The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible

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The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible
The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible Picture Books
The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible Picture Books
The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible Picture Books
The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible Picture Books
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How do you explain the gospel to toddlers and preschoolers? Often adults are stumped, but Jared Kennedy's focus on the promises of God makes the gospel come alive to the littlest hearts. Throughfifty-two Old and New Testament stories, The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible highlights God's perfect promises. Every page pops with bright colors, playful illustrations, fun learning opportunities, and, best of all each story points children to Jesus.

Kids know the value of a promise. Through the gospel, our good and all-powerful God keeps his word and fulfills his promises to us better than we could have ever thought or imagined!

In The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, author Jared Kennedy traces God's perfect promises through fifty-two Old and New Testament stories, retold in simple and compelling ways with toddlers and preschoolers in mind. Each gospel-centered story highlights God's tale of redemption through Jesus and the unexpected and surprising ways that God's grace and mercy are revealed throughout the Bible. Children will hear the good news of God's love for them clearly expressed in ways that will speak to their young hearts. Brightly colored illustrations highlight the stories and add fun teaching elements of counting, opposites, patterns, and object recognition to keep even the youngest child's attention. Every story also ends with a question that parents and caregivers can use to further reinforce the message.

Through reading this book one chapter at a time to your children or letting them read it to you! even the youngest kids will come to know that God's promises are especially for them, and that God always keeps his promises.

McKay Caston, DMin, PhD, served as a pastor for twenty-six years and now leads the Doctor of Ministry program in Gospel Renewal and Pastoral Leadership for Metro Atlanta Seminary. The aim of his ministry is to help people come alive to the transforming power of God's grace in the crucified, risen, and reigning Jesus. He is the author of Galatians: Navigating Life in View of the Cross. When not writing or teaching, McKay enjoys spending time at home with his family and hiking the mountains of north Georgia. Discover more at
Jared Kennedy, MDiv, ThM, is the cofounder and managing editor of Gospel-Centered Family, a ministry that helps churches and families share Jesus with the next generation. He also serves as the Children's and Family Ministry Strategist for the Sojourn Network, and is an adjunct professor at Boyce College. He is the author of The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, Jesus Rose for Me, Jesus Came for Me, and God Made Me for Worship, and has developed two VBS programs, Proof Pirates and Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet. He blogs regularly at Gospel-Centered Family and contributes to @TGC, @ERLC, and @HeReadsTruth. You can follow him on Twitter @jaredskennedy. He and his wife, Megan, have three girls, Rachael, Lucy, and Elisabeth.
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"This simple, beautifully illustrated story Bible is perfect for helping the youngest members of God's family trace the gospel thread through the rich tapestry of Scripture. It will be the first story Bible I buy for all my grandchildren."
Iain Duguid, Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary; author

"Jared Kennedy has created a spectacular resource to help us teach the Bible to our youngest children. Though the language is simple enough for toddlers, the gospel truth it carries can and will transform lives. The illustrations compliment the story, creating a colorful journey for children as they discover the promises of God and how they are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. I will be placing a copy of this book in all our children's ministry classrooms and recommending that every family in our church with small children add it to their bookshelf."
Marty Machowski, Pastor; author of The Ology, The Gospel Story Bible, and other books and curriculum for the church and family

"With colorful, attention-grabbing illustrations and simple, heart-grabbing stories, The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible is a must for you and your littles."
Jessica Thompson, speaker; podcaster; author of Everyday Grace

