In Shame Interrupted, bestselling author Edward T. Welch empowers readers to live in light of the gospel of God's grace, which breaks the lingering power of shame.
Providing immediate application to every reader's spiritual journey, Welch's book guides men and women to seek freedom from the shame of their own relational and sexual brokenness.
Shame controls far too many of us, and the Bible addresses the issue of shame from start to finish. Shame Interrupted reminds readers that God cares for the shamed, and that through Jesus, they are covered, adopted, cleansed, and healed.
Shame Interrupted creates a safe place to deal with shame, shining a light on the dynamics of sin and how it is overcome through the power of Christ. By identifying with our shame on the cross, Jesus gives believers freedom from the paralyzing effects of sin and shame.
As someone who is familiar with the effects and crushing weight of shame and the overwhelming freedom found in Christ Welch invites readers to find confidence in the cleansing work of Christ in this raw and brutally honest book.
By examining the depths of the human heart, Welch has made accessible invaluable tools for counseling, soul care, and pastoral work. Shame Interrupted dwells on hope and healing, providing gospel answers to difficult questions.
Edward T. Welch, MDiv, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). He earned a PhD in counseling (neuropsychology) from the University of Utah and has a Master of Divinity degree from Biblical Theological Seminary. Ed has been counseling for over thirty years and has written extensively on the topics of depression, fear, and addictions. His biblical counseling books include Shame Interrupted; When People Are Big and God Is Small; Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave; Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness; Crossroads: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Addiction; Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest; When I Am Afraid: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Fear and Anxiety; Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love; and A Small Book about a Big Problem: Meditations on Anger, Patience, and Peace.
"This is more than an important and redemptive book; it is a labor that could open the field of counseling, soul care, and pastoral work to a vital reformation that comes when one has cut open a path that has laid dormant for too long."
Dan B. Allender, PhD, Professor of Counseling Psychology and Founding President The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology; author of The Wounded Heart: Help for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse
"As someone who has had a long struggle with the demeaning, paralyzing, idol-fueling power of shame, I am so thankful for Ed Welch's newest book, Shame Interrupted. Ed shows us how the gospel of God's grace not only cancels the legal guilt of sin, but also how it breaks the lingering power of shame. As Jesus works in our hearts, to heal and free us from shame, we don't become proud triumphalists, but 'boasters in weakness' men and women, gladdened and gentled by the irrepressible love of our grace-full Bridegroom, Jesus, set free to serve him and love others. This is such a practical and encouraging read!"
Scotty Smith, Founding pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee; author of Everyday Prayers: 365 Days to a Gospel-Centered Faith
"This book proclaims a message of hope and healing. Ed Welch calls us to identify with Jesus because he identified with us, and shows that the answer is to turn to Christ for relief from shame, not inward. Ed's book is a robustly biblical, deeply personal, and powerfully high-octane gospel answer to the universal human experience of shame."
Justin Holcomb, Adjunct Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; coauthor, Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault
"Ed's book has immediate application into my own spiritual journey and the women I journey with who are seeking freedom from the shame of their own relational and sexual brokenness. Shame Interrupted encouraged and nurtured me in the sweet truths of the gospel that come when we face shame through Jesus Christ and the lens of God's Word."
Ellen Dykas, Women's Ministry Coordinator, Harvest USA; editor of Sexual Sanity for Women
"Ed Welch has given the family of God a tremendous treasure in his book, Shame Interrupted. Serving for many years as a pastor and shepherd of people, I know firsthand how this issue plagues many in the body of Christ. As always, Dr. Welch has written with loving concern for those who are hurting and with biblical accuracy. That combination makes his handling of this topic a resource that will help people address shame properly and will help those who seek to equip others in this process."
Bryan Hughes, DMin, Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, MT
"Welch has given us a profound and comprehensive work on the often neglected topic of shame, addressing the issue with pastoral sensitivity, biblical acuity, and practical advice. In our world, people are asking less about guilt and more about how to deal with shame in their lives and in their past. This is a great resource for pastors, counselors, and for anyone interested."
Rankin Wilbourne, Lead Pastor, Pacific Crossroads Church, Los Angeles, CA
"With the skill and care of a farmer turning over his soil in spring, Ed manages to unearth the shame buried within the human heart. The title will cause some to shy away with a degree of self-denial saying, "I don't have this problem." If you came from the line of Adam, you have this problem. Having taught the Word for many years, I am not ashamed to admit how much I learned about my own heart and the redemptive power of the gospel to set me free."
D. Michael Minter, Senior Pastor of Reston Bible Church in Virginia
"Ed Welch creates a safe place to deal with shame. Whether your shame is worn as a scarlet letter for all to see, or invisibly written on your heart, he turns shame on its head, showing us how to move away from shame and proudly wear the robes of honor that God himself bestows on us. Whether you are trying to deal with shame yourself or ministering to others, I would encourage you to read this book to guide you in the process of restoring hope and joy to those who hang their heads in shame."
