian Davis, Pastor of Risen Christ Fellowship, Philadelphia, PA

"Jared Mellinger understands that unless we learn how to take every thought captive, we can easily become captive ourselves to thoughts that control our emotions and ultimately, our lives. Think Again will help you find freedom as you learn how to guard your heart as you renew your mind."
Bob Lepine, Cohost of FamilyLife Today

"You're introspective. Everyone is. But if you're honest, you're more than introspective; you're self-absorbed. You think about yourself a ridiculous amount. Everyone does. But there is escape from suffocating introspection and healing of the cataract of selfishness in your soul-eye. Let Jared Mellinger help you. He humbly and humorously speaks from experience. Discover, as Chesterton once said, 'how much larger your life would be if your self could become smaller in it.'"
Jon Bloom, Cofounder of Desiring God; author of Not By Sight and other books

"Jared Mellinger's book, Think Again, is simply one of the clearest, biblically faithful, most winsome, solidly helpful, and briefest(!) books you'll ever read on the topic of introspection. Jared skillfully avoids the extremes of never thinking about ourselves and always thinking about ourselves, and points us to the only cure for our self-absorbed souls: being overwhelmed by the matchless beauty and glory of Christ. I can't wait to give this to others."
Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music; elder at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville; author of Worship Matters and True Worshipers

"In an age of narcissism, entitlement, and attention-seeking egos in search of self-esteem, we need more voices pointing us to a vision and story greater than self. For only when we lose ourselves do we find our truest, healthiest, and most life-giving selves in Jesus. Jared has written an excellent book to help us along in this journey."
Scott Sauls, Senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN; author of Jesus Outside the Lines and Befriend

"A self-absorbed culture keeps telling us that the solution to our problems is somewhere inside of us. So we keep looking. I talk about me, then I ask you to talk about me. More mirrors, more lanterns, more navel-gazing. Trouble is, these things aren't leading us to freedom and rest, but to self-love or self-hatred. Jared offers us a way out of the vortex of introspection. Without obliterating the self, Think Again takes the reader up into worship and gratitude and out into the joy of service."
Matt Mason, Senior Pastor of The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham, AL

"Introspection is a plague that cripples our souls and clouds the love of our Savior. Think Again addresses our daily temptation to focus our attention inward. Jared not only helps us discern this subtle tendency but also provides the liberating alternative in the Gospel. This book delivers grace."
C. J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville

"In this rich and thoughtful book, Jared Mellinger shows us that the solution to self-focus is God-intoxication. Think Again lifts the head of the introspective, the one lost in labyrinths of the self, and unveils the sure and certain hope of God. This God has not stayed silent; he has not kept to himself; he has not failed to provide a savior for sinners like us."
Owen Strachan, Author of Risky Gospel and The Colson Way; theology professor, Midwestern Seminary

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1 Review

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    Think Again review

    Posted by Annette Kristynik on 05 24 2023

    My Thoughts: This is a reread for me. I’ve read this book twice. The first time in 2017. “The goal of this book is to show how the gospel rescues us from fruitless self-examination, false guilt, discouragement, and inaccurate thoughts of ourselves.” “Introspection is the act of looking inward. When we introspect, we are observing ourselves and reflecting on our thoughts, emotions, actions, and identity…The Bible commends self-examination and self-reflection…But most of us lean toward extremes.” Theses quotes are from the introduction (page 1) and set the tone for a very good book. He states he has written this book for people who tend to go to the extreme in introspection. He hopes all people will benefit. Several things I love about this book. In the introduction, Mellinger shares what each chapter will hold. Its topics. He calls it a “roadmap of our journey.” It is a benefit to have a heavy subject, topics, and themes be short in page numbers. The amount of pages in this book are 192. As a Christian, our minds should be focused completely on Christ Jesus and not “preoccupied with ourselves.” I love the people he chooses to quote in the book on this subject. Some examples, David Powlison, C.H. Spurgeon, Francis A. Schaeffer, and Paul David Tripp. I love the questions for discussion and reflection at the end of each chapter. I love the focus on Scripture. I love the conviction that some of his teachings brought to my heart. The conviction did not stop at that point but pointed away from myself and to Scripture and Christ Jesus. I love chapter 11 because of its focus on thanksgiving. This chapter holds quotes from Spurgeon and the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins. I love chapter 12 because it reminds me that: “Being part of a church reminds us that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves.” Page 146. I wish the book had a chapter about when the Holy Spirit brings things to our mind for reflection and conviction and processing with an apt response to these. I wish the book had a study guide to go along with the book. I’d love an ending page with all the Scriptures in this book on one page for reference. I feel that having a compiled list will help in combating the negative intrusive thoughts. Negative thoughts out and Scripture in. I received a complimentary copy from New Growth Press. I am not required to write a positive review.

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