"As a teacher of Biblical Interpretation, I frequently lament the hermeneutical thoughtlessness found in many children's materials. The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, however, is a different story. It is characterized by both faithfulness to the intent of the inspired biblical authors and attention to the unifying themes of Scripture that find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ. The book is also beautifully illustrated. I wish this story Bible had been available when my children were younger. I am pleased to commend it with enthusiasm."
Robert L. Plummer, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"Colorful! Simple! Beautiful! Jesus-centered! Those are just a few of the words that I would use to describe this new book from Jared Kennedy. The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible is a reliable resource to provide to children's teachers for use in their classrooms and to parents who need a tool to begin discipling their children at home."
Timothy Paul Jones, C. Edwin Gheens Professor of Christian Family Ministry, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible lives up to its title. It truly is filled with stories that highlight the gospel promise in each portion of the Scriptures. Kennedy brings familiar passages into focus, highlighting God as the promise-making and promise-keeping good father who loves his children. Beautifully illustrated and perfect for a wide variety of ages, this book will definitely prompt questions and conversations about what life might look like as a follower of our wonderful promise-fulfilling God. The gospel is a clear and natural part of each chapter as God's plan of redemption unfolds through the great stories of the Scripture. Focused on Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promise to provide a way back to life with him, The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible is both faithful and fun. I highly recommend it."
Michael Thigpen, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

"It has always been challenging to find gospel-rich books to share with our kids, especially when they were very little. Here, Jared Kennedy and Trish Mahoney offer an engaging, beautiful, and fun resource for families. The stories manage to be faithful to the Scriptures and clear for young children, and they're loaded with conversation starters. My only wish is that this book had come sooner!"
Mike Cosper, Founder and Director of Harbor Media

"Once I started reading The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, I could hardly stop. Jared Kennedy retells favorite Bible stories with a freshness and clarity that toddlers and preschoolers (and their parents) will love. Open this book with your little one, and watch eyes light up, fingers point, and smiles start to spread. Every page pops with bright colors and playful illustrations. Best of all, each of the fifty-two short chapters will point your child to Jesus. And that's good news for young and old alike."
Champ Thornton, Author of The Radical Book for Kids

"Parents, if you want a beginner's bible study that's clear, beautifully-illustrated, on-level and brimming with gospel-promises, look no further. Just spend one minute flipping through The Beginners Gospel Story Bible and you will be convinced that Jared Kennedy is a pastor who knows how to convey bible truths in a memorable manner. Sure to capture little minds with big promises!"
Dave Harvey, President of Sojourn Network; founder of; author of When Sinners Say I Do and Letting Go: Rugged Love for Wayward Souls

"It is invaluable that a child's understanding of the story of God's love for us to be grand and expansive. Not overly simplified in the form of a love note, but rather as an epic story of perfection, sin, redemption, and restoration. If a child comes to this understanding at a young age, it will fundamentally transform how they relate to God and read scripture. Jared's distillation of these gospel truths is an invaluable resource to parents and pastors alike."
Sam Luce, Pastor of Families, Redeemer Church, Utica, NY

"Stories are great conveyers of truth, which is why Jesus so often told stories to his followers. His stories were often simple, repeatable, and powerful. Children of all ages won't be able to put this book down because the truths revealed are timeless!"
Steve Wright, Pastor of Discipleship and Church Planting, Family Church, West Palm Beach, FL

"Jared Kennedy has written a beautiful, theologically rich book that everyone will love kids, parents, and teachers! The illustrations are captivating and stunning, matched only by Jared's passion for God's Word and the incredible way he makes it accessible for kids. I love this book and can't wait to read it with my daughter!"
Melanie Rainer, Director of Content at JellyTelly

"Jared is a master teacher. He sees what each Bible story says about God, and also what God says in each story to a child's heart. This book is packed with simple and strong truths like, 'God never forgets his people,' and, 'Jesus died instead of us.' Jared gets to the core of each Bible story without dumbing it down, and then makes it easy to understand and remember. That's powerful teaching exactly what kids need!"
Jack Klumpenhower, Author of Show Them Jesus

"The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible is a gift to parents and Bible teachers alike. The stories are written with a gospel crispness and illustrated with vivid colors and pictures that are sure to teach little minds about the beauty of God and his Kingdom. The Lord will use this work to plant many seeds in mini hearts."
Jamaal Williams, Lead Pastor, Sojourn Community Church – Midtown