Janet Nygren, Coauthor in the Bringing the Bible to Life Series; Director of Assimilation at Princeton Presbyterian Church
"Many today are stained by a crushing sense of being not good enough worthy only of rejection. Ed Welch understands the shame-based person so fluently that it is easy to forget that he is a professional counselor and theologian. He writes more like a friend and fellow sufferer, so his counsel is richly biblical and practical. This book filled me with confidence in the cleansing, adopting, and sanctifying work of the cross."
Tara Barthel, Author of Living the Gospel in Relationships and coauthor of Peacemaking Women and Redeeming Church Conflicts
"Ed Welch finds us hiding in our shame and draws us out to be re-clothed by Christ. He surprises us again with the deep relevance of God's Word even Leviticus to the secret fears that dominate our daily lives. This brutally honest book is for every one."
Mike Wilkerson, Pastor and Director of Biblical Counseling at Mars Hill Church; author, Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry
"Shame is everywhere. It is obvious on the faces of those who have been abused. But because of sin, it lies in the depths of every human heart. Ed Welch shines the light of the gospel of Christ into the dynamics of shame, and explains how it is overcome in the honor Christ obtained for us through his identification with our shame on the cross."
Eric Johnson, Lawrence and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Pastoral Care, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Director of the Society for Christian Psychology
"This side of heaven, we all struggle with shame and guilt. Ed Welch has served the church well by writing a thorough, practical, Christ-centered treatment of this difficult subject. Your love for Jesus will be greatly increased as you reflect on the way His work on the cross has freed you from the paralyzing effects of sin."
Steve Viars, Senior Pastor, Faith Church; Faith Biblical Counseling
"In Shame Interrupted, Ed Welch reminds us that the gospel really is good news. He provides a candid perspective on the suffocating reality of human shame with an honest courage that is only possible because of Christ's healing love. Dr. Welch brings the wisdom of an experienced counselor and the resilient hope of a Christ-follower into this compassionate book."
Mark R. McMinn, PhD, Author of Sin and Grace in Christian Counseling
"Dr. Welch seems to know what the reader needs long before he or she knows and recognizes that shamed people are often hopeless people. Shame Interrupted is not just a remedy for persons caught in paralyzing shame; it gives them hope that it is possible to live a life that feels clean and holy. That is a gift."
Jeffrey S. Black, PhD, Chair and Professor Graduate Program in Counseling, Cairn University; Licensed Psychologist
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Excellent resource on shame and how holiness applies Biblically to the topic. Very helpful. Glad to have read this personally and professionally as a chaplain.
We all feel shame about something(s) in our lives. This book helps us to understand why and to sort through what is "our" shame as opposed to shame that belongs to "others". Helps enable you to move past these feelings with the aid of scriptural references.
This is far beyond a mere self help book. Welch uses sound biblical understanding to demonstrate how shame can be totally shattered and removed. Once a person realizes the significance and ramifications of Christ’s death and resurrection, shame need no longer be a factor in ones life. This is one of the best books that I have read on overcoming Shame
This was easy to read. I found it helpful when working on establishing my identity in Christ. The writer elaborates on the facts about Christ and his position and human experience. It’s very good.
When I first read through the initial chapters, I felt my heart sink. Wow, this is what shame looks like and this is what I look like living through it. It was almost overwhelming how shame had affected me personally and seeing it written on the pages of this book made me feel somehow exposed. However, I went through the rest of the book and saw how the author used that pain and exposure to bring hope to the situation. Through this book, I have learned how God sees me and so much more. I think anyone living with shame whether it was brought on by yourself, or brought on by someone else (something we didn't control) should definitely read this book. Ed Welch does not offer pat answers, simplification of the problem, or positive thinking techniques. Instead he offers wise counsel through biblical instruction that is so, so helpful. Some of the biblical stories in the text were review for me. I knew about the Old Testament and why Jesus came and why we are baptized, but I still got things out of it to help me in my faith. It was an encouragement to read through this and know that Christ sees me very differently. I don't have to be ashamed, but I know its a process where God is consistently holding me up and it is easy to fall back into the lies. I appreciate his observations about shame because most Christians would rather skirt around these issues than address them. They think its unbiblical to feel shame or to even discuss it. This is wrong. Bring these issues to the light and let God help you deal with them. That is what this book has taught me.
Perhaps all of us carry some shame deep within our soul... because of things we have done, or because of things people have done to us. Either way, we need healing. This book is a systematic walk through the road to healing and forgiveness. Well presented. Anything but flippant. Systematic, reflective and thoughtfully presented.
This book was great at addressing the chaos of defeat and shame going on in my heart and giving direction on how to heal. My main complaint is that it is not a very easy to read book and at times where the depression and defeat and thoughts were rampant it was hard to absorb what I was reading and I often had to go back and reread several paragraphs because my mind would easily drift. It took me 7 months to read, but what I read was often where I was at in my healing process, so I would actually recommend going through this book slowly and giving yourself time to work through your struggles.
Nobody can soothe the heart with the words of Jesus quite like Ed Welch. I've read all his stuff and this is some of his best Biblical counseling work. Every parent should read this as their kids approach teenage years. Every college student should read this as they navigate new waters. Everyone should read this to understand their fellow people better and love them well with Gospel truths.
