Getting Jesus Wrong: Giving Up Spiritual Vitamins and Checklist Christianity

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Jesus is not a life coach, a movement leader, a cultural visionary, or a blessing dispenser—but you might not know that by listening to many Christians talk about their faith. Feel-good slogans promote a caricatured Jesus made in our own image who cannot save us and leave us feeling guilty for not saving ourselves. Following the wrong Jesus disappoints us and produces anxiety, pride, and despair.

The first half of Getting Jesus Wrong recounts pastor and author Matt Johnson's personal encounters with a string of false saviors—false saviors that many, especially young adults, will recognize. Johnson's humor and transparency in recounting his own painful experiences will appeal to those who have tried a "brand" of Christianity and found it lacking.

The truth is, we all want something from Jesus. Some are just hoping for a little help to get through life—a new direction, a purpose that will get us up in the morning, an exercise plan, a way to get organized. But that approach to Jesus doesn't result in real faith or love.

Whether we've followed a false Jesus or attempted to coopt the real Jesus, Getting Jesus Wrong ultimately offers us hope because it helps us see Jesus as he is. Getting Jesus Wrong shows that the message of the Bible is about Jesus coming to us as we are—which is good news for exhausted and disillusioned disciples. It shows us that getting Jesus right means a whole new way of thinking (the way up is down) and a whole new way of life (daily dependence on the one who knows the beginning from the end). Getting Jesus right gives us more than spiritual vitamins or a blueprint for living; it gives us a full, rich life spent exploring the depths of gospel love together.

Matt Johnson is a husband, father to two little girls, and is an armchair student of theology living in Seattle. He is also a freelance writer and editor. Until recently, Matt spent seven years as an associate volunteer pastor in counseling and recovery ministry.
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"What kind of 'Jesus' do you believe in? Is he the Jesus you and others around you have imagined for your own life stories? Or is he the radical Savior-King who messes up your life and saves you—really saves you, not only from his judgment but from yourself? This is a fun book to read. More than that, it's spot-on, filled with the Bible's central message. Tired of chicken-soup-for-the-soul spirituality? Then read this book!"
Michael Horton, Professor of Theology, Westminster Seminary California; cohost, White Horse Innbroadcast/podcast

"We live in an age when people aren't so much interested in what is true as they are in what works. And to their minds, what doesn't work is the boring same-old-same-old story of Jesus, God's perfect Son who fulfilled all the Law in our place, died the death we all deserve, and then rose to new life again, so that we can know we're lovingly forgiven, adopted, and cherished. Because we've yawned at the gospel, Jesus has been refashioned into a person who offers more practical help: he's given to you so that you can love yourself more, be a really great you, and be part of our really great movement. Matt Johnson struggled under the tyrant of that sort of Jesus until he discovered the wonder of the real Jesus—the One who dispenses both Law and Gospel. This book is a strong antidote to all the 'wrong' Jesuses out there. I encourage you to read it and share it with friends. You'll be glad you did."
Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, Author of Because He Loves Me

"Apparently it was Voltaire who originally quipped that 'In the beginning God created man in his own image, and ever since, man has been trying to repay the favor.' What sounds like a clever witticism is actually a devastating truism, the all-too-real consequences of which Matt Johnson unpacks here with both courage and a great sense of humor. Getting Jesus Wrong is a terrific—dare I say, 'glorious'!—resource for any;one who's ever thought about (let alone believed in) Jesus, and one that I plan to hand out with abandon."
David Zahl, Editor of The Mockingbird Blog; author of A Mess of Help; coauthor of Law And Gospel

"We seem to accumulate all kinds of bad ideas about Jesus, like so many sticky notes attached all over him, until we can no longer see him beneath our labels. We also tend to be unaware that we've done this until someone like Matt comes along and helps us to see ourselves and Jesus more clearly. Matt has paired his clever writing style—which I've long admired—with his years of real-world theological reflection and self-examination to offer us an entertaining read with piercing theological insight. Enjoy."
Mike Wilkerson, President of Redemption Groups Network; author of Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry

"I don't know when I've laughed so hard, thought so deeply, and repented so much while reading a book. Getting Jesus Wrong is an amazing life-altering book. When I said 'life-altering' everything you thought I said is wrong. Read it, find out why and give this book to everyone you know."
Steve Brown, Key Life radio broadcaster; author of Hidden Agendas and How to Talk So People Will Listen