"God's promises are at the heart of the gospel, and those promises reveal his heart while deepening our faith, sustaining our hope, and enabling us to know and experience his love. The Gospel Story Bible illustrates, clarifies, and applies God's promises made and kept. Jared's pastoral heart and his passion for reaching kids with the gospel is seen on every page. Use this book to train children, adults, and even ministry leaders to see the beautiful story of God in ways that stir the imagination and engage the heart, while grounding the reader in the faithful and enduring love of God."
Robert K. Cheong, Pastor of Care, Sojourn Community Church

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57 Reviews

  • 4
    My 1 year old loves the pictures, I love how every story points to Jesus

    Posted by Abby Fultz on 03 10 2023

    My 1 year old loves the pictures, I love how every story points to Jesus

  • 4
    My 1 year old loves the pictures, I love how every story points to Jesus

    Posted by Abby Fultz on 03 10 2023

    My 1 year old loves the pictures, I love how every story points to Jesus

  • 5
    Great Storybook Bible for Preschool

    Posted by Jenny Nocchi on 02 15 2023

    This was quite the surprise. This is great for preschool aged kids. It is well written, easy to understand and has eye catching pictures. So excited to add this for our Sunday school preschool teachers.

  • 5
    Jared Kennedy masterfully tells the story of Jesus throughout the Bible

    Posted by Troy Nevitt on 12 20 2022

    Jared Kennedy masterfully tells the story of Jesus throughout the Bible and shows the importance of the gospel continually throughout. It's easy to read, clear, and a wonderful addition to the children story Bibles that exist.

  • 5
    Jared Kennedy masterfully tells the story of Jesus throughout the Bible

    Posted by Troy Nevitt on 12 20 2022

    Jared Kennedy masterfully tells the story of Jesus throughout the Bible and shows the importance of the gospel continually throughout. It's easy to read, clear, and a wonderful addition to the children story Bibles that exist.

  • 5
    Our favorite Bible story book!

    Posted by Orangewood Church on 08 24 2020

    Our Children's Ministry LOVES this Bible! The illustrations are beautiful and the stories are told in a way that is perfect for young children to understand. Our church also has a preschool and this is the chapel teacher's favorite Bible to use! Many of the children ask to read a story again and again, which is a high compliment, indeed! Thank you so much for this book, it truly is a blessing!

  • 5
    My Favorite Children's Story Bible

    Posted by Zack Ford on 04 16 2018

    If you have children, I would wholeheartedly recommend this story Bible. We have tried several story Bibles and books with our 2 year old. Some he likes, and some he doesn’t. But from the very beginning, this has been his go-to book that he wants to read, and one that keeps his attention from start to finish. Its ability to capture the attention of children with its short stories and vivid artwork, connected to the fact that it is rich in its content and focus on the Gospel as the central storyline of the Bible makes this story Bible our first choice for teaching the truth of Scripture to our young children. If you haven’t found one that you love yet, I would recommend you give this one a shot. It is now my favorite children’s story Bible!

  • 5
    A delight to read and visually fun,

    Posted by Bibliophile Reviews on 12 28 2017

    As a mom, I really enjoyed sharing the gospel with my daughter through this book. It was a delight to read and visually fun, she was engaged and asked questions. How great it is to have a variety of tools to enlighten our children in the Lord.

  • 5
    Bright and colorful Illustrated children's book

    Posted by on 12 21 2017

    The illustrations throughout are bright and colorful. They have a smart, almost info-graphic design style, that not only brings the characters to life, but also illustrate preschool learning concepts you can incorporate into the story as you read like opposites, counting, ordering, etc.

  • 5
    Oh my goodness. This book is an absolute delight.

    Posted by A Lively Hope on 12 21 2017

    Oh my goodness. This book is an absolute delight. The illustrations are so sweet and the bible stories are meaningful, and well told. I have been squirreling this book away to give to my sweet Elijah when he turns 4 next month but IÕve almost given it to him early several times. It is seriously the cutest thing IÕve seen in a long time, while still being uplifting and something kids of any age could learn from.

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