Shame has deeply effected me for most of my life.. and I have yet to pick up a book that has impacted me the core of my being like this one has.. not only is shame exposed & thoroughly defined- but the healing solution of God's answer to this condition is beautifully presented as well. The words on these pages are life-changing, revelational & healing. God's heart for us is carefully communicated as the the solution for Shame unfolds.
I've never written a review of a book. But after reading it I want to shout it's contents to the world. Or at least I want to start digging deeper into the Word so I can shout that content and truth to the world. I have described this book as sitting in a counselor's office after having poured out my heart to him/her (which I have been doing lately). But instead of just listening, the counselor stops me and defines me. All my problems, hurts, etc., are simply shame. He defines different types of shame and helps me see myself. Then he goes on to teach me about the Bible. He makes connections in scripture, especially passages I've known all my life, and demonstrates how I can be seen in the passage. I see Jesus as I should now. For the longest time I would have people counsel me "Preach the gospel to yourself. You know the truth." Sure I did. But that didn't change the fact that I still believed myself to be unworthy. I knew my guilt before God. I knew how to handle that. But I never knew what to do with the childhood memories when even bad things that happened TO me were also my fault. I've learned they aren't. Someone finally took the little girl inside me and told me those were things for which Jesus also died. And they weren't my fault. The author got personal at times but he was right. It's taken me 4 weeks to read this book. If you asked my family, it's made a dramatic impact on me in that time. I think I'm beginning to understand that other people do not always carry the same amount of shame I have carried. I am a very emotional person. I feel deeply. Hurt, embarrassment, shame? Well, they dug down deep in there. I still have mistakes and embarrassed that happened as a child that I remember like yesterday. And I want to hide because of it. That is shame. But I am learning to believe truth now. It's a daily battle and the enemy hates me, so it's not easy. But this book has brought all of that into perspective and taught be a better way. And it's deeply Biblical. He just helped my visual mind see it so I could understand it. Telling me doesn't often help. But showing me through illustration or stories, I'm hooked. I suppose if you see yourself in my words this book is for you. But really, I think everyone should read it. Why? Because there is bound to be someone in your life that as you read you will see clearly why they say things and act the way they do. If you struggle to grasp the love of Jesus, this book is for you. If you want a deeper understanding of human nature and God's response to it, this book is for you. One final "who is this book for" comment. I've wondered if this wouldn't also make a great read for someone seeking to know more about Jesus or maybe someone who grew up in the church and that is where they experienced their greatest amount of shame; now they've walked away from their faith. Honestly, I often think that only by God's grace am I still a believer. Some of my greatest shame was suffered in the walls of the church. And although I no longer believe it, for many years I blamed myself. It had been my fault for what happened. I don't think that anymore. I've learned to confess my part, forgive, and let it go. I've learned to trust what the Father says about Himself. It's not about me. And really, I no longer want it to be. Read it slowly. Dig into the scripture he gives you. Ponder the Biblical stories he uses and tells in a different light. Put yourself in those stories. I'm am sure this book won't be for everyone. God may not use it the same way He did for me. But there might be someone you know and love that will benefit. I pray it will be impactful for someone and the Lord will use it to set others free. One final thought. I've never been much of a Bible reader. I've wanted to be. The more I have read through this book, the more I want to dig into the Word. I guess maybe just understanding some of the gospel stories and passages a little better has moved me to dig more. Or maybe it's just simply that I finally allowed myself to believe God and trust the Holy Spirit to do what he's supposed to do. I suppose if you see yourself in my words this book is for you. But really, I think everyone should read it. Why? Because there is bound to be someone in your life that as you read you will see clearly why they say things and act the way they do. If you struggle to grasp the love of Jesus, this book is for you. If you want a deeper understanding of human nature and God's response to it, this book is for you. One final "who is this book for" comment. I've wondered if this wouldn't also make a great read for someone seeking to know more about Jesus or maybe someone who grew up in the church and that is where they experienced their greatest amount of shame; now they've walked away from their faith. Honestly, I often think that only by God's grace am I still a believer. Some of my greatest shame was suffered in the walls of the church. And although I no longer believe it, for many years I blamed myself. It had been my fault for what happened. I don't think that anymore. I've learned to confess my part, forgive, and let it go. I've learned to trust what the Father says about Himself. It's not about me. And really, I no longer want it to be. Read it slowly. Dig into the scripture he gives you. Ponder the Biblical stories he uses and tells in a different light. Put yourself in those stories. I'm am sure this book won't be for everyone. God may not use it the same way He did for me. But there might be someone you know and love that will benefit. I pray it will be impactful for someone and the Lord will use it to set others free. One final thought. I've never been much of a Bible reader. I've wanted to be. The more I have read through this book, the more I want to dig into the Word. I guess maybe just understanding some of the gospel stories and passages a little better has moved me to dig more. Or maybe it's just simply that I finally allowed myself to believe God and trust the Holy Spirit to do what he's supposed to do.