"The usual 'answer' to disillusionment with evangelical and Pentecostal church life is growing resentment, actual personal despair, and almost inevitable distancing. But it doesn't have to be this way! Matt Johnson's book helps disillusioned Christians find the Real Thing underneath all the stressing surface things. The Real Thing is God's grace to the shattered human, the poor guy who's been done to death by the Law. Matt Johnson has lived this hopeful story. He's funny and honest and true."
Paul Zahl, Retired Episcopal minister; former Dean/President of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Pittsburgh; author of ten books

"For a relatively young author, Johnson reflects a rare spiritual maturity. He writes as one who has found new hope after spiritual fatigue, having been being tricked over and over again by communities and movements that advertised their commitment to good news but end up saddling followers with burdens neither our ancestors nor we could bear. He does this with a refreshing, candid, but never gimmicky style. Many who've been part of the American Christian experience will find his story familiar. For those who don't, it offers helpful insight into how many people from the author's generation have experienced Christianity in our times. In exposing the many forms 'latent theology of glory tendencies' can take, he's neither snarky nor condescending; rather, he invites us to join him in an exercise of self-assessment, and a journey to the foot of the cross. I recommend this book to anyone seeking restoration after being worn down by law-based religion."
Jeff Mallinson, Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Concordia University; cohost of Virtue in the Wasteland, a podcast; author of the forthcoming book, Sexy: The Quest for Erotic Virtue in Perplexing Times

"In his excellent, easy-to-read book Getting Jesus Wrong, Matt Johnson has outlined many of the pitfalls of evangelicalism and the draw of our hearts toward false Jesuses. I identified with each one and the despair that came with believing in them. I highly recommend sitting down with Matt for awhile and thinking through the biblical Jesus—you are going to find some good news here."
Marci Preheim, Author of Grace Is Free, One Woman's Journey from Fundamentalism to Failure to Faith

"I've known Matt for nearly twenty years and have always enjoyed his intelligence, perspective, and sincerity. We've shared shoddy stages, stinky vans, hacky podcasts, and many, many hours of conversation. That being said, two things stand out for me after reading Getting Jesus Wrong: 1) Matt's a better writer than I am, and 2) For all he knows, he has no idea how timely and needed this was for me. So much joy in remembering that . . . it IS finished. Enjoy!"
Mark Salomon, Author of Simplicity; vocalist for the bands Stavesacre, The Crucified, and White Lighter; host of the Never Waspodcast

"I met Jesus twenty years ago and, to be honest, I've gotten Jesus wrong more times than I care to admit. The reasons are either bad teaching that I received or projecting my own ideas onto him. My friend Matt has written something that I wish I would've read early on in my faith, as it would've steered me in a far more biblical direction."
Alex Early, Pastor of Preaching & Theology, Redemption Church, Seattle, WA; author of The Reckless Love of God and The New Believer's Guide to the Christian Life

"Reading Matt's manuscript out loud to my husband as we drove cross country, there were long pauses as Matt's well-written words resonated. Too many times we were forced to agree . . . 'that's us.' Matt's transparent sharing about how often he got it wrong about Jesus, all in light of a church failure that broke a good many hearts, are wise words to ponder. As the saying goes, wisdom is learning from others' mistakes. Thanks, Matt, for your efforts to make us wise!"
Judy Dabler, Founder of Creative Conciliation

"Getting Jesus Wrong speaks directly and honestly to those who can no longer ignore or participate in the structures and systems that prioritize the control and conformity of the law over the freedom of the gospel. This book is funny and personal, as well as theologically rich. Author Matt Johnson's transparency about his own failures lends both credibility and insight into how the law and gospel interact in all of our lives."
Matt Carter, Founding member of the band Emery; cohost of The Bad Christian podcast

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12 Reviews

  • 5
    I Loved the Personal Stories

    Posted by Alex Gardner on 10 18 2017

    Honest, helpful, and interesting look into an exploration of faith, religion, and what it means to explore Christianity from one man's background and experience. I loved the personal stories, humor, and anecdotes as the author untangles his own life experience in and outside of the church, particularly in light of his experience in a large church context. It gave me a lot of food for though in my own experience. Loved the writing style and highly recommend!

