The Acrostic of Scripture gives parents and teachers a unique way to teach theology to children and makes catechism fun! An alphabet of words introducing biblical theology, written to a rhyming beat, paints a detailed and varied portrait of the unfolding story of the Bible, as it is fulfilled by Jesus.
Authors Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle have created The Acrostic of Scripture, to help children ages five to eleven learn theology so their "knowledge of God's big picture is better." The fourth release in the Acrostic Theology for Kids series, this book is fun to read, simple to memorize, and features illustrations from C. S. Fritz that shine with creativity.
The Acrostic of Scripture includes a QR code in the back that can be scanned to listen to the audio version of the book which Timothy Brindle reads in rap style.
"Every Christian parent, as well as pastors and leaders of Christ's Church, are always in need of Biblically faithful and effective instruments to assist in communicating the Gospel clearly to the "lambs" in the flock. This volume fulfills that desire beyond expectation with its effective teaching style, as well as interest attracting presentation, while communicating the life-changing power of the Gospel and call to Christ allowing children 'to come unto Him.'"
Harry L. Reeder III, Pastor Teacher, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
"Whoever said solid theology is only for adults neither understands children nor theology! This wonderful series persuasively speaks deep truth to children and grown-ups in an imaginative, memorable way. It will revolutionize the way they learn the things that matter most in life."
William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; jazz musician
"Biblical professor and parent, Jonny Gibson, and hip-hop artist and parent, Timothy Brindle, have crafted a readable and reliable series for basic Christian doctrines. We parents just might find ourselves discovering some new treasures along with our kids!"
Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary, California
"The Acrostic Theology for Kids series is a fun and engaging way to introduce kids (and their parents!) to important Bible words and concepts!"
Nancy Guthrie, Author of What Every Child Should Know About Prayer
"Learning is helped by memory aids and using the alphabet in this way is especially great for kids. It helps them remember AND gives them a sense of accomplishment, since they already know the alphabet and can tie new ideas to it. Looking forward to hearing Timothy rap it!"
Elizabeth W. D. Groves, Lecturer in Biblical Hebrew, Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia; author; performer
"God has chosen to make use of rhyme in order to help His people better learn and remember His truth. TimothyBrindle and Jonny Gibson have given parents and teachers a simple resource to assist children in learning how the people, places, events, and themes in the Bible connect to Christ. Additionally, they have highlighted the importance of knowing the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostle's Creed. This is a richly creative resource."
Pastor Nick Batzig, Senior Pastor, Church Creek PCA in Charleston, SC and Associate Editor, Ligonier Ministries
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To take a fun and thoughtful approach to passing on Scripture and what we believe to our children and grandchildren is a great way to go. That’s what the new, brightly illustrated 64-page hardcover book, “The Acrostic of Scripture: A Rhyming Biblical Theology for Kids” works at doing. The authors, Jonathan Gibson who is ordained in the International Presbyterian Church (UK) and serves as Associate Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and Timothy Brindle who is a Pastor at Olive Street Presbyterian Church (PCA), have pulled together an artful and creative way to present our kids with the story of God, full of Scripture and doctrine. This is the fourth installment in New Growth Press’s Acrostic Theology for Kids Series. After a brief prologue from the authors, the book jumps in, moving from A to Z. Each alphabetic section is brightly illustrated by C.S. Fritz, has a cadenced summary of the subject for that letter, and then is backed up with several quotations from the English Standard Version of the Scriptures. For example, “A” covers Adam, “I” touches on Israel, and “N” takes a peak at Nehemiah and the New Jerusalem. And the metrical summary is only a few lines long, some four and others a little more. The topics include biblical women and men, as well as Scriptural episodes. The final pages of the manual include “Basic Truths to Memorize with Children” and has the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Ten Commandments. Lastly. Also, to make things even more interesting, there is a QR code at the back of the book that if you scan it will pull up an audio version of one of the authors rapping each topic. Quite fun. It’s clear that the authors spent some serious brain-cell energy on making many of the additions to the book fit. Though not every rhyme is as poetically pleasing as others, nevertheless, the overall approach would make a delightful read with one’s kids or grandkids. Having spent many hours reading to my four children over the years, and now to my grandkids, I can see how this book would be quite enjoyably useful. This is a book I can happily recommend. My thanks to New Growth Press for alerting me to this book and sending me a free electronic copy. They made no demands on me, other than that I write a review. Thus, my evaluation is freely made and freely given.
This book is an excellent new release. The pictures are beautiful and the content is theologically accurate and every letter points back to God.
“The Acrostic of Scripture: A Rhyming Biblical Theology for Kids” by Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle The basics: This is a kids book centered around the idea of a rhyming acrostic that helps children learn biblical theology. This is the fourth book in this particular series. The flowers: This is a rich book. The authors weave together beautiful lines that communicate powerful truths, and the art that is paired with each letter is vivid. The creativity and truth of the acrostic verses combined with the beauty of the art are sure to help children learn and love their Bibles. There is also an audio version where Timothy Brindle reads the rhymes himself which is helpful to catch the rhythm. The weeds: Some of the rhymes are a stretch. This is no compromise on the theology of the book, and I imagine that any such task as this one is going to have some better rhymes than others. The vast majority of the work is cohesive and well thought out. Recommended for: parents and children wanting to learn good biblical theology in a creative, memorable, and fun way. A refreshing and enjoyable read! This digital copy was provided to me by New Growth Press. Happily recommend.