  • 5
    Five Stars

    Posted by David Greshnel on 05 23 2017

    Excellent book, well written with humor and personal insight. Definitely a book you should pick up and read

  • 4
    Lives Up to Provocative Title

    Posted by R. Hayton on 05 12 2017

    "Getting Jesus Wrong" may be one of the best titles I've seen in a while, and the book comes close to living up to its provocative name. The author is not well known, but his message deserves to be heard by one and all. Matt Johnson is an interesting story in himself, a self-professed punk rocker who found Jesus and meandered his way through a small Pentecostal church and into a Calvary Chapel. He winds up in an evangelical mega church in Seattle with a reformed bent. A church, mind you, that has lately disbanded due to problems with its leadership. (While Johnson doesn't say it plainly, it is hard not to see this as Mars Hill Church and Mark Driscoll.) Out of this ruin, Johnson emerges -- but not untouched by the problems. At times he is painfully honest about his own condition. Jobless, with marital problems, burned out and disillusioned -- he doesn’t seem at first glance to be the kind of person who could and should author such a book as this. But his brokenness is appealing, and his message is freeing -- both for himself and the reader. He has been wowed by a rediscovery of the free Gospel, unhindered by law. He has left behind a legalistic view of Christianity and found solid ground on which to stand. The book uses his checkered history as a case study for how false impressions of Jesus can warp our Christianity. To many, Jesus is a Life Coach who may even offer a checklist for how to find a better life now. Or maybe Jesus is a movement leader or visionary who excites people to follow, only to use them as cogs to build his ministry. In all of this, acceptance with God and hope for the future depends on how well you follow the coach, keep the checklist, or contribute to the movement and the vision. And in the end, this approach leads to either pride or despair. You just can't do it. But if you could, then it's all you and not Jesus anyway. The antidote to this problem is understanding the proper role of God's Law (and the little "l" laws that we often substitute). The Law is meant to kill us and leave us bereft of any hope apart from Christ. It is meant to make the Gospel that much sweeter, and grace so much greater. God loves his Son, and we are united to Jesus by faith. God is pleased with us, we don't have to earn his favor or maintain our standing through effort. This understanding should lead to humility and real hope. This is a great message, and yet it can be misconstrued. I don't get the sense that Matt is saying holy living doesn't matter -- although some could go there if they wanted. And neither does he say that God's grace does not produce righteousness in us either. But the law/Gospel distinction presented is refreshing, especially for those who have become enamored with the latest movement or visionary leader, and have lost sight of the soul-sustaining power of the Gospel. Johnson is careful to point back to himself as the source of the legalism. There were good people in his previous churches, and even a good church can’t keep a legalist out. Some will appreciate his authentic and open style. Others may be alarmed at his levity. I winced when I read about he and his Christian friend's penchant for "sloopersizing" their beer! Johnson's background leaves him more open-minded on some theological points than some will like: he is rethinking his views on traditional gender roles (complementarianism) for example. He also speaks of Christ's presence in the weekly communion and how the juice dribbling down his hand reminds him of his need for Christ. This sounds more Lutheran than a typical evangelical is accustomed to. But Johnson’s clarity and openness redeems the book: his insights into contemporary Christianity's infatuation with morality ("law-lite") and his prescription for struggling legalists is invaluable. As a sample of his style, and to end on a positive note, let me share a brief excerpt. Then get this book, especially if you have ever been burnt out, or struggled with legalism. In fact, you can get a copy to give to someone you think may be in that condition -- but read it yourself first. I'm sure you'll benefit as well. "When your life is in the crapper, when your church is torn apart by wolves, God is present even if you can't see it or feel his presence. I have hope in the trials of life that he still makes beauty out of ashes (Isaiah 61:3)." (p. 129)

  • 4
    Thought Provoking

    Posted by Carole Jarvis on 05 12 2017

    I’m glad I chose to review Getting Jesus Wrong because it is a well written, solid, and thought provoking book. It’s easy to read, and Johnson expresses himself with honesty and clarity. And best of all, it’s a book for everyone – from seeker to those who grew up in the church. I was intrigued by the title and found myself more than a little convicted over the early chapters where he describes several false views of Jesus (“false gods”): the Life Coach Jesus, Checklist Jesus, Movement Leader Jesus, Visionary Jesus. Ever since biblical times, people have had false impressions of the type of Messiah they expected Jesus to be. I love how Johnson writes with openness and subtle humor, drawing from personal experience. I’ve often seen these four images of Jesus played out in people around me, one particular example being that of switching churches. I wonder how many people, if honest, could relate to Johnson’s confession that his “impulses for switching were always to go after something new and relevant, something more cutting edge.” Part two deals with the antidote to these various false gods, all of which I enjoyed. Johnson did a good job of explaining the Law and showing the connection between it and the gospel. In drawing from personal experience, I felt that his negative experiences in megachurch settings colored his conclusions. I also expected Getting Jesus Wrong to focus more on personal relationship with Jesus than on churches. But while I might not agree with all that was written, this is a thought provoking and encouraging book, well worth the read.

  • 5
    Discover Jesus!

    Posted by Andrew Smith on 05 12 2017

    I would recommend this amazing book to anyone who is ready to explore the false saviors and they are ready to learn about the real Jesus. This book massively looked at the theology of Christianity and what we believe about Jesus and how many of us have it wrong. I liked how Matt Johnson wasn’t afraid to explore the topics of Jesus as a life coach, movement leader, cultural visionary, checklist Jesus, and more. I especially connected with his many different decisions to church hop and he always wanted something new and be a part of something bigger that would more impact. I loved how he discussed the law of God and how important it is for us to be taught about Jesus and his forgiveness.

  • 4
    Raw and Rough, but Solid

    Posted by Graham Skaggs on 05 10 2017

    Matt Johnson's book "Getting Jesus Wrong" helps decipher modern forms of legalism through the different kinds of Jesus that 21st Century Christianity has constructed, and goes on to show how parasitic that interpretation of Jesus can be. It's a good book, at heart the content is solid. I will be honest that the tone of the book gave me mixed feelings, and I almost quit reading several times. Overall, I feel like this is a heartfelt cautioning to all Christians of the various forms of legalism that appear as "Jesus." What keeps me from ranking this at 5 stars is the author is continually self-effacing and jaded, worse he's in the habit of projecting onto the reader thoughts that the reader might or might not possess (this drives me nuts). This is both self-absorbed and irritating at times. The tone of the book can also get a little overly critical of different Western Churches - almost exaggerate. While I tend to agree in principle, there are times the book would have been more refreshing if he had been more even-handed by at least acknowledging some of the good points of what these institutions are doing. It's true some pastors and sermons build a gospel based on self-help and motivational content - but at the same time, it's not like they are doing that intentionally or that it's happening all the time. And look - I get it - I've heard many of the sermons Matt's complaining about - but I do often hear the grace gospel reinforced. Lastly, the paradox of this book is that the author provides no clear evidence - you simply have to trust to believe him. If he was more even-handed, providing supportable evidence, I might be more supportive. In other words, he both hands you the problem and solution at the same time, which is a clear indication of bias - in other words - many of the church structures he criticizes are not as guilty of the offense as he seems to think - rather - this is a reflection of the author's tendency towards self-effacement and self-disappointment. I think as long as we can take the author's with a grain of salt, we are promised to walk away with good tools to remind ourselves when we face the various Jesus's he describes and gives us the strength to avoid the exhausting pitfalls of performance based Christianity. All-in-all, I'm glad I read this book, and I feel like Matt raises some great points overall. Ultimately this books points back to the Gospel by making us aware of the voices in the church that mascarade as Christ, but only burden our lives. This book points back to the Gospel in all its simplicity and beauty - we are incapable of Christ-like change without Him, and warns us against voices that tell us otherwise. I feel like the book could have gone a bit farther in explaining how Christ achieves His work in us, i.e., how the Spirit was given to us to achieve God's work in us (Ephesians 2:10). At times it feels like the author is exhausted, burnt out, done - perhaps not with Christ, but with the Church. This is certainly symptomatic of a toxic practice of faith - however, my hopes are this book is the promise of a better experience of becoming a new creation in Christ that is so often discussed in Corinthians, Ephesians, etc. Not a book I'd give to new Christians (don't do it), but certainly a book I'd give to a Christian who is burnt out on the church and needs some therapy. It definitely spoke to the part of me that has experienced disillusionment in the Church. Note: this book was lent to me - I don't know if I would buy this book . . . it has the promises of a very good book, but I think this belongs on the internet or a blog - it's just not developed enough for Publishing in my view. With some work, I think it's publishable.

  • 3
    But Jesus is not as predictable as we would like Him to be

    Posted by Jill P. Jones on 04 28 2017

    What do you want from Jesus? someone who gives wise life advice in the form of checklists that can be performed in order to reach a certain goal--like being a "successful" Christian or going to heaven? someone who doles out blessings left and right when we do what we are "supposed" to do or even when we just ask? Matt Johnson dispels all of the wrong ways we portray Jesus in "Getting Jesus Wrong". Depending on how we've been raise or what we've been told about Him, we have an idea of who we want Jesus to be. But Jesus is not as predictable as we would like Him to be. He doesn't dole out blessings based on our good behavior. Sometimes we do what God wants us to do, but we don't get what we want. Whether you agree with Johnson or not, his book is thought-provoking and insightful. Knowing Jesus shouldn't leave you feeling guilt-ridden. Neither should we perform for blessings. When we come to know the real Jesus, we will experience the freedom in Christ we are promised in God's Word.

  • 4
    Thought Provoking

    Posted by Karen I. on 04 20 2017

    "Getting Jesus Wrong" is such a thought-provoking read. It will have you thinking about your beliefs and your personal walk with Jesus throughout this book while at the same time think ah I have never thought about this or that in that light before. Each of us have a personal relationship with Jesus, and each of us views Jesus a certain way. We are all influenced by our families, how we were raised, the church we grew up in or are a part of and how we have interpreted the Bible, among many other factors. However, some may be inaccurate and cause us to see Jesus a certain way while in fact Jesus Himself is trying to give us another message or really is something all together different from what we belief. This is a great book to help the reader feel stronger in his or her beliefs and really build that relationship with Jesus to a healthy and more "right" way of thinking and living.

  • 5
    Getting Jesus Wrong

    Posted by Jalynn Patterson on 04 20 2017

    About the Book: If you met Jesus today, and he asked, What do you want from me? what would you say? When Jesus asked that question long ago, he got a variety of answers. Some wanted a miracle, some a theological debate, some a sign that he was the Messiah, some wanted power, some wanted just to see him, and others wanted to get rid of him. We are much the same aren't we? We all want something from Jesus. We are just hoping for a little help to get through life a new direction, a purpose that will get us up in the morning, an exercise plan, a way to get organized. But that approach to Jesus doesn't result in real faith or love. The real Jesus doesn't give us just a little help. He turns our world upside down. Getting Jesus right means a whole new way of thinking (the way up is down) and a whole new way of life (daily dependence on the one who knows the beginning from the end). Instead of a blueprint for living or a new workout plan, we get a rich life where the simple truths of the gospel inform our everyday life with each other. Where we daily remember our deep need for forgiveness, the joy of being forgiven, and gradually become those who receive grace and share grace with those around us. My Review: Following after God and living for Him is a daily choice, most days it's easier than others. I'm glad that God does grants us grace in multiple areas, especially this one. Running after Him especially when the world has turned against you or at least when it feels like it has is one of those times when it's all I can do to keep from breaking in a million pieces if I don't get to grab a hold of the remnant of Him, one more time. There are so many things He is to me but most of all lately, He has been comforter. I'm not sure if the Bible says it but sometimes He can be a challenger, as well. He challenges me to be better than I was yesterday. He challenges me to look outside of my own "box", even when it seems impossible. God is straight forward and simple yet so incredibly complicated. Just when you think that you have a hold of this "being a Christian thing" he takes you in for another round. He tells me I am to rely on Him for comfort, for living, for wholeness and that noone can complete this in me only Him. He never lies or tries to twist the truth so I know without a doubt I can count on Him and His word above all else. Whether its feelings or situations that turn my world upside down, I know for a fact that my God walks through that fire right beside me. Many times in my life, I myself have gotten Jesus wrong. I thought that He was no where to be found, when in fact He was beside me, all along. During the times I have made horrendous mistakes wondering why He didn't stop me. Or the time when I was so incredibly devastated by my mother's death that I went through a 20 year long depression and fog that swallowed me, sadness and all. There have been so many times, that it is virtually impossible to count. But, I have come to realize that in those times, all of them in every situation, He may have been quiet but I was never alone. The author many times has found himself at a crossroads of sorts where He thought He had God all figured out when in fact, he didn't. God I find personally, is sort of like that. He does NOT fit into a box for us to use when we feel like it and how we want. He is after all, GOD. He is our God. Our leader and the director of our life. This life is ongoing and each day as the author states we have to live the way He wants us to not how we want to. It is after all about glorifying Him. We spend our lives doing it here only to continue once we are in Heaven with our glorious King. The author shares what he has learned on his journey through this life and following Jesus. While he didn't always get it right, he admits that he doesn't always get it right but we can't give up--we have to keep trying.

  • 5
    This book was an honest look at grace through the backdrop of the author's personal story

    Posted by Becky Dente on 04 19 2017

    This book was an honest look at grace through the backdrop of the author's personal story. He doesn't reveal the newest secret that will instantly make us successful and fulfilled. He doesn't talk down to us, shaming us into getting Jesus right. Matt's writing is bold in it's transparency and an accurate depiction of the human struggle to know our Savior. Some passages made me laugh out loud, some made me cringe like I was looking into a mirror of myself seeing every default magnified and I even shed a few tears as the author brought me back to Cross. On the technical side, there is one critique to make. He names one denomination, while omitting the names of two others, yet it's only in the context do we realize that one of the un-named churches is the main actor to the overall narrative. It can throw the reader out of the story, but it's truly a minor point because the book isn't denouncing a church. The author makes his point clear that the struggles come from his own heart and then leads the reader to the solution he found in Jesus.

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